Hello steemit-world, a fresh new underwear joins the party!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

 Hello World!

(.. I had to start with this, because I’m a computer scientist, you know.. haha..ha..ohw.. for those who don't know: everytime you learn a new computer language, you start with a "hello world program" - it just prints out "hello world".)

I’m Larissa, 21 years old, living in germany (in a small town, about 50 kilometres away from Hamburg). I’m traveling to hamburg everyday by train, to study (can’t afford to live there, as I don’t earn any money yet). My course of studies is called „human computer interaction“ – I’m having about 50% computer science courses and 50% psychology courses (we are the only ones, besides the real psychologists of course, who are permitted to take that psychology lessons without having to write the best of all possible grades just to be allowed to hear that stuff, lol).

It’s really a huge change when I hang up with other computer science students compared to other psychology students.. like living in different worlds.. whenever someone says something like „it doesn’t matter what you work/study“ to me, I always have that big „YOU KNOW NOTHING“ in my head.. just kidding, it’s not THAT hard, but you really notice it.

Before I went to study, I worked at a social instituition one year (a „voluntarily social year“, don’t know if something like that exists in other countrys?). I had the opportunity to talk to very differend "kinds" of people, like homeless people, people with mental or physic disorders, alcoholics, travelers, children, teenagers, drug takers.. It was really eye-opening and I’ve learned so much about humans! But in the end, I’m still a tech girl, though. 😉

So I decided to mix these things.  As I mentioned „tech girl“ – have you seen this picture of me?

(ok, it's more gaming-related than really "tech stuff", but somehow.. and somebody wrote that it's better so resize the image to nearly 800x450 because of the thumbnail - that's why it's soooo small now. Hope you can read what I've written even though.)

 It seems that you like to know that the person whose stuff you’re reading is real – so here I am! I decided to make the picture in front of the door of my room; so you can see some things I like.. that hand-signed „monster hunter 4 ultimate“ poster (a game where you can battle huuuge monsters and build stuff with their drops and have a loot of fun with your friends, played it like a maniac), some chocobo-cards (cute little yellow birds from „final fantasy“, one of the best rpgs that I know) and lightning, a character from the same videogame.

I gathered lots of handhelds, one console and a strong PC with a oculus rift for awesome VR stuff.

I also started to build some stuff on my own, but I’m still learning and getting help from an awesome friend. For example, I have that chip (called esp-32), connected with some copper cables and put it on the top of my bathoom-door, so I can get a notification on my smartphone, everytime someone uses the bathroom (background story: I „live“ in the upper floor, the toilet is on the down floor, and my parents are using it like 90% of the time EXACTLY at that moment that I went all that stairs down to use it… so I decided that I have to know whether it’s occupied or not BEFORE going down). For christmas I got that awesome self-made icosahedron with glowing rgbs at each edge, all programmable. So my next step is to connect the toilet bot with the ico, so that I don’t even have to look on my phone anymore, but see the yellow (because red is too obviously, I like things that are different) light when it’s occupied.

Anyway, I’m a very happy person. Not that loud, annoying, always laughing-type that cries when being alone, much more a „found my inner chill“-person, seeing most of the things as calm as I could.  I’m more a silent thinker than a never-want-to-stop-talking girl – because otherwise I wouldn’t have time to notice all the beautiful little things in the world. I think I will blog some of those moments, because shared joy is double joy 😊

A last attitude I don’t want to hide is, that I’m always seeking for the things that I don’t understand or aren’t easily be able to.. For example, I did that social year even though I’m (better: I was! The year luckily changed very much for me!) very shy, I started learning the guitar (years ago, meanwhile I got a acoustic guitar, electric guitar and a cute little ukulele) even though I’m really not musically gifted (I still suck, lol, cause I stopped practicing as I have so much lesser time since I’m studying – because I want to make everything whole-hearted), I’ve had a speak-(and write)-disability when I was a little child, so me and my mother practiced everyday, and now I’m always writing perfectly correct (in german, of course :D still learning english as my second language, got french as a third). Persons with this kind of attitude are called „incremental theorists“. Persons who always want to learn something, instead of proving that that already have a skill in something. The opposite is called „entity theorists“, persons who think that intelligence is’nt flexible and if they aren’t good in something, they will never be able to learn this (thought I could let that psychological knowledge hang out a bit, sometimes it's good to know that there are already words for something you would otherwise just describe)

Who brought me to steemit?

Around christmas, my brother started to do some research about all this crypto currency stuff, because my mother was really hyped to spend some euros into that one altcoin.. Sometimes he told me some things about it, and one day he mentioned steemit. The concept really sounds good to me, so I decided to gather more information – since then, I’m always reading interesting stuff here. More than I’ve ever found on facebook or some newspapers, I really love it 😊

Seeing your reactions to all that posts encourages me, that maybe some things of my life could be interesting for some of you, too! I don’t want to be an ever-silent reader anymore! So here I am, explaining what it is, „being like me“. It’s my first post ever, I’ve never blogged anything or something (expect like posting.. about 3? pictures a year on facebook :D) 

 Explaining „underpants“

At last, anybody wondered why I’ve chosen the name „underpants“? It’s quite.. „unsuitable“ for more or less serious things like this, huh? The name has a little story. I don’t know if it’s necessery or worth to mention it, but I feel like I want to.. One day, I wanted to sign up for a computer science related website. But my very-well liked, previously used username was already taken.. Normally, there is always that „attention! Your username will be visible for everyone, so don’t pick a name that reveals anything personal!“. This time, there wasn’t. Alright, I thought. If it’ts just my name for logging into the page, it’s all the same. Childish as I am, the first word that came into my mind was ..yeah, Penis.

