Introduce myself properly - Hi Steem

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hi Steem 


I’ve been messing around “thinking” about what to write on my introduction post since christmas now, it’s become a mixture of writing a CV and a dating app profile! I’ve never been good at either! Like writing a dating profile I’ll try to add some humour … but I cant guarantee its going to be funny 😊 also I’m Dyslexic so god knows what’s going to happen!  

So where do I begin?  

I’m a mother to 2 beautiful children under 3 (so that keeps me busy)  Before I became a fulltime mother, I was on a crazy adventure to try and work out what life was all about.  I travelled to amazing exotic destinations, met leaders, speakers, authors, teachers, gurus, shamans and all sorts of funky characters along the way! Steemit has really made me think about how I can tell some of these story’s, I’ve been going thought old pictures thinking about how I could write it up. The best way I can think of is to tell it like one big joke! As most of the time real life is far funnier than anything I could make up! 

While messing around for 2 months thinking about how to introduce myself, I was trying to work out what box I could fit myself into...the answer is now clear… I wont fit in a box, I’m a jack of all trades so that’s what I’m going to talk about … everything! I’ve been trying to work out how I can bring “VALUE” to the platform. So I’m just going to mix it up and see how it goes. I’m going to write up some of the funny stories from my adventures and also my misadventures. I have been joking for years about how I need to write a sitcom so maybe this is it? I’ve got some poems and pictures, recipes and all sorts of crazy shit…  so, watch this space!!! 

On a deeper level, I think the time we are in at the moment is so import. I believe everything happens for a reason and everyone here on this earth at the moment is here to help bring about shift in consciousness. We are the caretakers of this planet and there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Back in 2010 I “woke up” many of you reading this will know exactly what I mean by that, and if you don’t then you soon will. There is a mass awakening happening at this moment all over the world! There are many prophecy’s talking about this time, and we are lucky enough to be here now to see it! Back in 2010 I stumbled across a talk by John Harris called It’s an Illusion 

IT BLEW MY MIND!! That’s was the real start of my personal journey. I saw John Harris was talking in Wales at a place called Truth Juice. I fell in love with the place, the people and the idea of telling people about all the “truth”. I was so taken back by the information I had discovered that I decided I need to tell the world! In 2011 I started “Truth Juice” in Birmingham my home town. Since then it has just gone from strength to strength and it’s still running today. I was lucky enough to find the most amazing couple to take it to the next level while I helped other groups get started throughout the UK. At its peek we had 12 group meetings happening regularly, meetings in Hull, Bristol, London, Manchester, Liverpool and more, we even had a few festivals! We built a beautiful community and shared some amazing information.   After working out that money is an illusion I wrote to every company who I owed money to explaining to them my views and asking them to provide the original wet ink signature contract, and if they couldn’t provide it I wasn’t going to pay them and any future correspondents will be dealt with as harassment.

 It was great I was impowered!  Then I got loads of letters back …. And a few bailiffs! But at the time it was quiet fun, I fucked my credit score thought………. Anyway I got out some credit cards and loans, brought silver and loads of food and got ready for WW3 (think I was watching to much Alex Jones at that time) I even asked my nan what did you have in the war nan? I came home with a pile of pasta, rice tea bags all sorts of crazy stuff and I said to my cousin “don’t worry if we go to war we won’t starve” and she said “what if we don’t go to war does that mean we’ve got to eat all this shit food?”  So, I sat back with my preppers pack and waited for the awakening to happen! And waited…. And waited then thought “fuck this I’m going to Bali!”  Bali was amazing! 



 I came back, had no where to live, my dad gave my car away to his mate who was having a hard time  (nice one dad, I’m only went away a few months, you were only meant to take it in for an MOT) so I rung my mate up moaning about having to catch the bus but I wanted to go to this festival in Glastonbury! So, he turned up in the trust bus and we had a road trip! 


Ironically the reason I went to that festival was that Sunbird the creator had this idea to use “earth pounds” on site, he wanted to create a currency that would be traded in the festival and you would get discount for paying in the earth pound (see this guy was before his time!)  I became a director My role at the festival was Welcome Team Coordinator so we were the first people you would meet, we would give you a cuddle a cup of tea and sort your tickets out! We had a great laugh and it was such a lovely event! Our team was amazing and it started a series of events that lead me to Peru for an ayahuasca retreat! (but that’s another story) 


  All the work I did for the festival was always voluntary, but I got the biggest gifts from those events. I have found friends for life, I met an amazing group of people who I ended up traveling to Peru with To get to Peru I sold 4 BTC for about £1000, had the most amazing adventure, went to Machu Picchu and shopping in Costco……. Ohhh I mean Cusco, but that didn’t stop me from having a few bad days when BTC went up to £14000 as I promised to buy them back but never did.  So after convincing myself I had missed the BTC train I got my head back into the crypto and found steem! Oh and I also had 2 beautiful children….   

