Introducing myself


Hello, steemit friends and followers. I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing and I thought maybe the best way for me to start off is to tell you guys about myself and get to know me. Starting with the basics, my name is Peninah.
Although (pardon my horrid grammar) that's not what a lot of my friends call me. I'm at a weird point in my life where I actually have a lot of different social groups and they all call me different names. Its a total mindfuck. Btw writing this post rightnow took a lot out of me. There's this huge ass spider inbetween the mattress and I'm scared and there's no one here to kill it. You really think I can?! Not all of us are murderers, Theresa.
I'm in grade 12 at Elizabeth Wyn Wood Alternate. I love my school. Its the Southside high (Riverdale reference) of Canadian public schools which sucks because of how great it is. I hate that. People are literally fucking up our free world by looking at the negatives and making mad assumptions. It literally drives me up a wall. Sorry about the swearing... okay maybe that's one bad habit I've picked up from school :/
There's so much more to me like my spongebob obsession and the unhealthy amount of hours I spend on youtube indulging myself on some Emilia Fart, and my life being upgraded by recently getting Netflix and Spotify. Don't worry,, everything I watch is indie. Gotta represent that I am living my best hipster life.
Hope you genuinely enjoyed yourself with this short read. I've always been big into writing and it would be super Lit if you left a comment down below to let me know your opinions, also what content you guys are into. Does swearing have an affect on what you could possibly gain from a post here. Idk still figuring these things out.
Have a wonderful steemit day :)