Panadacoin: I have been part of the problem until now. But, I would like to start contributing to the community

It was mid-afternoon on a Thursday. I was looking for new coin Announcements to troll. All of a sudden I spot it: [ANN][STEEM][POW] - NO IPO | NO PREMINE | NO INSTAMINE (relaunch).
My face starts converting into the shape of a troll. I had attempted to mine it on the original launch, but never got past compilation. This time, I started digging through the github, and I was blown away. It was not some basic cookie-cutter clonecoin. It was something that took a lot of time and effort. I still could not figure out how to get mining though. So, I did as any greedy troll would do, I started demanding info from the developers(it was an account named reverseflash at the time). Everyone was patient with me, and I was able to get mining. I still was under assumption that this was just another shitcoin. I had no idea it would become the base of what was built on. But, like any greedy troll, I did not want to miss out....just in case.

I eventually made a post to help others compile the original version of steemd and the cli_wallet. I like to think that it helped many people get started that would not have been able to. It was the first step-by-step guide, but eventually once was released, a couple people copied my guide word for word basically and got paid pretty nice for it. Glad I could help out a little there too.

I never did become a member of the I had been pretty rude a few times in the early days in the thread. Also, blogging was never really my thing. I was a troll...but I like to think a white-hat troll. The main purpose of the panadacoin bitcointalk account was so I could troll shitty coins, and maybe save some people from losing money, while having the anonymity of a joke account. I even wore a shitty sig for yobit for a while cause I figured I may as well get paid for trolling. It was just a bad coincidence that the largest of my mining accounts would be named after a troll that I was embarrassed to be associated with.

Well, time went on. blew up to sizes beyond almost anyones expectations. I started wanting to be a bigger part of it but did not know where/how to start. I learned about curating and started practicing that. But it was boring just voting and never talking, so I lost interest pretty quick.

I would like to start contributing more, maybe writing some posts in the future. I apologize to anyone I was rude to in the mining launch, whoever was in control of thereverseflash account. And also, I hope I helped some of you get started mining with my early compiling guide. And I apologize for only powering down and not really contributing before. But remember please, I started this as a miner, I had no idea what it would become.


Thanks For The Share!

What makes you laugh the most?

Well you don't see that too much.... Pretty bad a$$ to admit some stuff and honestly make an apology. I wish you many successes!

Worry not that no one knows of you; seek to be worth knowing.