Introduce Yourself: Hopefuly the most interesting introduction on Steemit

Good Morning | Afternoon | Evening where ever you live or are located right now!

I've never thought about making an introductory thread so here I am, and just 2 months late!

My Name's Edmund. I'm 19 years old, but maybe 20 by the time you read that.
I was born in London, UK, but moved to France at a very young age, where I lived for about 13 years after which I moved back to London.

That's the basics... here comes the mind-fuck:
My Dad is an 87 year-old Austrian and my Mum is a 50 year-old Ivorian (which makes me mix-coloured).
As a kid, I used to be really naive, which somehow protected me from Racism. Where my Mum would feel threatened by people around, I'd be thinking about stars, about music, about people and about myself and the people that mattered to me.

What do I do?
I'm quite perplexed by this question.
The short answer is "nearly everything". I don't limit myself to anything people tell me. If someone tells me "Why are you doing this? You can't do this", I got 2 middle fingers for them to watch while I show them how wrong they are (while keeping those middle fingers at them!)

The long answer is:

  • I produce and play music (on FL Studio + Guitar),
  • I'm an amateur singer/rapper,
  • I do visual editing (video or images on a selection of Adobe software and Cinema 4D) for my online persona (Redd Utopia, which I'll discuss later),
  • I draw (mostly manga style as I've always been passionate about that),
  • I study business and entrepreneurship while being passionate about Science and what's beyond our Solar System or our dear Milky Way.
  • My mind flows with creativity and I won't ever dare to try and contain it, so since my young age, I've been interested in most things my peers would be interested in
  • I love story telling, which gives me ease to just chat around like I am right now
  • Can't remember more stuff I'll come back to it if I remember (if you're reading this.. I forgot about it)

What do I believe in?
I'm Atheist but spiritual to the extent that I believe in the mixture of sets of beliefs and religions such as:

  • Christianity (raised this way by my Mum), I threw away most of my memories about it, except how prominent Love for others is, or should be
  • Taoism (my Dad got into it and bought the book Tao Te-Ching), I love how there's no ONE way to go through it, but as many identities and ideas to it as they are readers of it... It's more a way of life than anything else
  • Hinduism/Buddhism (Online research and book reading), What I got from that were the Chakras and Meditation, which are now part of my daily life
  • Science (yes, chill, wait and see why), I look at science as the tool humans found to eradicate bias and find the 'truth'. Compared to most religions and ways of life, Science hits me the most as anyone can come tomorrow with the right formulae to deny the century long dominance of Einstein's Special Law of relativity. If the formulae is correct and disproves it, then it's done. Goodbye Einstein, no hurt feelings. It's crude, it's specific, and meticulous like NOTHING else.
  • Law of Attraction, if you don't know about it, please stop reading and go check it out. It might change your life. I believe the human brain is amazing. it's the one organ on this planet that can question itself, affect its owner and people around him. It can even shape reality! A guy made a drawing of a space ship, called it Millennium Falcon, and even though right now it's a visual reality to most of us (movies, toys, video games), by the time we buy spaceships like we buy cars, you'll have REAL collector edition Millennium Falcons sold all around the place. If you can come up with it, you can do it! (except if it defies the prior, Science)

What do I aim for in life?

  • I aim for Success, like most of us.. But what I see as success isn't just money, or fame, it's being 80 years old, and looking back with pride and complete absence of regret or shame.
  • I aim for Financial Success, I'm a talker and a thinker, I see myself coming up with some Businesses or something, and racking up enough money to come up with bigger things, like a dumber, younger and more afro Elon Musk
  • I aim for Fame, I don't care about people recognising me, I'd actually despise it if it's to the point of those super stars. But I make music, and share it around, so you got to understand that I aim to spread it like a disease around the planet!
  • I aim for Age (ooouuu this one is a weird one). I'm a Sci-fi type of guy. I dream to see us go further than Earth, dream to see AI become the tool that stops conflicts, I dream to see video games get so good we can't distinguish them from reality, and I dream to find the answers to consciousness (I'm not going to do it ofc, some guy with a lab coat will)
  • I aim for Musicality, bit different to the fame one even though they both root from my passion for music. I aim to make music that gets people to think and feel. I want them to feel questioned by my music, and force them to put effort into finding their own subjective answers. I'm young, and you might've guessed, but I smoke kush every now and then, and take shrooms twice or three times a year (for the past 2 years now). This changed how my music was shaped. It made it more 'liquid', less 'rigid', more emotional and wavy.
  • I aim to help others. Not in the humanistic way, I leave that to people with the money or heart to do it. But I see myself as highly empathetic. I feel people around me, I feel people from just watching them, one other amazing thing our brains can do
  • I aim for culture. at the Age of 19, I've travelled to most continents (except Australia and them Cold Poles), but only a few countries within those. I've only read so many books and watched so many videos. I've only had so many conversations and learnt so many things... But our brains can retain up to 3 PetaBytes of information... Up to 150/200 friendships and relationships... So I aim to fill my brain up like I fill my Hard-drives. Thus, I want to travel, read, discover and learn as much as I possibly can

What am I expecting from writing all that?

  • Nothing, it's actually enjoyable to just type all that, and throw it away into the World. This is a part of me, but in 5 years time it might become completely wrong (hopefully, I'll still be mix-coloured by then haha).
  • Everything, What if this is so interesting 5 whales upvote and repost it and 3 days later I'm huge on Steemit?
  • In the middle? I got 74 followers as of now... Probably 15/20 of them will read this, and then some random people. I just want you guys, reading this, to know that you should believe in yourself like I believe in myself! Dumb people make it in this world cause they don't have the hand-break smart people have: Self-doubt. They just go for it (once again, Law of Attraction, which also works with Negativity. You get back what you throw out in the world)

What now?

  • The End... well not really... there's never really an end to anything, like there's never full certitude about anything (Law of Uncertainty).
  • The Beginning? Now that I've fucked with your mind and curiosity, I hopefully caught your interest. And maybe I'm someone interesting enough... Who knows? Cause I don't! But from here, you'll be seeing and hearing more of me!
  • Years and years and years??? Where am I going now you're asking? Well I was just thinking before finishing and posting this... What if you, the reader, watcher, you fell upon this post... but far beyond 2018... What have I become by then? What has the world become by then??

Any ways... too many words even for me so I'll leave you in peace!


welcome my friend! glad you came!

Thanks a lot. Will be hanging out here for a while!