After signing up, I realized that this name was the name that everybody could see! Oh dear!

Hurry up, think of something else.. is there anything else, that isn’t quite as unprofessional and maybe even embarassing? P..ants! Yeah. Pants it is. But.. it’s such a usual word. It has to be something unique.. Clever me, let’s change the name to „UniquePants“! There it was, a freshly pecked, not used by anyone else, username. Somehow I liked it, but somehow I thought „if I’m blogging about life and thougths, why the fuck should I have a name that is in nooo waay related to the content?“

Think about something else.. Come on…

Okay, fuck of. It doesn’t have to be related to the content. It doesn’t have to be something deeply meaningful. And there’s only one thing in life for me, that is more important than everything else: spell some magically smiles or at least a little grin on other people faces.

Underpants are funny. ..aren’t they?

I hope I can share some of my spirit and will be able to hear lots of things from you, so we can grow on each other 😊

Thanks for reading!  


Welcome to Steemit!

I guess it's catchy I mean your username =)
Keep it up this platform has a lot to offer best of luck and welcome to steemit!

:) maybe you're right! thanks for the wishes ! :)

#you speak python?
print ("Welcome to the community @underpants. Glad to have someone like you here.")
print ("The community is really lacking computer science related contents, and I hope you know it's a challenge.")
response = input ("I'm now following you, but how often do we get to hear from underpants?")

#lang raket
(define answerPythonQuestion
(display "speaking lisp/a lisp dialect called racket for answering you, cause.. It's very functional! badum ts using micropython for chip things!)

(define answerTheRest
(display "glad to meet someone that's into this too :) you think I should post about coding stuff too? Maybe some pieces of cake to introduce new people to coding stuff? Or more advanced stuff? What do you work on? :)
I plan to let hear of me at least once a day, but if I'm creative and not too busy, it'll be more. But I think quality goes over quantity, or is steemit the other way?")

And for the sake of lisp, here you got some more brackets: ((()))

Some pieces of cake will be nice. Presently working on a system that'll save web developers a lot of development time. However, I don't think the community is ripe enough for that, so I'll reserve it for the future. Psychology is really amazing, we'll love to read about it, from you. Yeah, quality will be highly appreciated over quantity. Welcome once again.

I am also a gamer more then I am into tech I had my eye on monster hunter its going to be out for the switch I think it reminds me of a game called phantasy star, btw psychology is a great thing to learn go for it @underpants

the next monster hunter title won't be for the switch (think they got the last doublecross in japan) , cause it will have much much better graphics this time - will be out for ps4 and xbox one this month, and later this year for pc :) very exited, maybe give it a look :)
Never played phantasy star, but it looks like final fantasy in the basics :D
Thanks, i will do :)

Welcome to the Steem community Larissa! I look forward to reading your future content :D

Ah... the bathroom notification is maybe the coolest thing I've ever heard! That is genius! I can just imagine getting up and standing in the cold waiting for someone to vacate. So smart! Do you sometimes wake up to 50 notifications... knowing someone had a wild night?

Hahaha, underpants are funny. There is a game called Battle Briefs coming out soon that I'm super excited for.. because, underpants are funny.

haha, thanks :D I also built in some stuff like "if someone uses the bathroom for more than 6 minutes, send me a notification that maybe he/she is doing ... -had to look up how to say it in english - in german we would say "his/her big deal", but a online wiktionary says you call it "to do a number 2", funny :D
I could add some statistics too, like to which time of the day it's more likely that it's occupied or things like that..
unfortunately, I never woke up from too many notifications from a wild night, cause.. would have been funny to go there and offer some help or something, in the middle of the night.

that game really looks funny, maybe I'll try it out, thanks for mentioning it :P

welcome to steemit the best community out there! your mother is far ahead of everyone :p if i say ''bitcoin'' to my parents they will think i am talking about some ancient god :p
if you have any question just ask don't be shy, everyone will help you out!

thanks! :D yeah that's how many of the "older" generation is like at the moment.. until one day everybody accepts it and it's normal to pay with digital currencies :)
she doesn't really know how it works and what's a blockchain and all of that, but she knows that there's something out there with the basic concept of money, and that she has a chance to live a better pensioner-life when she's willing to take the risk of a loss for the high potential of investing in the future with some winnings for her.. smart thing if it succeeds :)

from the stockmarket it's sure way better investment and lower risk at least that's what i think of

the risks are definitly lower I think.. but you have to wait much more years to make profit

it depends of the amount of money you are willing to invest. for example if someone has invested let's say 2 years ago 15.000k 5 in bitcoin 5 in litecoin and 5 in ether now he would have 5 times that

I like your post, my little sister! ^_^ I hope you get the attention on Steemit, you deserve. :)

Herzlich Willkommen :) Unglaublich sympathischer Vorstellungspost. Kann es nicht nervig sein, jedes mal eine Notification zu erhalten? :D

hui danke :)
tatsächlich nicht - eher jedes mal eine kleine Freude... :D

Deine 'Erfindung' ist ja geil :D und HOLY SHIT du machst ja genau das was mich schon immer fasziniert hatte. Ich wollte cognitive science (also interdisziplinär-psychologie,IT,neuro) machen, hab mich dann doch für nur IT entschieden. Wie cool, dass du das machst!!! Willkommen auf steemit und ich bin schon auf deine weiteren posts gespannt! :D LG

:D hab diese antwort hier von dir erst gelesen, nachdem ich mich bei dir umgeschaut hab und dachte mir genau das selbe - sehr schön, dass uns beide dasselbe so sehr fasziniert ! mega cool :) danke!

finde ich auch :D