My introduction : I am a photographer, storyteller and student


My name is Pauline and I come from Belgium. More precisely from the french part : Wallonia.
I come from this tiny village in deep wallonia, where I knew everyone. Since then I moved a lot of times.
Today I live partially in Gent (in the dutch part) and in Waterloo (Napoleon yes yes). I am twenty-one year old (almost twenty-two in a week)!

(That's me ->) 12523928_10207540777932335_3488109877751573418_n.jpg

I study a postgraduate master in digital storytelling. I always have been fascinated by the media world and the mainstream media. I grew up with the tech evolution but today it does scares me a bit. I'm scared by a lot of things...

First, spiders...(of course)
Second, death (I wish i could believe in something after death, but I believe in science. And from what I know, i think it's just empty, without conscious)
Third, I'm scared of the domination of technology on human.

But I love a lot of things too !
Like Cats - I have a dwarf cat (her name is Tatouille)
Food - (chocolate, candies and cheese)
Christmas - (in 19 days!!!)

I'm doing some photography as well. It's something I discover at university, we had this photography class and I fell in love with the possibility to capture a moment, a feeling, a memory. I wish I could live of photography but as a student I only had enough money to pay a Nikon D3300 with a fix lenses (1,4) which is amazing to do some close up and portraits.


I also discover photography because six years ago, I started modelling in an agency in Brussels. I had some great opportunities for big brands. But the agency got bigger and the concurrence as well. Today, I maybe get one job per year... Modelling is a well-paid job, I could paid my ski holiday with. But on the other hand, unconsciously you always compare yourself to the others models, who are taller, thinner, prettier. I lost a lot of self confidence because of the model world.


Today, I have a student job in a luxurious shop. I'm trying to save money to travel, or to do an extra study year ! I'll see, let's live day by day !

I'm happy to become a part of this community and i'm looking forward to discover this new place !
Have a great day!


Hey Pauline, welcome to steemit ;)

I grew up with the tech evolution but today it does scares me a bit

Since I am about your age, I can say quite the same. However we should concentrate on what good it can do, not hwo it could harm us ;)

But you mentioned the enormous social pressure for young models (the same is for other communities like sports, ...) made through social networks - I would love to read about your perspectives regarding that matter - Maybe it fits in the #health area!

Sad what it does to people - F.e. I suppose you are taller than the average girl (just judging from the pictures) - but you still felt small sometimes? stupid, isn't it :(

I resteemed you via @welcoming, where I share promising new users - Check it out who else joined today and the last days :)

Greets from Austria, Martin!

Thank you !!

Thanks for the advice, i'm planning to write also more about modelling and to explain the other side of what we have in mind when we think about modelling. And actually I'm not that tall (1m72), and most of the time, the agencies take taller models for the catwalk (it's minimum 1m75 for girls).

And about the tech evolution, I agree with you! There is some really good advantages as well!

Have a great day!!!

Thanks for the advice, i'm planning to write also more about modelling and to explain the other side of what we have in mind when we think about modelling.

That would be great - I sure would support it, if it goes a little bit into detail with the psychologic problems - As a future doctor, mental illnesses are a big deal, since they are all rising in numbers :(

I followed you so I won't miss it ;)

P.S: I have actually just read a post about attractiveness, you should check it ot and maybe leave your point of view:

Hi Pauline! Welcome to Steemit!

You have many great interests that many other Steemians are passionate about, so I'm sure you'll fit in nicely here. The photographs you've included here are brilliant! I'm sure you'll be able to show off your photography skills here on Steemit.

It's always interesting for me to read perspectives of people living in other parts of the world. I hope we'll get to hear all about living in Belgium!

I always give the same advice to all new Steemians, so I'll leave these tips here for you in hopes that they will help you along the way.

  • Familiarize yourself with the way the platform works by browsing the FAQs.

  • Check out the Steemit Etiquette Guide for tips on how to interact with others in the community and how to introduce yourself to everyone.

  • If you'd like some advice on how to make your posts great, take a look at this guide I posted about polishing your posts.

  • Finally, when it comes to commenting, check out this guide that will get you on the road to becoming a comment expert!

I'll be following along to take a look at your future posts, but if you're interested in plugging into a community that focuses on supporting its members and curating great content, look no further than The Unmentionables. Come check us out!

The rest is up to you, so best wishes and happy Steeming!


Thanks a lot for the advice! It's definitely a good idea to write an article about Belgium! (It's such an atypical country)! I'm going to check right now for The Unmentionables! :D

Have a great day!

You're very welcome! Any ideas on what your other blog posts will be about?

The Unmentionables is a great group. We currently operate on an invitation-only basis, but if you have an account on or Discord, you can message me (ethandsmith) and I'll see about getting that process streamlined for you. Our group is full of long-time members and new Steemians, so we'd love to help you get started on your Steemit journey!

Let me know if you have any questions!

welcome to steemit! you are an amazing person and I hope to see more of your work here soon! From @jahangirbalti 📸📷🎥📽

Welcome to steemit Pauline. You'll find out it feels good to be here.

Welcome to steemit!! I'm not here that long myself but so far I'm loving this community!!

Thank you!
I do like blueberry as well!!

Congratulations and welcome to our community.

What are you studying in school?

Thanks a lot,
I study digital storytelling at school for the moment :)

Excellent. Based on your post, I think you will have a wonderful career in your field.

Nice intro... upvote the pictures @mabhedal.

Welcome, enjoy your new journey.

Hello Pauline. Welcome to steemit and i see a good start :)

Welcome to the Steemit community. @paulinewery