I appreciate and respect your acknowledgement of the mistake.
As such, I've removed the flags from several of your spam comments. I was surprised they dropped you a full 36 points, and as you've humbled yourself to acknowledge the lesson, feel it'd be fair to exercise some leeway so as to not have the lesson be that costly.
While I felt a bit of a hard-assed tyrant hitting you that hard, an example needs to be set: spam is NOT appropriate. Genuine engagement and contributing value custom-tailored to others' topics is.
I'm glad you learnt your lesson and I could assist. Now, please pay it forward in service of this community.
If you come across others who are engaging in inappropriate behavior, call them out on it as well - even if you can't do so with a heavy hammer on their reputation score.
And if I do happen to catch you spamming again - regardless of how "positive" or "nice" the content is - I'll have no resistance to flagging it until your reputation score is back down in the single digits. And I may not be the only one willing to take that action to ensure the message is gotten across that spam is NOT cool, for the betterment of this community.
Nothing personal. Just that standards need to be set so this platform can grow sustainably with quality content being systematically encouraged, and the garbage weeded out.
@rok-sivante thank you very much ,with this situation believe me you earned a firend ,a follower too ! and I'll be glad if you follow my post to see I try to do my best and post quality articles ,the only mistake is that I want to "help" my work and increase a few number of followers .
Please leave the others flag and you'll see that your attention for me will rest forever , I am a great worker ,and thinking I am "smart" i did this mistake . Don't destroy my work ,I thank you for leaving the other flags ,thank you !
And I will be glad if you'll follow my future posts , and if I'll be a good example for others .
With respect ,
@braveheart22 will do the best !