My Steemit ~ Introduce Myself

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


As the 'mountain dew' fog descended from the heavens to lie gently upon the meadow below, a small child of six tucked herself even tighter into the hollow of the giant Maple tree that sat high atop the Appalachian ridge that overlooked her home. The ancient Maple tree graciously wrapped its arms around her every night until the ‘hillbilly monster’ would pass out from too much moonshine and too many pills of ‘hillbilly heroine’. Eventually, the lights in the mobile home in the holler far below would go out and she knew it was once again safe to return home to her own bed.

That little girl was me and so it was most nights as a child that the main objective was to remain small and out of sight during the night and completely dualistic to be daddy’s special girl during the day.

During the day, I was propelled to heights of supremacy simply by being ‘daddy’s special girl’ and received a tremendous amount of attention because of my ability to ‘spout hatred' and make my father proud. During the evening when he morphed into the ‘hillbilly monster’, out of site equaled out of mind and that of course was the main goal in survival until the sun would rise again for another day. In order to maintain this state of existence, I had to learn how to not only cope with change yet to become ever vigilant or perhaps hyper-vigilant is a better word as to when change was coming and more importantly how I had to instantaneously morph in order to survive.

Adaptability and ability to shift in any given second was how I have perceived change most of my life. In my childhood, I now realize that I received many gifts like the ability to be constantly aware of my surroundings. For me as a child, the ability to perceive oncoming change was imperative to my survival and it has indeed served me well in my life, especially in the corporate world yet it was also wrought with the need to control and manipulate.


I am finding that this capacity to be hyper-vigilant is once again serving me as I am able to walk through our current daily world insanity with no fear and my eyes wide open. Through a tremendous amount of healing work on my own and being touched by grace, which is beyond words, I have come to believe that my choice of families in this lifetime was such a blessing. I have come to realize that the depths of terror and trauma that I have experienced in my early life are only now equal to the love and light that I am experiencing today. I am grateful for each and every human being that I have been blessed with in my life, especially the difficult ones that have brought me the greatest glimpses of my shadow and projections.

Change for me as of lately has been about letting go of everything that I have ever known or thought myself to be and allowing frequency to flow through me unobstructed from ‘personal or spiritual ego’. Clearing out level after level, releasing, reformatting and reprogramming my brain and my being.

I have only Greased Grace to thank for my transformation thus far. In one day on June 2 in 2007 and in one simple act of being patted on the head like a puppy by the Hindu Saint Amma great transformation was facilitated beyond my small intellects understanding. Years of something, perhaps tremendous 'wounded child frequency' literally just dropped around my feet in a blast of Grace that would begin the opening of my heart and start me on a journey that I often refer to as my enrollment in the ‘speed course for the spiritually impaired.’ All of that ultimately brought me to the place I am now which is beyond the duality of 'good and evil' in all it's forms.

This transformation only occurred a short 11 years ago and on most days I am completely overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings that have been showered upon me. There are also days, I must admit that it is also a bit overwhelming as I feel as I have been shot out of a cannon into the world sharing this powerful message of compassion, collaboration, unity consciousness, Love and overcoming of suffering that I feel I barely understand myself.

In 2006, during a meditation I was given a complete download of purpose for an organization which would ultimately bring many together in collaboration. I remember writing feverishly to keep up the dictation which included everything from the vision of unity consciousness and the mission of ‘Cultivating Global Healing, One Soul at a Time’ to the actual colors of the website that were to be used. I also vividly remember looking up at the sky and thinking that surely you must have the wrong person for this task. Me, who had been taught and recapitulated separation, segregation and competition all my life until that moment.

I spent the next three years attempting to create this vision through the veil of my personal and spiritual ego with many ups, downs and successes and failures. Learning, growing and evolving each and everyday at a rate of speed that was often hard to keep up with, yet feeling the whole time as if there was this unseen force poking me in the back as if to encourage me onward.

In my attempts to still control what was around me, I found myself manipulating and overcompensating consistently to encourage and facilitate collaboration. Believing that if I did more that everyone would just learn to collaborate together. If I used my business and influence skills to uplift them then they would expand and be successful and would want to collaborate.

What I wasn’t doing was being honest with myself or with them about the importance of doing their own individual work to heal themselves first and foremost. I had at that point only began the work on myself and knew the importance, yet up until then I had spent a lifetime of being scared to death to share my past with others for so many fear filled reasons. I wasn’t being transparent with people even though I was asking them to be transparent. I just wasn’t willing to let others truly see me. I was still choosing to be a victim to my own story, instead of allowing myself and my experience to be utilized as an example of what is possible when we are committed to fully merging the duality within ourselves.

