Introducing Cannabis News and Politics

Welcome to Cannabis News and Politics. Your source for the "facts behind the headlines".

For decades now, in addition to the 80 plus years of false information, numerous organizations have raised millions of dollars in an effort to quote “make marijuana/cannabis lawful and legal” however having the facts in hand there's been little to no national movement on correcting this unconstitutional law which is at he heart of the matter.

While these groups and others claim we need education, it is our contention that we need action! With over 3000 years of documentation the education exists, the facts are there, it is now time to act!

Our goal is to report the facts behind the headlines! Exposing the information that is being censored by such social groups as Facebook, Twitter, Google and those organizations who claim they want “Marijuana” Lawful/Legal and yet with all the information available have yet to act in a manner that would #EndTheMadness. If you actually want to change something you must act! Facts make that possible.

This channel will provide you facts not fiction. All sources are validated and all story articles will be linked to the source so “you” can verify the information. It is time for your voice to be heard. It is time to #EndTheMadness!

As we coined some years ago “If you do NOTHING, NOTHING will be done”!

As I am but one person please join me in the fight to correct the unconstitutional laws that are costing lives, liberty and money.

Thank you for joining this channel.
Additional links for this information is available at;

R.L.Reed MMC(SW) U.S.Navy DAV
Host and developer of Cannabis News and Politics
Cannabis Prohibition Equals.png


Welcome! And welcome to this is going to be amazing!

Voted sharing and following!

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Thank you in advance!

Welcome. Blaze on dudes !!!