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RE: It is finally HERE!! @intelliguy finally posts an introduceyourself post after MORE THAN A YEAR of waiting!

Hi @intelliguy

I recognize your name because over the year that I have been on Steemit you have provided noteworthy posts that were significant because they were useful to me. For that, I thank you, upvote 100%, resteem and post this comment.

You say you go to doctors when you can't heal yourself. However, this strategy is not effective for diseases and conditions that you are unaware of. For example, hypertension, diabetes and others are known as silent killers because they don't have obvious symptoms. Doctors use tests to ferret out physiologic conditions that you don't even know about.

In the matter of doctors, I suspect you may not be using them to your best advantage. A doctor has many years of training, study and experience in the practice of medicine. I suspect you don't. They also function as a team to pool their knowledge and enlist the best treatments for what ails you.

Of course, doctors are human and make mistakes. You need to protect yourself from that, but that requires acquiring a great deal of knowledge. Remember Steve Jobs. He was an intelligent guy who thought he knew more than the doctors.

As for sleep apnea, I hope you are aware that it can kill you. It is a serious condition. Have you investigated all the treatments out there? You might shop around for doctors with different takes on the matter, without entertaining quacks and scams. There are also also many clinical trials that could be of interest to you.

We are on a similar frequency when it comes to introductions on Steemit. For innocuous, simple minded, people, holding up a sign with the date on it and smiling into a camera is fine. On the other hand, if you are a person who holds controversial views, are unafraid to call out people in power or criticize powerful mass psychologies like religion and other forms of mass delusion, it is best not to publicize information about yourself like whereabouts, what you look like etc., because this gives these forces an easier target to neutralize and can lead to problems in your life like employment, decent housing, or your very life itself in some parts of the planet.

In conclusion, thanks again for being IntelliGuy and we look forward to continuation of your good work even without the idiotic, pro forma, introductory photograph. The merit of your work stands on it's own.


A rationalist, atheist, and probably transhumanist! I like! 👍

And you reached out and commented caringly about the health of someone who's basically a stranger to you. Me like doubly! 👍👍

Thanks for upvoting my post. Wish I could upvote you 200%, but at least you don't have to wait til heaven for your reward!

Thank you for the well thought out reply and comments to specific things I said. I can't argue with you since you are right in so many aspects "in general". :) We could have quite a lengthy discussion that would last the night.

As far as Steve Jobs goes... that is an entire topic in its own right. Something really bugs me about that situation and I don't take it at 100% face value. But I don't know. I just suspect.

On the other hand, if you are a person who holds controversial views, are unafraid to call out people in power or criticize powerful mass psychologies like religion and other forms of mass delusion, it is best not to publicize information about yourself like whereabouts, what you look like etc., because this gives these forces an easier target to neutralize and can lead to problems in your life like employment, decent housing, or your very life itself in some parts of the planet.

Yes, I do know... and that's why I don't. However, its inevitable... if they want you, they have no problems finding you. I don't want violence nor to be part of any sort of uprising, take over, or anything of that start. I'm as passive as they come. Perhaps that's why I haven't had an issue. Nonetheless, it's not larger giants I'm worried about. It's more about that little troll, who has a mental deficiency enough to cause a living hell for someone. The small few dozen or so that cause problems for online people. That's why I'm especially private.

I come from the idea that live and let live is an important rule.... We may disagree, and if so, no need to stay and tolerate... find your group and live happy too. It's hard... I don't know. I do what works, until I can't. :)

...and when I say "you", I'm addressing them (the trolls). :)

Naturally, we don't know the full details of the Steve Jobs story. We just have the mass media versions. I just wanted to put forth an example of a very talented, intelligent individual who regretted his medical decisions. Pancreatic cancer moves like a fire storm. There is no time; action must be taken immediately, but even then it is still a crapshoot.

And given the fact that doctors, through their "training" kill far more by misdiagnosis and incorrect prescribing of synthetic pharmaceuticals, kill more people than die on our highways in collisions, is good reason to be very skeptical of the medical profession -- in general.

On the other hand, trauma surgeons & physicians provide a tremendous value and save lives every day, and they are trained by the same profession. So one has to be wise and not lump every member of a profession under the same 'label', good or bad. They are people first, and that is how we should deal with them, as individuals, not as "authority" figures to be worshiped or respected due to a title.

Like so many institutions, there is much disinformation. Research Rockefeller's role in medicine and how influenced it and around the turn of the last century (1900s) and you can begin to understand the need to be very skeptical and cautious.

I gave this post a full 100% upvote because it is a good example of what comments should be.

Great point about Rockefeller. I've only recently got that reality on my radar. I need to research it further.

I just wish I could see his face in an "introduceyourself" post.

Why? What purpose does seeing a face serve? Are you going to do a ML facial metrics analysis to determine his character and whether you want to upvote him?

If you saw Hitler's face on the cover of Time magazine would that make you want to upvote him?