 So I think that’s me pretty much introduced!  I’m not sure how much time I can give to steem as I constantly have a child attached to me, but I will try my best, think I might invest in a spare keyboard for my little girl so she can get off my one! I’ll see how that goes! Thank you xxx Lotsa Love V xxx  

PS I did do an introduction but it wasn’t to myself it was to my idea, its basically how to categorise everything I was thinking about possibly steeming in the future…… (yeah I’m the queen of procrastination) if you fancy a look check it out at!/v/vixxx/vv8etdwn it took me ages to make as I’ve never used any of the programs before and it’s earned my 50p …. Oh no 5p hahaha the only way is up!  



Thanks to Neil Shah, I found you. A belated welcome. Good luck

Welcome to join @vixxx in steemit hopefully happy here, and still be a good mother, hopefully keep going forward.

Hey Vixxx, welcome to Steemit. I am Guy's son, Florian. Your awakening story sounds really interesting. I loved the humor. :)

Last week I posted my own spiritual journey to Peru where I met Guy.

Hay @flauwy
Guy told me you are doing really well on here and out on road trip to mexico, hopefully next year i will be there too.... xx <3 xx

I'm still trying to work out how steem works so if you have any pointer please let me know xx much love xxx

My idea for content is to do some interviews with speakers/teachers i know, check out my video on how i was thinking to order it all, also maybe you could do an interview in "network and community"
Also i would like to talk about some of my travels and my spiritual journey too.... but im not sure i have the words just yet lol xxx

Hi how are you? Really nice intro, i love it ! I’m a new steemit user as well and would like to connect with other cool steemians, artists and musicians. I’m posting music tutorials and other things related to music (and bitcoins:p). I’m the founder of the free music school communicasound. I'm really pleased to meet you. So i give you my vote, follow you and i will be happy to read your next posts in the futur. If you want, you can do the same and follow me. It’s important to have a family in Steemit :) Greetings from Paris. Peace.

that sounds wicked! check out my video, i tryed to explain my idea of how to tag info and how to order the stuff i want to do in the future, i would like to do interviews with people doing great projects, Art and music is a big section, check it out and hopefully we can do something in the future x :) x

That's an amazing project ! would love to participate in the futur, i love the idea of connecting all the knowledge together. Let me know when and keep me posted about the evolution of your project ! I look forward reading your next posts. Peace. CS

its worked out kinda funny, because ive avoided doing my personal post because i wanted to make the project real first, so i go the account @theknowledgebank but for some reason it just wouldn't let me post on there so i thought it was a sign from the universe to do it myself first, and build the knowledge bank organically. I know loads of interesting people who i would like to interview so slowly they are getting there accounts activated so should build nicely..... but need to work out how to streem line it as i need to do it all round the kids... but i'm on it ;)
so on here im going to post everything i can and see what happens

I will be there to read your next posts :) I will send you feedback on them. Have fun doing this. and let's keep in touch. Peace. CS

Welcome & good luck!! :)

Go for it girl.
Save the world with decentralisation

Great to have you here dear keep expressing urself and wanna see ur kids in upcoming pics I bet they are cute lastly I will upvote and follow ur post from now on hoping u do the same..let grow together

lets grow together!!!
check out my video, the sound quality isnt the best but its all about "growing" projects, i like steem already :)

Welcome to Steemit. I'm new myself but am learning the area. Hope you have a great Valentines Day.

I want to be you friends,
Follow me and upvote my post...!!!! @zerometal

Hi @vixxx, welcome to Steemit. Probably you have a lot of questions about it and the easiest way to get proper answer is from reading the Official website FAQ: (

Glad that you finally make an introduction but we didn't get your proper name. Do mind to let us know.

Oh before I forget, have a Happy Steemit Valentine's Day!

This video specially created & dedicated to celebrate Steemit Valentine Day only:

Have fun exploring and posting your experiences in Steemit. Enjoy!

@vixxx, Welcome to the Steemit Community! You can check out the @MinnowSupport Project, a community of now over 12,000 Steemians on Discord Chat where you can chat, learn, and network with other members!