Hello Steemers! I am Seth and I have some good news to share.

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

I have discovered Steemit today thanks to my friend's referral. I have not been a writer before but I do have some important information to share with the world. Reality is not what is taught as truth in the mainstream. History as many of us know it is largely fabricated. Here are some evidences that point to my Christian world view being accurate.

The preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has changed MY life!

Demonic forces and secret societies are trying to kill most humans on earth.

Evolution is a FALSE religion that should not be paid for to be taught in school.
We are not monkeys and great-grandpa was not a rock that got rained on.

Most of the powerful musicians and actors and politicians are under mind control.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God and died as a sacrifice to save us from our sins. A free gift of ETERNAL LIFE!

I believe the Earth does not have many years left before Armageddon. Jesus Christ will return for the Second Advent soon. Are you ready to meet your maker? You can ask Jesus into your heart right now and be assured of eternal life through our Creator Jesus Christ. He changed my life for the better and continues to do so every day.. There are many lies out there seeded by Satan to distract and deter people from learning the Truth about our God and our Creator. Listen to me, I have no reason to deceive you. I want all of my friends and family and random acquaintances to join me in heaven to worship our God eternally with perfect Love. Praise God for all of you and I look forward to helping lead you to the One True Faith, Christianity. Thank you for reading, please comment!

Center of the M51 whirlpool galaxy

Laminin, the protein that holds our bodies together


Upvoted you

Evolution is a FALSE religion that should not be paid for to be taught in school.
We are not monkeys and great-grandpa was not a rock that got rained on.

Ignoring the truth doesn't make it false. If you do not believe in evolution, I'll assume you believe the story of Genesis. Do you then believe humans have been on this earth, without change over successive generations for the average estimate of about 23 million years it's taken for the light from that picture of the Whirlpool Galaxy to reach us here on our planet? Can you not believe that DNA replication can happen with errors, creating variations that survive or die depending on the reproductive abilities of those born with them?

I don't normally downvote for positions I disagree with I downvoted you because I do not believe in giving away influence on this platform to people who are willfully ignorant of the real world.

God stretched out the heavens. -- It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: - Isaiah 40:22
Also scientists have changed the speed of light, it does not remain constant.

The speed of light in a vacuum is a physical constant. Like just about everything in science, it's taken us time to narrow down its speed but we have it worked out quite well now. Here's a brief history of experimentation and estimation. It was estimated to within 1210 Km/s of our current accurate understanding in 1726! http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Relativity/SpeedOfLight/measure_c.html

Saying that our estimates of the speed of light have changed over time doesn't do anything to refute the fact that the light from M51 has traveled for about 23 million years to reach us. If you want to further argue in defense of ignorance I suggest using a better argument.

Yes Noganoo, I am aware of the full title of the book, I have a copy sitting on my shelf, but for the sake of brevity, I shortened it to its popular title.

I don't know what mathmaticians you speak of, who busy themselves in the science of biology when making their calculations. But I never said evolution happens over an infinite amount of time, I said; achingly long time.

Anyway, evolution is a 100% scientific fact, it is absolutely unarguable, whilst, like any other theory, it may be amended in future to allow for new discoveries (rather like Newton's Theory Of Gravity), it will not be fundamentally changed.

Any mathematician who says there must be a creator, is a theologian, or a religious mathematician who is basing that statement on her religious beliefs, not mathematical.

Oh and here's a pretty Hindu quote for you, which is as meaningless as any quote from any holy text, including the one you posted... Nice sentiment though, which is probably the original point of most religions.

Meditating on the lotus of your heart,
in the center is the untainted;
the exquisitely pure, clear, and sorrowless;
the inconceivable;
the unmanifest,
of infinite form;
blissful, tranquil, immortal;
the womb of Brahma.


Light has not always stayed the same speed over time.

Welcome aboard! As someone who considers themself a follower of The Way, I have to say I'm having a hard time reading your statement of:

Praise God for all of you and I look forward to helping lead you to the One True Faith, Christianity.

To be honest, I get uncomfortable when I hear this kind of statement considering Jesus/Yeshua was a Jew, a rabbi even. I get that the things he said changed the world, but to say Christianity is the only true religion, when the first half of the Bible is Jewish scripture, just bothers me.

Regardless, glad to have you on board and I look forward to some interesting discussions!

Are you for real? I'm not sure whether to laugh or be scared...


I read through the post and I'm like, "I consider myself a Christian, and I'm offended by this."

Salt irritates and preserves. If I am wrong on any point I welcome correction. Jesus said the true path is narrow.

