Lyn Ulbricht, mother of Silk Road political prisoner Ross Ulbricht, is now on Steemit!

Hi you all! Ross and I are so pleased that I’m here and part of this innovative community and technology. I’m glad to have the chance to tell my story directly to you -- to fill you in on the past three years of my life and my battle to free Ross.

My son Ross Ulbricht -- a peaceful, idealistic humanitarian –was tried and sentenced to double life without parole for all non-violent charges relating to his role in the Silk Road website. Silk Road was a free market experiment: a voluntary, anonymous marketplace that operated on the tor network using the crypto currency bitcoin. Many things, both legal and illegal, were exchanged, although there were restrictions of things considered harmful by the administration. For example, there was no child porn, murder-for-hire or stolen goods on the site. Drug sales were permitted, with marijuana the main product that was bought and sold.

Since Ross’ arrest it’s been a David and Goliath fight against the US government. The investigation, pre-trial events, trial and sentencing are so rife with abuse and corruption that it’s impossible to cover everything. Here are some major issues:

It’s been a wild and crazy three years to say the least. Since Ross’ arrest I’ve strived to the limits of my strength to direct attention beyond the sensationalism to the important precedents and issues at stake in this case and how they impact our freedoms in the digital age. In addition to Ross’ release, my goal is to shine a light on the alarming loss of our liberty while raising funds to defend Ross. (Any payments from here go 100% to Ross’ defense). This is basically my life now, with some down time sprinkled in.

Things weren’t always like this, and I often shake my head wondering how I got here! Before Ross’ arrest I was the gracefully aging mother of two beautiful, well-adjusted adults, hoping for grandchildren and planning the rest of my life. I had pretty much retired from freelance writing and was continuing to work with Kirk, Ross’ dad, in our business, Casa Bambu. (We rent bamboo houses that Kirk built to vacationers, off grid in the Costa Rican rainforest). One day I led a relatively tranquil life and the next I was falling, like Alice through the looking glass, into a bizarre world of the dark web, encrypted communications, digital currency, and the drug war. A right-brained, tech-resistant ex- hippie, I had only owned a smart phone for a month, had never been on twitter and barely heard of bitcoin (and only from Ross). When Ross was arrested I suddenly -- and urgently -- had to become adept at social media, public relations, fundraising, pgp, bitcoin and criminal law.

It was urgent because I had to save my beloved son.

Ross and Lyn shortly before his arrest

So now my life is dominated by the fictional entity Dread Pirate Roberts (DPR) and I’ve been on a crash course to do whatever it takes to free Ross: blog, comment, tweet, follow, unfollow, like, unlike, friend, unfriend, defend, raise funds, encrypt, decrypt, build websites, write press releases, give speeches, give interviews, challenge journalists, translate legalese, learn digital-speak – and now post on I have twitter followers all over the world, from Russia to Spain, from Australia to India. I’ve been called a jedi, a storm trooper, Dread Mother Roberts, a hero, a “leading internet freedom activist and social media pro” and a badass (fondly, by the lawyer). Also some nasty things on the internet, but I’m getting a thick skin.

The learning curve has been steep. Sensationalistic media; aggressive prosecutors; biased judges; cruel prison staff – the opponents are formidable and ruthless. But there have also been invaluable allies, like many of you, and that plus divine intervention has gotten us this far. I have made so many courageous, generous, amazing friends on this journey. They are people I never would have met and it has enriched my life, given me hope. I’ve often thought that the past three years would have been some of the most interesting, purposeful and exciting of my life except that Ross is in prison and that makes them the most traumatic, painful and difficult as well. As long as he’s in there, I will not – cannot -- rest.

Lyn speaking at porcfest.

This journey has taken me from a prison in interior Brooklyn to an interview in a multimillion dollar Soho loft (on the same afternoon); from high priced attorney offices to clandestine meetings; from a freedom festival in New Hampshire to trudging through Austin streets hanging posters at SXSW (and then speaking there the following year). Never having addressed audiences, I’ve now spoken at numerous events, both in the US and Europe (including Porcfest, FreedomFest and the national Libertarian convention); appeared on a range of TV, radio and podcast shows, including Reason TV, CNN, HuffPost Live, Infowars and Fox; and given many interviews with both major and alternative media , including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes and The Guardian. Along with Ross, I am prominently featured in the documentary Deep Web.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed this would be my fate.

Pursuing American justice is expensive and the challenge is great, but I’m fueled by a mother’s love and now a righteous anger at government abuse. I have seen first-hand how prosecutors lie and obstruct. I have visited the prison with other families, desperate to see loved ones, the children tearfully clinging to their fathers. I personally know non-violent people rotting their lives away in captivity. My perspective has changed forever.

Besides my love for Ross and resistance to tyranny, a crucial thing that keeps me going is my faith in God. I have faced some of the darkest places in my mind, fear gripping me, my thoughts screaming, “You can’t do this! They’re too big!” Yet I find peace and hope when I can turn the burden over and take on that day’s fight once again. I have felt God’s hand in this throughout, in many ways, large and small. There has been the unlikely but perfect timing of events; the right people arriving at the right time; doors opening when all seemed closed; the impossible occurring against all odds. I pray each day that God will use me, Ross and this situation for good and that it will shine a spotlight on evil. And of course that Ross will be out of that cage, in freedom where he belongs.

