Who are the VOICES of the UNDERGROUND ?
The purpose of the Voices Of The Underground is to bring people within the cryptocurrency world together to have the conversations that need to be had by those who are brave enough.
Yes! We ARE controversial!
Because anything that causes "prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion"
We believe that every voice matters, especially the voices of those who stand up for a cause, however controversial. Political and financial repercussions for using your voice in a controversial manner leads to censorship and we at VOTU will be providing an avenue to amplify the voices of those who are brave enough to stand up against censorship.
Relax! It's not all serious!
Love it?
Buy it here: https://www.votustudios.com
OK back to business!
Voices of the Underground started as a podcast brought to you the steemians by @beanz and @sirlunchthehost
What inspired you guys to become the voices of the underground?
@beanz : Toppa the mornin' ta ya! This is a grand place ya have here, but if ya wanna make me comfie ya better get out the whiskey lads!Who's voice is the loudest?
@sirlunchthehost : Fuckin' donuts my nigga!Why did you choose the underground and not the overground?
@beanz : Gingers can't stay in the sun too long!How did you two come together?
@sirlunchthehost : I asked my nigga out she was like nah... I asked her again she was like na-ah, I asked her again she said I guess so!
@beanz : Oh and clothes!
You make clothes?
@sirlunchthehost : Yeah homie, we make clothes, music, podcast, videos oh and I made the first steemit game yo! If you wanna be in the game just show me them steem dolla bills bro!
@beanz : Or if you become a pirate sure it's grand, it's on the house! Help VOTU spread content across the web for the crack sure!
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- A pirate?
@beanz : Yeah, by helping push VOTU to the masses, you bring fans to crypto space and by participating in projects like the Pirate Guild and Steemit Community Discussions you can earn -
@sirlunchthehost : beanz, brah don't tell them yet. It's a surprise yo!
VVeird enOugh To Upvote ;-)
Special thanks to those who contributed to the audio @pfunk @instructor2121 @picokernel @fyrstikken @seablue @fuzzy @batman @senseiteekay @mughat @ejhaasteem @krnel
Please consider resteeming or promoting!
Steemit Community Discussions
^_^ Nice! How do I join the pirate guild? Dove and donut?
I've had experience pirating, but also a history of ninja-ing. I know some pirates (and ninjas) don't believe in mixing.
I'm not just a pirate/ninja hybrid though, having had many other well paid jobs such as being someone's imaginary friend, ghost hunter, genocide scholar, among other things.
Love those sweet beats. 😊
Join us here and tune in on Saturday http://discord.gg/tPeHAYw
11am PST
1pm CST
7pm GMT
If you want to purchase the album with steem just contact us there on discord!
Thanks for that GMT!
LoL at "Gingers can't stay in the sun too long!"
Welcome to Steemit! :))
Tune into the VOTU podcast in 4 hours