RE: First Post - thenumber28 is Divine Numerology
I want to see that show! I am really into alternate realities, the matrix, Tesla, and that there are many things out there that cannot be seen with the naked eye. This website had a collision with the Mandela Effect back in 2013. Not many people know this, but that Sinbad movie was real. I saw the movie, my dad owned a video store in the 80's. After watching it, about a year later, the Shaq genie movie came out, with the same idea almost. I actually remember thinking they ripped this movie off the old Sinbad one. (I DID REMEMBER GETTING UPSET ABOUT THEM COPING THE MOVIE) - And as you know, that movie never existed, with even Sinbad denying he ever made that movie back in 2009 on twitter. Hopefully I can share my knowledge and make it entertaining AND assist in your own self awareness in this universe. Cheers
There is a difference between what you think happened and what happened. So, could you describe the details of the Sinbad Kazaam movie?