In 2008, I got a huge wake up call or cosmic 2 X 4 via a real live 'Magdalene Angel' that came into my life. This relationship would ultimately challenge me to see, process and release any remaining fear, hatred, judgments or lack of forgiveness for others and most importantly for myself. My angel would pull me away from a life that would ultimately have killed me if I didn't shift the frequency of my life immediately.

I began feverously praying for a guide that could assist me in transformation that would take me to yet another layer of energy management and understanding of frequency. It was in that time that I was guided to study with Leslie Temple Thurston. The rest is history as the very next day, I immediately signed up for the Spiritual Warrior program and began feverously devouring any and all teachings that I could get my hands on. I read the book ‘The Marriage of Spirit’, I slept every night with the recordings playing in my subconscious, I worked Squares feveriously to the best of my ability and I welcomed in and reconnected with the assistance of my spirit guides who I had kept hidden my entire life.

***If you would like to learn more about this tried and true Non-Duality processing technique, you may purchase the e-book via donation at this link. The great thing about this Squares process is that it will work as well or as poorly as the commitment that you put into it because ultimately we are the ONLY ones that can heal ourselves. I can truly say that if it worked for me, surely it can work for anyone. I was deeply programmed and dualistic and didn't even know it until my Angel came along and I started looking within.


Committing to freeing my consciousness from duality and clearing my frequency daily is a beautiful example I believe of allowing change to move and flow. I know that each time that I am able to let go on another deeper level, then again 'greased grace' flows like a river. The change of a child, which was very much constructed of hyper-vigilance, has now been replaced with a request for all Change to be filled with faith and to flow with the harmonious order of life. Quiet the difference, yet one that I am deeply committed to embracing day by day and one step at a time. I know that I am only a grain of sand in a huge ocean of Universe and I have a very strong belief that I am but a vessel for frequency to flow.

With that belief, I think that my responsibility is to keep that vessel as clear as I possibly can which for me means providing nutritious foods for my body, making time for frequent trips to deep nature, daily meditation, constantly being aware and processing whatever comes up for me moment to moment. Also for me personally it is still vital that I am continually witnessing how PTSD and 'the current Reality TV show that we are all trapped within' attempts to pull me back out of wholeness and harmony.

I know that I am very blessed to have shed much of the materialism of life through having the ability to perform a tremendous amount of selfless service and I am constantly amazed as I watch layers and layers of personal and spiritual ego continually shed themselves from me. Today, I find myself in what I can only describe as a ‘blind faith’ that I am deeply guided and I know that the frequency that now pulses through me is light and it will always illuminate the darkness. As scary as it seems on the outside, I live knowing that there is nothing to fear.

Just a Glimpse of me!

I'm excited to be here on Steemit and I have high hopes for blockchain technology! I deeply appreciate all of the amazing geeks of the world that can make these things happen! Deep Respect, especially knowing that the end of Net Neutrality could be only days away. Keep Doing YOU PLEASE!!!!

*** I appreciate the Upvotes even if you have no money to offer and I especially love it when you take a moment of your time to comment or share your own personal experience. If you have a Twitter account I deeply appreciate a Tweet and I am committed to doing the same for you. Fortunately, you won't find me on FB or anything owned by them. I've been permanently banned from there for almost a year now! What an honor that was! ;-) Here on Steemit, I will attempt to share as honestly and as vulnerably as I can from all that I have learned and if it benefits you so be it! I ask that you believe NOTHING that I say, yet if something catches your interest, I invite you to explore it more within yourself. I write to heal myself and I write to tell the story that aches to be told. To explore with you just a few of the secrets of the human spirit that few learn to decode. I write of the stories that those that raised me in this lifetime passed along in their own unique ways. Whether all of their stories where true or not, I will never know yet it gave me a love of storytelling and shaped who I am becoming today! This one called 'Meet Granny' is 100% true! I was there! Enjoy!

Happy STEEMING ya'll!


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Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Hello @salkajourneys, thanks very much for sharing such a beautiful intro. I also mentioned you in my post. If you like it then please follow and upvote me, if you donot like it, then please message me in that post, then i will remove your information.

I am extremely grateful to be included in your post! Thank You so Much! You have gained a follower and I look forward to reading more from you!

Resteemed, my friend. Thank You and good luck!

Thank You so much for the ReSteem Trike! I am deeply appreciative of the support!

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I think I can! I think I can! I think I can! ;-) Thank You so much for taking the time to comment Dailyxkcd! I deeply appreciate it!

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