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RE: It is a privledge to introduce myself here...

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

WELCOME! I agree with what you are saying. I was born in the early 80's and witnessed the birth of the internet and from the same time period when privacy was king... And still believe it is. I believe It is a right given to us not by man or government, but a birth right. In today's world we are being tested. How much privacy are we as a people willing to give up? And I agree cryptocurrency engages in all three topics; privacy, security, and wealth.


It is very amazing technology and I believe using that tech to ensure in practice that something so fundamental to our freedom and life cannot be arbitrarily manipulated. Money is to the convenience of the people not governments or private institutions. The security aspect is also important. I can't tell you how many times I needed to ask my bank for a new debit card because my account was accessed without authorization. I am a very careful and paranoid person but I can't stop crafty people from scamming magread swipes. The U.S has finally stepped up in this aspect with chip readers but there are still many ways to lose money through no fault of your own. Giant corporations get hacked and credit card information gets stolen and sold in the deep web.

Privacy is inextricably linked to our liberty. If we give it away we give away our freedom for a little convenience. Not a fair exchange in my opinion. i am optimistic though humanity will instinctively seek freedom. It may only be the brave few but it will be sought.