The SteemHistorian is Here! Recounting the Most Epic Struggles on the Steem Blockchain!

Have you ever wondered about how @berniesanders earned his stripes with the previous -14 rep?

You're not alone!

I will be recreating dramatized re-enactments of the events with some clever GIF work and technical queries to piece together the events of old.


Epic Sagas that I would like to cover:

@berniesanders vs @dan (Obviously)
@fulltimegeek vs @haejin (And all the mini sagas therein)

I know if I dig there is a ton of juicy drama that we can research and tell the story. That's my gig. Also, hope you enjoy the graphic. I plan to use DBZ (Dragon Ball Z) themes in the storytelling. Should be fun. 😉

It's going to be a little while before I get started so appreciate any support until then. Follows greatly appreciated for them sweet / upvotes (One day!)

This is the Steem Historian signing off!


I will bad mouth all of Steemit outside the platform you dumb fuck! You did it to me, I will do it to the whole platform. BTW, I hate Tomatoes! Douchebag!

On top of bad manners, Burny has a short memory span; he started this, not me. He needs the back up of at least 14 bots to selfie vote. I am now going to handle a strategy that Kapitàn Flaggit, suggested using on @haejin. After all, he came up with it, so it must be ok. I also wonder who he bribed to get his rep from -17 to 70 while flagging accounts into oblivion. As an investor in Steemit I have every right to be here and question every suggested action, and Bernie's actions prove that decentralization as proclaimed, is a myth; perhaps an outright lie when it comes the social media aspect of Steem. This comment could be flagged in less time than it takes to push a button. Welcome to bot world.

agreed all around. send me a message on discord. (jasonshick)#4887

It doesn't matter who I am or what I do here. The only thing that matters is how much money I can lose here. I'll spread the word about the fun environment you create here for people. Why would anyone want to be here? Flag you later!

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Looking forward to it @steemhistorian! <3 What a fun idea.

Welcome to the steem community :-)

Welcome to Steemit @steemhistorian!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

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Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings!

Welcome to Steem @steemhistorian.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchain works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

This will be a somewhat dark and brightly humorous (as least for those not offended by it) series of posts, I can expect?

Oooh I can’t wait! Battling it out on the blockrain

Probably the most accurate thing I'll read all day.

Very good posts. Brother's continued success