Notice of a shift

Hey y'all. Long time no post. I'm going through a bit of a transition lately, and not just digitally. Life is changing, all for the Glory of God and in His Providence.



From now on, this blog will be less for gardening stuff, and more for a personal journal and opinions of my own. If you liked the gardening and farming content, it will resume soon at my new blog page. Please, feel free to unfollow this page and give that one a follow as soon as I bore or offend you here while exposing my biases that I've tried to keep down out of fear of boring and offending people I don't know. I'm not so concerned with that anymore. We can all get over that together, eh?

I've been continuing some short form gardening content at my telegram page, where I've shared some bits of encouragement and goings on at the farm. If you're on telegram, you're more than welcome there.

I thought for a while on closing this handle and going inactive, but that's not happening right now. Right now this will allow me a bit of an outlet for my own rants and ideas, keeping out of the garden inasmuch as that's possible in a really interconnected system.


Here lately I've been going through a bit of a rough time. I can look back on it, as I'm a couple days past what I now see was a paralyzing despair over the state of things beyond my control. I've been in a blackpilled phase, the cure for which was getting my head out of my ass and actually doing something. Thus the importance of ritual to keep off the vicious cycle of laziness and depression, I suppose. It is what it is though, and someone out there is making progress against you, whether you're making progress or not.

So as I come back tentatively from another season away, I want to up my relevance on this platform. I'll be honest, I haven't kept up with much of the chain-specific things since the hard fork. I'm gonna tag this one with #introduceyourself because I do feel like I'm starting over here. I don't know any of the communities that I'd be relevant in. I'm into 3D printing, anarchy of course, decentralized mindset, intentional community, traditional christian values, and more. Where are some good communities to talk about such things? I'll be looking on my own of course, but asking people can sometimes lead to better results than your own ventures. Also, where do I follow curation trails? I need to build my HP back up.

Don't downvote me for having a lot of posts and using the introduce yourself tag though, it's with the best intentions. Trying to plug back in here, so bear with me a minute while I try and catch up.


Welcome back. I'm having trouble finding community for my content on steem. It seems to be very different here now. I wish I could help you with all that. But I do look forward to your posts.

I'll be posting about it as I find out more. Mostly I'll be on political stuff it seems.

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