Hello Steemers! Here To Help The Community... How Can I Contribute??

I made a post introducing myself the other day before I really understood what Steemit was all about. No doubt I was on the right track however I think I can do things slightly differently and hopefully help some Steemers along the way.

Libertarians, volunteerists and anchaps are most likely to be receptive to the free health information I am committed to sharing because they already have a good understanding of the many huge scams in play against humanity. They naturally have an open mind and are prepared to research because truth is important to them.
The reality of life says we will all fall sick at some stage in our life so anyone can benefit from this type of suppressed knowledge.
The information I share is based upon my own personal experiences and the experiences of the people I have helped along the journey. The only thing that's required is an open mind and a desire to do your own research, draw your own conclusions and make your own decisions.

Any human has the right to make an informed decision about how they restore health. This can only happen when all the facts and information from all modalities has been reviewed. Alternative treatments aren't harmful to the body and if you do further research you will be blown away with how effective they are at curing the very worst health conditions... Yet they get no mainstream exposure ever!!

Now I haven't been to medical school and I've never been interested in medicine and I have no qualifications in natural medicine either. What I have had for the last 7 years since opting out of the corporate rat race is time on my hands to think. I have used this time to research the origins of modern Rockefeller medicine and also the the natural remedy world which is also full of smoke and mirrors.

The knowledge I've gained to cure (AND I DO MEAN CURE) almost any illness is beautifully simple and so easy to understand. Science has a habit of removing common sense and replacing it with something so complex that few truly understand it... we just have to blindly believe that they know what they are doing. Looking at the trillions raised for cancer research over the last 50 years with minimal progression in treatment type (chemo Radiation Surgery) raises serious questions.

Losing my mum to cancer in 2008 changed my life forever. As happens with so many people that sad event fuelled my passion and purpose to find the truth and share it. My goal is to freely share what I know beyond doubt to be life changing information from many trusted experts who have saved hundreds of thousands of lives over the last half a century. Excellent cancer cure rates and testimonials over many many years using natures gifts tell the true story...

Now compare this with a 12 year study published in The Medical Journal of Oncologists with findings that show a 97% death rate within 10 years of having Chemotherapy treatment.

The evidence and solutions for all illness are there for those who choose to research.

I'd like to ask a question if I may...
How many people do you think realise that there is a product that can be made at home or purchased cheaply from multiple sources on the internet that will totally cure Malaria in 24 hours... also cures Aids, Ebola, Zika and other viruses but it takes a longer time period... They want you to live in fear but you don't have to!
Thousands of people testify to this I've used the product myself for the last 2 years. I will never be without it. No more antibiotics or vaccines for me ever!

Here's some hard evidence supporting my last statement. You can watch low level red cross workers curing 154 people with Malaria in 24 hours in Africa. A miracle that was quickly suppressed as soon as the Red Cross chiefs realised what was happening. Do you know the RED CROSS are funded by Big Pharma? (


How may Diabetics realise that FRUIT and Herbs hold the key to getting off insulin for good?

How many cancer patients realise that a simple 3 week diet of Lemon Juice, Fruit and certain Herbs will start to shrink their tumour fast?
On 5th August 2016 after 9 weeks on this simple detox I discovered that a small hard tumour I'd had in my forearm for 15 years had totally disappeared.

Now the question I really want to ask... How can I best serve members of the Steemit community?

I never charge anyone for the information I share nor am I bothered about being rewarded for my posts... I simply want to inspire people to research and empower themselves with valuable knowledge.

I want people to be armed with all the important information before they make a decision on the way they fight ill health.

If you have a suggestion or a question please pop it in the comments box. I'm really looking forward to making my contribution and also learning new things from the Steemit community.

Ps I also publish to a blog http://www.frequency365.com where a full page dedicated to beating cancer naturally. There's also category packed with independent and inspiring cancer articles.