hai steemit , perkenalkan nama saya Muhammad Afid Fuadi

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

afid fuadi.png

saya sangat senang bisa bergabung dalam komunitas steemit ini. nama panggilan saya apid dan saya berumur 21 tahun ,
saya seorang mahasiswa di Universitas syiah kuala (Unsyiah) prodi peternakan fakultas pertanian. saya pendatang baru di dunia steemit dan saya minta bimbingan dan saran dari kawan kawan semua.

sekian dari saya terima kasih :)


Halo ngenn, selamat bergabung beh 😁

makasih ngen, tolong bimbingan dari droneh yang ka awai bak dunia steemit nyo haha

Welcome, yuo are a new comer in steemit program.
I hope you become a good posting anytime. Thanks.

Salam kenal, mohon upvote back ya

I like your style bude

Great meeting you and a warm welcome to Steemit. Everyone I've met on here has been amazing & super helpful. I'm sure you'll find the Steemit community very welcoming & kind. Here's a post that help me when I 1st got on here:
The Ultra Beginner's Guide to Steemit- What to do 1st
Also if you'd like to know more about me:
"You Never Know" <--- Click to Listen

Stay in touch and let me know when you post ! I'll be sure to upvote.
Follow Shomori Pass!

Welcome, yuo are a new comer in steemit program.
I hope you become a good posting anytime. Thanks.