Hello Steemit community! Welcome aboard!
I am glad to be on this site and want to become acquainted with everybody (each of you). My name is Anastasia, I am from Russia. I am a stewardess on international flights, that is why I always travel. Also I’m photographer, artist, making 3D models, get involved in dancing and sport, overall I am very cheerful girl!
Рада находиться на этом сайте и хочу познакомиться с каждым из Вас! Меня зовут Анастасия, я из России. Я бортпроводница на международных рейсах поэтому постоянно путешествую, фотограф, художник, моделирую в 3-д, увлекаюсь танцами и спортом, и очень жизнерадостная девушка!
I am interested in cryptocurrency and everything that touches it (that connected with it). I have drawn a logotype of Steemit in style of our state flag of Russia.
Мне интересна криптовалюта и все что с ней связано, Я нарисовала логотип Steemit в стиле нашего государственного флага России.
Do you like it? :)
This is my badge which I do not part with even in the sky, also let it be my business card here.
Это мой бейджик с которым я не расстаюсь в небе, пусть будет и здесь моей визиткой.
I will rejoice you with such photos from the aircraft, because the best landscapes open from the top! I hope that I will explore the site quickly and make you happy with the best stories and photos, I will be glad to see you in subscribers.
Please, let me know if you like my profession and would like to work in the sky?
Буду радовать Вас такими фотографиями с борта самолета, ведь лучшие пейзажи открываются с высоты!
Надеюсь быстро изучить сайт и радовать в дальнейшем Вас лучшими рассказами и фотографиями, буду рада если увижу Вас у себя в подписчиках!
Напишите, нравится ли Вам моя профессия и хотели бы Вы работать в небе?
Thank you for attention, follow me and I will reciprocate.
Спасибо что обратили внимание на меня, следуйте за мной и я отвечу взаимностью!
Welcome to Steemit!
Thanks for the support, I'm very pleased that you meet me so! :)
Hi @stewardessa! Thank you for being here with us!
We made this guide to help you become a steemit-superstar! Please enjoy it.
Welcome! I look forward to following your journey :)
hi @trogdor
I just joined steemit and post for the first time
please look and upvoted :)
Glad you are here . I am flying from USA to Bahamas in morning .. I will follow along with you ,, Jkenny
Great, now we are united not only by the sky but also by steemit! :)
welcome to steemit @stewardessa...... nice to see you here
cool way to travel. looking forward to great travel posts from you!
here are some guidelines to style your post!
Privet NASTIA iz Michigan ,.....Welcome to STEEM board
Thank you! I already like it here!
I follow you
Hello and Welcome to the Steemit Community! :)
warm Welcome aboard Steemit. keep flying high in Steemit like a free bird --;}@
Hi Anastasia,
Welcome aboard Steemit. Everyone is flying high in Steemit. You will be our wonderful stewardessa.
Your job is perfect for making travel posts on Steemit! Welcome to the platform! It's a great place with a wonderful community. I hope that you do well here.
Thanks for the kind words!