Discrimination!! Yes, I am a man and havent boobs - really I am doomed in Steemit? I require attention.
Hello - it goes beyond all limits!
I have a difficult and interesting life, I developed in business, lived in the jungle with shamans, I study hypnosis and a brain, I go in for psychology and I write about it in the blog, I spend a lot of time and forces - but records hardly collect $8!
I write interestingly, beautifully, I tell important and useful things - but people pass by!
Offensively!!! I thought that it is a social network of new level that here creative, smart and wise people are appreciated! That the blog shall be live, interesting and the useful.
But I not "cutie"...
It is unpleasant to see a real situation... in addition to me there are many other talented blogs, but the majority of them in the same situation, write articles for days on end and are left with nothing.
And what for? When there are girls! Unique - the cutie in
Steemit! Wow!!! Lovely photo!!! Let's give she $17.000 urgently!
You know, we dont need to condemn other people, probably "cutie" good and interesting, but if to speak honestly, such money gives them - for appearance!!! For a beautiful figure and this Discrimination !
Around thousands of people who need money, write serious articles, professionally blog - and are left without money, starve, and because they havent boobs!
I am a man, I have no boobs, I should use mind and experience, I write serious articles - but people pass by. but if article was written by "cutie", then she would receive at least $1000
That's all, people who really try, develop - remain with a piece of bread because there are no boobs.
It is a pity that so, it is correct as one author wrote, I don't remember his nickname - want boobs, they around on the Internet! Open a porn, visit the special websites and rejoice!!! At Steemit there are a lot of good sides and I sincerely hope that it will be really unique, original and smart social network! But won't turn into a typical forum from a pornography, humour and "elite", there is a wish to see new model of community, new model of thinking...
It is interesting if the same text (as at madam from $17.000) would be written by the girl, thick and unattractive, but the sense would be similar, without vulgar, trite photos and photoshoots?
... I think she would receive $50 at best, I hope that I am mistaken...
I sincerely thank everyone who read my post, I wish you success
P.S. I didn't want to offend anybody, the page of the girl was used as an example to survey an actual problem, all have a freedom of choice, and everyone solve what blog to write and to whom to give upvote, I try to draw attention to those people who in my subjective judgement are worthy upvote and are just ignored.
On Nicol Tesl's photo... the most great person
... He died in poverty... he created our Future.
Peace to you, Brenda and all people, also I congratulate she
on the good income and wish to use it intelligently.
I upvote U
Imagine the frustration of us, geek girls, that want to be recognised for our brain. We speak and people look at our boobies. And we cannot hide them (either I don't want....I cannot wear a burka but I can definitely sustain a gaze!). Some people are ruining our category :(
Also fecking wankers!
Upvoted btw! :-)
Very well I understand you! I hope in minds of people harmony, and not just consumerism will be reached
Hmmmm... all i can say is - +100500 for the steemit picture!
I do everything that in my forces... :)
How does an octopus go to war? -WELL-ARMED
Tits vs thoughts - in today's rampant idiocracy it's obvious which will win!
Maybe you should stuff basketballs in your shirt before you take a picture. You will get money too.
ha ha ha ha ha
Ciao! Ciao!
Great post. I think the same as you.... No boobs in a post... no vote !
Exciting to have ya!