
Stockholm!!! Ahhh what a beautiful place I’d love to visit someday.. the palace, the museum, the waterside... someday :) thanks for stopping by.

yes it is a beautiful city, and i´m happy to work at a place with one of the most beautiful view in the city, i have had the same view for 22 year now and never get bored. This make me think that would put up some pictures of it sometimes for you @sist3r and @djnotlek thank you for your reply :-)

Yes please put some pictures of your beautiful hometown. Would love to check it.

No kidding! Does it actually feel like you are walking in a postcard as you live your life around Stockholm. 😄

ha ha not all the time maybe :-) but sometimes it does, but doesn`t all places feels like that from time to time, you just have to put on the right pair of eyes to catch the beauty or the unique :-)

That is so true :)