Dear STEEM community ! My name is Sven, I'm a sales man, cryptocurrency freak and I work for the PETA

Hi guys !

I'm Sven from Hannover. I'm 36 years old and work full time in a Do-It-Yourself market.
I love my job and to deal with customers and people in general.

I'd like to show a picture of me with my girlfriend as well, but she's a bit shy :)

My main hobbies are cryptocurrencies and animal protection, where I spend really a lot of time for.
Sadly I missed all the cpu bitcoin-mining times. I heard about crypto at the end of 2013, but I'm following close since then. I do some altcointrading here and there and always looking which newly released coins have some potential or not. Therefore my favorite cryptos are actually Ether and Steem.

I just love the idea of adfree content, which gets rewarded by the community. Really interesting is, that there's no big profit oriented company behind it. So the focus stays on the individual content and the community. Lovely idea !

In my opinion every creature on this planet, has the same rights to live.
Unfortunally not all people see it that way.
People who think they are the alpha animal and only their interest is what counts,
are a huge problem. Every species has its place in the nature and a reason to be there.

If one is missing, it doesnt look like it would matter in first place. But the time will show,
that it does matter and things will change without it being there, doing what it does.
The cycle of life how we know it will change dramatically if we dont start to use our brains -
start to care about each other.

This is my message, that I want to tell you guys. Maybe you find a minute or two and think about it.
Feel free to tell me your opinion about that. I believe in Steemit and that it will become a big thing.
And hopefully we will change a few things with it.

Looking forward to have great conversations and a enjoyable time with you guys !


Welcome Sven

I agree that animals should be protected, but I am curious to know if you eat animals and if you feel the same way that you do about animals for plants?

Thx for your answer might. I do not eat animals and I guess you could say I feel same for the plants. However I do not believe that they can think like animals/humans etc. But they deserve to be protected, unsure if plants are able to feel or something like that. Prolly not but who knows. They are creatures so they have their right to live as well.

Btw if you're interested you might want to take a look at the video I linked here:

It's relly not easy to watch but please take a few minutes and watch it. Everyone should do that and maybe some would change their opinion about some things.

I absolutly agree with you man ! We gotta take care for the nature.

And wise words about steemit you found !

Welcome! I have never heard of a Do-It-Yourself market. I agree with you, that every animal should deserve to live , don't you can't force people. I'm a vegetarian; tried to go vegan but not there yet.

Really ? I could have sworn its called like that :S
How else u call that then ?
Hellweg, obi, hagebau, hornbach and these stores. How else they called if not DIY market ?

I'll never stop learning :)
Big respect for being vegerarian ! Yeah vegan means many changes, even tho shouldnd be too hard nowadays. But for sure is way more expensive, at least it would be here.

Welcome Sven! enjoy your stay.

We need more people like you here!

Welcome to the Steemit community! I have added you to my list of people to follow and I hope that you will do the same.

I have also created a blog here and would like to ask if you would kindly contribute some of your knowledge to the community and perhaps answer a question or two I have posted on the links below.

By simply answering a few general questions your help to build our collective knowledge base, and your input is valuable.

How valuable is my input? Well answers to the questions you post have the opportunity to earn STEEM which can be converted into Bitcoin and then your countries local currency! IT IS TRULY AMAZING!

I once answered a question on here and received 59 STEEM which converted to roughly $177.00 in USD! The reason was that my answer was of value to readers! So please add your value and answer a few questions here:

What should every foreigner know about your country?

What is your favorite YouTube Video of all-time?

What is your favorite quote: Which quote inspires you?

Payout timer. When do you get paid for your contributions?

What is the role of religion or spirituality in your life?

What is the best habit that you have taken up from another person?

What is the best way to lose weight and how did you do it?

What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?

What are some amazing facts that sound like BS but are actually true?

What is your favorite music video of all time?



Welcome. Love the miniature frog.

Hi, yeah they are insanely sweet and so small :O