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RE: Hello! I'm a former corporate drone turned Wonderer, now Wandering!

This reply might feel like it was stuck in a time lapse but that's because we 'met' only recently in the deepshit/ beawesome channel on Discord.

How could I not reply after reading that you speak 'een klein beetje Nederlands' and spent some time in the country were I grew up in.

Groetjes uit Portugal and I'm sure I'll 'see' you around,



Hoi! Was in your country on and off for 4.5 months in total. Had to do visa runs in between, but I love every single moment I spent there. I really wanna live there long-term! Anyway now I have to be out of schengen for 90 days, otherwise I'd visit you in Portugal. @whatamidoing has mentioned that he'll love to do that too! Actually he told me to go look for you there, but visa yeah =(

What? You wanna live in The Netherlands long-term?
I guess the grass is always greener on the other side :>)

It's a shame you have to leave the Schengen area because it would indeed be fun to meet up.

And otherwise, I'm sure we can make it happen in the not so distant future :>)

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