The LIE from my introduction post. Can you handle the TRUTH?

Let me make it right by giving you this special gift.

I went to bed after I posted my self introduction the other day. The next morning, when I was still lying in bed checking my phone I was totally shocked to see my introduction had earned me over $1000! That was unbelievable! My friend joked with me that all my useless skills have finally bore me some fruit. Lol.

Sorry to keep you guys hanging. In this post, I’ll reveal to you guys the lie in my introduction post and give everyone a special gift to make up for it. Here we go:

1. Born and raised in Beijing China.



2. Living in Melbourne Australia.


3. Married with two boys.


4. Graduated from Melbourne University with a double degree in Engineering and Computer Science.


5. Alumni of Carnegie Mellon University.


I did a half-year exchange study in CMU in the Computer Science department. I took that photo in my dorm room during the Chinese New Year, which is why you are seeing a Chinese handheld fan. Here's a photo of CMU's roboceptionist, Tank.

6. Travelled to more than 80 cities all over the world.


I won't list every single city here but here are the countries I’ve been to:

  • Australia
  • China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan)
  • Thailand
  • Singapore
  • Italy
  • Vatican City
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • Belgium
  • France
  • England
  • Spain
  • Austria
  • Greece
  • America
  • Hungary
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Turkey
  • Israel
  • Jordan

@jimmco, @sean-king Yep, more than 80 cities.

7. Worked in IBM and later resigned.


It was good pay with great personal development but I resigned because I wanted to make a more meaningful impact in this world than to climb the corporate ladder.


8. Studied theology.


I’m a Christian and I studied theology after I resigned from IBM.

9. Working as a wedding photographer.


That gif image is called a cinemagraph, made of multiple photos and created in Photoshop. Here’s another one I created:

@freedomengineer Didn't my photos give you enough clues?
@stellabelle That is not my wife. I can’t possibly have taken my own wedding photos on my wedding day.

10. Founder of Chinese Talkeze, the simplest online Chinese video course.


I spent the first half of my life speaking perfect Mandarin Chinese in Beijing and I spent the other half of my life going through the pain and suffering in learning English and I've finally figured out the shortcut to learning a language. And now I want to pass on my life's work in language learning to the world.

My vision is to create the most complete and simplest Chinese course that any beginner can go through the course and start speaking like a native Beijing speaker with perfect grammar, perfect pronunciation, perfect use of phrases and a complete understanding of the Chinese culture.

11. Know how to play the Chinese Violin (Erhu).


You can also call it the two-string violin since it only has two strings. I started learning the Chinese violin since when I was 10 years old and I am a member of the largest Chinese orchestra in Melbourne Australia.

12. Know how to play the Didgeridoo with circular breathing.


This is an Australian aboriginal instrument. I didn’t think of learning it until the day I saw a Didgeridoo short course offered in Melbourne University. Learning circular breathing by itself was too tempting to give up and I took the challenge and learned how to play the Didgeridoo.

@drinkzya, @justyna

13. Know how to play the piano.


I taught myself piano. I learned piano by playing songs that I liked and my favourite piece is Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement. I love the 3rd Movement too but it's impossible for me to play.

14. Know how to play the Cucurbit Flute (Hulusi).


This is a traditional Chinese instrument. I can play by ear. I found it very easy to play. Didn’t really spend much time learning it.

15. Know how to fly a helicopter.


I have flew a helicopter simulator before, I have sit in a helicopter before (the one in the photo I posted), but never flew a real helicopter. A bonus interesting fact about that helicopter in the photo was that it was the helicopter taking a couple to their wedding venue for the bridal procession. You can’t leave your wedding photographer behind, can you?

Round of applause to @ffcrossculture for spotting the lie. Everyone, please vote up his comment in my previous introduction post.

16. Ran 800 meters in 2'46" when I was in my grade 6.


I joined my school’s athletics team since grade 4 in my primary school until grade 6 and I attended athletics competitions representing my school every year running 800 meters and 1500 meters.


17. Love karaoke and casted in a Chinese musical.


I love singing. My mum was a singer and she used to take me to her performances everywhere when I was young.

@quynhtn, @justicepirate

18. Love sports and these are my favourite sports

  • table tennis
  • badminton
  • ice skating
  • basketball
  • squash


19. Never kissed a girl until the day I married my wife.

Absolutely True!

There are many reasons that I saved my first kiss for my wife on our wedding day. Actually, we both saved our first kiss for each other on our wedding day.

Kiss is a powerful way to deliver the message that you like/love/care about someone. But if you give it to more than one person, the power of the message diminishes.

The first kiss is a precious gift just like virginity and I only want to give that to my wife and no one else and I can only guarantee that on our wedding day. This was my past self being responsible to my current wife.

On our wedding day, both my wife and I entered into a holy covenant. There is not a more powerful way for us to deliver that message to each other than giving it to each other on our wedding day witnessed by all our friends, family and God.

We also wanted to declare to the world through our wedding ceremony that true love is worth the wait. Physical touch is not a prerequisite for love. It's actually quite the opposite. We both took responsibility and commitment toward each other by refraining ourselves from kissing until our wedding day. The responsibility and the commitment are driven by love not lust.

@moonguy, @karask, @redstone, @remlaps Have I convinced you now?
@justicepirate, @g-dubs, @justicepirate, @justyna Yep.
@johnnyyash That's how. :)

20. Favourite food is the Chinese spicy cumin lamb skewers.


If any of you have a chance to go to China, you must try this! Especially the charcoal grilled ones. Peking duck is also my favourite.

21. Know how to say hello in Mandarin Chinese, English, Cantonese, Indonesian, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Russian, Hungarian, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic, Hebrew, Hawaiian


@redstone, @xerox, @justyna Thanks for expanding my foreign language vocabulary.

To make up for telling that lie in #15, and to thank you all for reading, upvoting and commenting on my posts. I’ve decided to give away lifetime access to my Ultimate Traveller’s Chinese course to everyone here reading this post for FREE.

This is a video course that covers all the essential sentences for you to survive in China and only 15 minutes of your time is required per lesson inclusive of the time you practise and memorise.

Just send me a message using the contact form on my website mentioning “Steemit" and I’ll set you up for free access to my course. There is no catch, hidden cost or whatsoever. This is totally my way of contributing to the Steemit community and an opportunity for me to spread the love.

However, to be eligible to receive this offer, you have to be a registered user on Steemit and contact me before the first payout time of this post on 12 Aug 2016.

That’s it for now. Keep steeming forward! Follow me if you enjoyed reading my posts.

p.s. All the photos in this post are original. Mostly taken by myself except for the ones with me in the photo. All rights reserved.

p.s.s. That photo of me wearing mask was during the outbreak of swine flu in the U.S. and my dad forced me to wear that crazy looking mask just in case!


It was a good game you played and well done. You do good work. Congratulations.

Congratulations on your introduceme post. Hope you continue to have fun and enjoy yourself here on steemit. Welcome!

Haha, nice one, lame yet funny ;) The free course is a very nice idea!

Great post. Well written. Lie forgiven!

@victoryang what a totally awesome and long post. You are almost a world traveller and very talented at that. I myself have only gone as far as Seattle. Hope you enjoy your stay at Steemit.