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RE: The Curator Hulk & Bully Smasher!

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

..uhmm, .. I fail to see how that's worse for me than getting flagged by you. I never asked FTG to back me, that was entirely his decision, but I'm really appreciative of the fact that he did.

Want me to tell every one how I got off your flag bots about a year back? Hmm?!


Please do, because I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.

thats the problem you dont have a fucking clue period
never met a rich fucker like you who was such a jackass
in my eyes beanie you are the poorest creature on steem poor misguided morally bankrupt pincushion soul that you are

You've never met anyone rich because you're a trailer park piece of shit. Don't be confused. People like me do not associate with the bottom of the barrel trash, like you. This is the most you'll get out of someone like me.

your such a funny small minded man
im probably as rich as you but dont flaunt it
people such as yourself either get robbed at gunpoint for their big mouths or ohhh waaait a minute you were constantly beat up and picked on as a little bernadette i understand now beanie
i apologise i didnt know until now its all coming together

actually im in glee right now flag away dipshit flag flag flag thats all you know bots and insulting people for their opinions
flag cumshot flag you dirty old infected pincushion you

Nice exchange, off the bots for flagging Haejin.

Anything else you can't remember?

Are you trying to make yourself look cool? It's really not working for you...

Ah, very good, you are not denying it happened. Thank you!