I did bring up one part of what bothered me in my direct comment, but to expound on something I thought about during my lunchtime walk... If I consent that Christianity is the one true faith, what version of Christianity is? Not only do we have divides among Catholics, Orthodox, Coptics, Protestants and anabaptists, but even within those divisions we have people with all sorts of differing beliefs, many of which can effectively defend their position. We have people who believe whole-heartedly in the trinity, we have people who believe Jesus is subordinate to G-d instead of co-equal. We have people who believe in just war and violence, and we have people who would rather sacrifice themselves to an attacker than to hurt even that attacker... without getting into all the defining characteristics of different beliefs, it's impossible to give a blanket statement about Christianity and call it the one true faith, because it isn't one faith. As I said in my other comment, the man Christianity is named after was a Jew, so how do we as Christians relate to Judaism? Are they simply not Christian and therefor are going to some place of eternal punishment/separation from G-d? If Judaism has no part in the "one true faith" then why is the whole first half of the Bible Jewish scripture, and why do so many people in the second half refer to the first with reverence?

I call myself a Christian, even if I use the term loosely, and I just want you to consider what saying it's the "one true faith" fully implies. We were called to live like Jesus, following all the things he instructed, not to tell other people they aren't doing it right.

Messianic Jews would be considered Christian as they believe Jesus is the Christ. Catholics are not Christian. Christianity is following the King James Bible or some of the early accurate texts or those of other languages of which I have no information about. God promised to preserve his word. As far as giving in to an attacker, the bible says we can defend ourselves and our property. We revere Judaism because the Gift of Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ came through the Jews and then was given to us "Greeks."

I have read the bible and The Origin Of The Species and a slow gradation of organisms over an achingly long time, as opposed to a snake, talking to white people in a garden (somehow behind the omnipresent god's back); much more plausible.

So if you need correction, read the Origin Of The Species; which by the way, the church fully accepted at the time. They tried to weave their own racism into it, by saying that Man descended from 8 different progenitors; this helped them reconcile slavery, by saying when he said "all men equal", he meant all caucasian men.

From the videos you post it seems like you're pretty deep into it, so I know this is pointless debate; almost as pointless as praying to a being who knows in advance what's going to happen, therefore can't change its mind, unless of course it knew it was going to change its mind. Which would mean, it wasn't changing its mind, just doing what it knew it would do.


Hi Cryptogee, here are some answers for your questions. The original Tile of Darwin's book is "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life," while in the sixth edition of 1872 the title was changed to The Origin of Species.
Yes, the Catholic church is racist, as they supported Darwin's book. The Catholic church has nothing to do with Christianity.
As far as praying to God, He enjoys when we ask for His help. As any father loves to provide for his children. Especially when asked.
Who said Adam and Eve were white? That is what is drawn into modern media. Again nothing to do with the Holy Bible.
An achingly long time, yes. They once claimed hundreds of thousands of years and now stretch it out to 4.3 billion. But mathematicians have discovered it would be impossible for evolution to happen over an infinite amount of time. A Creator must exist.

Great to have you in the community!

The cross is a Pagan symbol ... just sayin'.

Jesus' followers were taught to display their spirituality through actions and deeds. Therefore a Christian has no need to wear external signs, like a cross. :)

That is true but Jesus was hung on a cross and there is nothing in the Bible against wearing a cross.

Actually, I feel that Exodus 20:4 (You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.) would be something in scripture that says something against wearing a cross.

Also, I'm going to respond to your other post to me here since we can only go so many comments deep...

Messianic Jews would be considered Christian as they believe Jesus is the Christ.

Of course, I didn't say anything against Jews or Messianic Jews

Catholics are not Christian.

What? How do you figure that? Of course they are Christians, they believe in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and they believe that Jesus is G-d's son, and our messiah.

Christianity is following the King James Bible or some of the early accurate texts or those of other languages of which I have no information about. God promised to preserve his word.

The King James Version is actually one of the worst translations that exist. Even if it was a reliable translation, what good is reading the scripture in a language that you can't understand with all its thees thys and thous. I believe G-d will preserve His word and He will make sure that happens through more modern translations just as easily as He has with older ones in the past.

As far as giving in to an attacker, the bible says we can defend ourselves and our property.

Could you give me a place where scripture says we should defend ourselves and our property? The only things I've ever read were to no return evil with evil and to turn the other cheek. The only time Jesus told people to defend anything wasn't even about defense. He told some apostles to get a couple of swords, then when the time came for them to use them (where one of them did) he yelled at them and told them not to do so.

We revere Judaism because the Gift of Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ came through the Jews and then was given to us "Greeks."

I don't know if I completely agree with your wording, but yeah, I hold Judaism in very, very high regard because G-d was their G-d before He was ours. If we want to understand Him as fully as possible, we need to pay attention to how they lived.

The fact is, the majority of Christians have no concept of kiddush/chillul HaShem, literally the sanctification or desecration of the Name of G-d. Simply, do we make G-d look desirable or disgusting with the way we live. I think a great many of us actually commit chillul HaShem (desecration of the Name) in the way we try to deliver the message ofJesus by weighing it down with dogma and rules rather than love and forgiveness.

Well in reality it wasn't a cross that was used in the crucifiction it was actually in the shape of a "T" which was common in that time used by the roman's , the symbol of the cross being used comes from the time of the crusades , and is a representation of a sword manly brought forward by the Knight's Templar as there symbol!!