I Am The Next Big Thing On Steemit!steemCreated with Sketch.

Hello fellow Steemer,

What a bold statement to start things off with, right? Just kidding!
(I’ll come back to this  a little later when I talk about why you should follow me.)

But first I want to say that I am happy to finally be an active part of this great, new and exciting community. I’ve been into cryptocurrencies since 2014 but haven’t been very active until recently when a good friend of mine asked me to buy some bitcoins for him and I thought to myself, I might as well buy some more for me.

That’s how my Steemit story started ...

I Was Blown Away By What Happened In Only 3 Years!

Blockchains are no longer this lonely niche with a handful of coins and a couple of weirdos. It has become obvious that this might be the future. I spent days looking into the market, discovering one project after the other … and that’s when I found Steemit.

It was love at first sight.

Steemit immediately caught my attention because, as  a content creator & marketer myself who is struggling with censorship, earnings, etc., I appreciated that  this platform sets out to tackle all of these very issues. Wow! I immediately tried to sign up but was bummed when I read that it would take a while. Luckily I was able to get ahold of the right person and wuala... I was in!

HERE I AM & Why You Should Follow Me

My goal is to become an active contributor. I will be pointing out all the things I love about Steemit, but more importantly the things I think have to be improved (watch out for my next article where I will talk about: The 3 Reasons Why Steemit Is Doomed!).

Staying true to myself I will only post quality content that either has to do with Steemit directly (as I want to see the platform improve) or has to do with YOU. More specifically your personal development. For the past years I have been working hard on becoming my greatest version, overcoming challenges and achieving maximum freedom. And I want to share all of my findings with you - saving you lots of time and headaches in the process.

So please feel free to follow me so you don’t miss out on the good stuff to come!

So Who Is This Guy?

Well, my name is Oliver, I am 35 years old and I live mainly in Bali with my partner Adina (you can also find her on Steemit) and our son. I left the “civilized world” 6 years ago because I felt to limited by all its rules and regulations. Ever since then I have lived free & independent. I hope to feel the same here on Steemit.

Over the past years we’ve built an online movement that has inspired more than 200 Million people worldwide and I hope to reach some of you Steemers in the near future.

Feel free to check out our YouTube Channel, Website or Online School.
(Before you click be prepared for next level sexual education, don’t say I didn’t warn you)

Looking forward connecting with the community on Steemit. Please leave me a comment with any question you might have and make sure to follow if you're curious about becoming your greatest version.


PS: If you ever make it to Bali, hit me up ...


Hi welcome to tge community! It was a bit shock when I saw your topic but luckily it just for fun. Thanks for your detailed introduction and hope you will share more of your story here, especially your living place, food or life there:)

Hey @kitcat, I was just playing with words a little. I'M or I AM defines my current journey ... I am in the process of redefining myself. Which is fun but also very challenging. Looking forward sharing more on this great platform.

Life in Bali is amazing... but we also travel a lot. I will make sure to add that to my repertoire.

Hi Oliver, welcome to Steem!

I left a comment on this video addressed to your partner. Could you or her respond to it so that we can be certain that you own that Youtube account?

Bali :) wow ... I looked up on internet and it looks beautiful as anything ... Sure you will be the next big thing ... Let me push you a ladder up by upvoting .. would love to read more posts by you .. keep posting
Upvoted the post!
You Can follow me @utfull if you like
Will follow you back! See you around.

@utfull, thank you for taking the time to visit. Yes Bali is an amazing place with lots of opportunities. It had such a positive impact on my life but also brought some challenges with it. More posts coming for sure! Stay tuned and thanks for the vote much appreciated!

Really nice promising introduction. Welcome to steemit!

Just for curiosity: how it comes that your wife logged in before you?^^

I will nominate you for #steemitfunfactchallenge maybe you can adapt it with 30 steemit facts or your personal development steps, just feel free to adapt.

@talaxy, haha was showing her some things as she is not as much a tecky as I am :) Trying to show her around, but I guess I have to lead the way. Thanks for the idea & nomination will make sure to check out the #steemitfunfactchallenge :)

Welcome to Steemit. Upvoted and following you. Enjoy your day @sunshinetraveler

@sunshinetraveler get ready for some great content :) will make sure to stop by your place as well :)

This is what Steemit is all about!

@kiporen212 great content and a loving community... Love it!

Welcome to Steemit and you are :) absolutely anything you dream of. Be the one that inspire us and steem on :)

Hey thank you for the warm welcome! And I couldn't agree more! Working hard on shaping future me. I AM ... @teodora

I left the “civilized world” 6 years ago because I felt to limited by all its rules and regulations. Ever since then I have lived free & independent.

Goals in life tbh

Oh, btw, you seem like that kinda guy who I feel like I already know, despite the fact that this is literally the first time i'm hearing from you

@josephd, you know I believe that we are all somehow connect so in a way you are right! Glad to meet you josepth!

Got your back... you know what, we can do this! Let's get to dophin levels in a few weeks 😬... just started myself two weeks ago, let's go get it 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

@stackin, of course we can do this... no idea what dolphin level is but I am in!!!