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RE: My six month bender that started with an LSD trip in Cabo San Lucas and ended in rehab in Florida
"Healthy romantic relationships turned into banging fat chicks and forty-year-olds because it was easy and I'm not above going for low-hanging fruit."
"greasy fucking swindle that employers offer to desperate twenty-somethings in exchange for their happiness, social life, sense of optimism, and soul."
"enjoy couch naps, not pay rent, and dedicate a lot of time to my main passion--getting loaded."
This is the hottest piece of writing I've read on Steemit so far. If I could upvote this ten more times and give you another $500 I would.
Good fucking job, petit Bukowski.
If you must know the truth, your post gave me a throb-on.
Wow! Thank you so much. I am thrilled with how well this is doing. I never thought it would take off like this. Lots more to come. I have lived a wild life.