I choose to live...


“Dies slowly who becomes a slave of the habit, repeating the same journeys every day. Who does not change brand does not risk to wear new colors, who makes television his guide. Who avoids a passion, who does not risk the certain thing by the uncertain to chase a dream, who does not allow himself at least once in a lifetime, flee from sensible advice. Dies slowly who does not travel, who does not read, who does not hear music, who does not find grace in himself” ...
The previously written does not belong to me, it is a passage from a beautiful poetry by the famous Brazilian writer Martha Madeiros, and it is really beautiful, beautiful and immense truth.

The human being lives so afraid of facing death that a great bubble of pre-established norms and concepts has been created to protect himself from the world that surrounds him and thus, according to a deeply dogmatic and archaic theory, to live within the protection regime that the shades of grays provide, with deep fear of color because color is unknown to them, because color is pregnant with the disorder of life, of a perfect disorder within the order of existence.
So color calls us to adventure, risk, to know ourselves and accept ourselves as we are, in short, calls us to live, without fear, without limits and without roofs.
Of course, along the path of life, of a life really lived, we can fall, hurt, cry, suffer and face fears and sadness; Of course, it is part of this adventure called life but also, in that same way, it’s what we really understand and feel... We laugh, we play, we touch happiness and when we understand that we’ll be finally part of the immense Universe that shelters us all. An overwhelming feeling because of how certain and clear it is.
Those of us who make the decision to opt for life, for color and for adventure, will possibly be rejected by those who prefer to live in the comfort of their protective bubble. Possibly we are seen as the rare of the group, the dissociated or those who are a little "crazy", however, despite being labeled, we must be aware that without us the "weirdos" the world would lack of beautiful works of art, of exalted music, of great films, great inventions and great discoveries that have even led humanity to go out into outer space and, eventually, beyond ...
I choose to live, it will always be my choice, I choose to risk myself and be faithful to my nature despite others and their prejudices, I choose to sit on the road and look back to be aware of the journey I have traveled, a journey I made to my way and that causes me happiness, because with mistakes and successes, it has always been my decision to live what has imposed.

I choose to live without fear of death, because death is also my decision, never my destiny. Because those who live, within their bubble of protection, with fear of death, have not realized that in reality what they are most afraid of is life itself, and therefore, they are already dead, living with an immense fear of living and just waiting to die …


When we change our thoughts, we change our world.

Certainly, if we want to change the world, we should start by changing our thoughts and expanding our mind and knowledge ... the Universe is so immense that there is no room for ceilings or limits, so it happens with our mind
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