This is a bigger, more far reaching story than one man or website. There are vital issues at play, ones that impact us all and are worth fighting for. We are in unchartered territory in the courts. Decisions and precedent made now, with the Silk Road case and others, will have far-reaching impact on freedom, innovation, fair trials and privacy.

The Unfairness of the Silk Road trial in 3 minutes

We are at a crossroads in history. The question and challenge is which road will we take: the one to freedom and innovation, or the one to government intrusion, expansion and control. It is up to us to make sure we take that freedom road.

Please help us! Of course, please upvote this post. You can also go to for lots of other ways to support our battle. You can donate; play the art game; purchase at our store; volunteer; and spread the word on social media and to your network. Everything helps. We’re just one family and some friends. We need you!


For verification: this post is genuinely from Lyn Ulbricht.

Lyn, I really admire your relentless dedication to getting Ross out of jail and how you never ceased to believe in your son and trust his word. I can assure you that we are all on your side and that many of us are actively looking and effectively working on overthrowing this morally bankrupt system that has long ceased serving its intended purpose. We'll get Ross out of there.

Thanks so much. Yes, we'll get him out and work to have so many other wrongfully imprisoned people out too.

This world needs to change. A man who has never hurt anyone gets life, while a man who abuses a child gets a few years? Things need to change..... Real criminals exist, rapist, child abusers and murderers. Ross in none of those. It's disgusting and i am so sorry for the injustice :(

Thank you for verification. I can now vote with confidence.

Great to see this is verified, i hope he can get fair justce.

Talk for yourself, I am not on anyones side. If you are in prison, you didnt go there because you where selling flowers on the streetcorner.

No, he was enabling drug trade (and other black market) in the Darknet. I don't see how any sane man could think an appropriate penalty for such thing is double LWOP. (If it should be penalized at all)

Attempt to hire a hitman would justify a harsh sentence, a life sentence maybe, but somehow these charges disappeared before the trial.

And people still claim he is wrongfully in prison...

Double LWOP for enabling drug trade? Are you serious?

Be happy he is in prison, in my country they will hang you. Dont be like a pusy, you know the rules, get over it, risk of life, stop crying afterwards for enabling something you know is ilegal.


Why can I not react to you darknet? B. I am originally from the most free European country you can think of with their view of drugs, I moved to asia and I am accepting the rules as they are here now, just because in the netherlands it is legal, doesnt mean I have to treat it the same way as in Vietnam. Any more things to try change my mind? Daddy is waiting to see your next quality post.

Thank you Lyn for all your hard work to #freeross! He's a wonderful person, and is lucky to have you. As a community though, we are lucky to have you both.

Loving heavenly Father, we pray for the many Christians who are being held in prisons, both at home and abroad, simply because they trust in the Lord Jesus as Saviour – many of whom have been falsely accused of crimes or deliberately set up to fall foul of the law– simply because they are believers in Your name.

Lord we pray that You would be with each one in their imprisonment. Break any bonds of fear and bitterness - and may the love of Jesus be shown forth in their actions and attitudes, so that those with whom they have to do, recognise that there is something very special about them, and the God Whom they serve.

Set each one free we pray not only from their physical incarceration but also from their spiritual prison – Help them to rest in the Lord Jesus, knowing that in a small part they are participating in the fellowship of His suffering.

Use each one as a witness of Jesus Christ and may many be drawn into the kingdom of God, simply because of their gracious love they display in their time of great difficulty, in Jesus name we pray,


Lyn, Ross is incredibly lucky to have a super activist for a mother and we are very lucky to have you as part of the freedom movement! If Ross is not free before then, I look forward to signing his pardon. Welcome to Steemit!

Adam, Thanks so much for all your support and your own excellent work!

wow, didnt know you were here, grr +1 and followed !!!! Welcome bro !, you ROCK young man !, much respect from MANY Oldschoolers !

Sign the pardon before you dissolve the government. Wait 'til he's released from prison before you dissolve the government. (The same for the other 2M people who shouldn't be in prison.) Don't release people like Bittaker and Norris with the same pardon.

(I hope the magnitude of the problem is becoming clear.)

I saw you in vegas recently.

IMO, this is the single most awesome new join yet on steemit.

Shipped 100SBD. Put it towards the legal defense fund or whatever.

Wow thanks! I hope our paths cross again!

probably among the most important thus far. @lukewearechange is another that i love deeply for their efforts and work. But lets just say this--a momma is fighting for her boys freedom and that freedom she fights for by extension makes her a momma fighting for all our freedom. Don't underestimate a momma bear when messing with her cub...
Freedom has a heck of a momma bear on its side :)

@lukewearechange, not "luck we are change".

Thanks for calling out the fat thumbs ;)
Look better? Last thing we want to do is send people to the wrong account!


Thank you for sharing Ross Ulbricht's story with us. I think you can be very proud of your son. He is an inspiration for anyone who uses innovation to expand our freedoms. :)

Thank you, I'll tell him.

Ross Ulbricht is a hero, along with Snowden, Assange, and Manning.

I think it's quite overboard. Snowden and Assange at least (not sure about Manning) were and are openly protesting against what they think is wrong. Ulbricht was caught running a Darkweb site. I don't say he should rot in jail, he shouldn't, but he's pretty far from these guys.


Welcome to Steemit! Thank you so much for raising such an amazing human, and being such an important part of this movement yourself! Sending lots of love to you both.

So nice, thank you. I'll send Ross all these great, encouraging comments.