
in #introduction7 years ago

In a world accustomed to spin, fifteen second sound bytes and "personalities" opinion masquerading as news, a little truth goes a long way. WikiLeaks publishes the unvarnished truth in its raw inconvenient glory.

For this reason alone, Julian Assange, the founding editor of WikiLeaks has been declared the CIA’s primary target. A truth-telling journalist, who published documents exposing corruption, moral depravity, pay to play and ongoing surveillance among other corporate and state crimes, is the number one enemy of the State - that’s serious mind-numbing shit right there.

In essence, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are the canaries in the coal mine of what’s left of western democracy. When they stop singing we are totally done for. Suzie Dawson’s Being Julian Assange leaves little doubt that those canaries are struggling for air.

If you haven’t invested the time and energy in reading Suzie’s landmark piece, the very least you could do is invest the time in watching at least one of her interviews with Lee Camp or HA Goodman. Once you’ve done so you’ll understand the lengths and depths that the Deep State has gone to silence and smear Assange.

If you think that the persecution of Julian Assange is a unique one-off situation you haven’t been paying attention. They want to make an example of him, for sure. They want anyone who dares to seek out, find and then publish the truth to know that there will be consequences – and those consequences won’t involve a Pulitzer Prize.

The Deep State won’t stop once they’ve silenced Assange. They will move on to the next target and then the next and the next after that. Dissent will not be tolerated. Once Assange falls, they will roll on over the top of the next targets with ever-increasing speed and impunity.

Their obsession with Assange borders on paranoia. I suspect that paranoia is borne of fear. While Assange and WikiLeaks continue to broadcast the unvarnished truth, there remains a risk of enough people taking the time to become properly informed.

The risk is simple.

Knowledge is power and when it comes to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks the more unabridged truth you can get access to the more aware you will become of the world that you live in.

The moves to not only silence Assange but to erase him from history are Orwellian in nature. The article Being Julian Assange details the efforts already made to remove WikiLeaks from recorded historical events. These activities will continue unchecked unless challenged. The checks and balances on this revisionism are all but non-existent.

It is not in legacy media’s interests to let you near the truth in relation to Assange. They just don’t want you to know. Assange makes them and their over-familiarity with what we think of as the “Deep State” look decidedly incestuous. Media organisations that run under banners like “Democracy Dies in Darkness” and “Independent Always” protest their purity a little too much. They are happy to ignore his plight and pretend that freedom of the press is still something worth fighting for.

The underlying narrative that is allowed to run is that nothing can be done. Mainstream media won’t take up Assange’s cause; Government officials across the world either ignore his situation or make attempts to exacerbate it and the average person is misinformed of the real situation. It is an exercise in slow systemic torture.

The death grip that the various elements of the Deep State have on Julian Assange is tightening on a daily basis. They won't release that grip voluntarily. In many respects they rely upon our inertia.

You can make a difference.

Suzie Dawson outlines a four step plan to help Julian Assange. Every individual who cares about freedom can assist by doing at least one of the four actions.

The most obvious thing to do is to share the article Being Julian Assange.

You can read it in its entirety here

As Abraham Lincoln once so eloquently said, “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men”

We can no longer be silent.

The canary in our coalmine is finding it very difficult to breathe. We must take action now.

My name is Mark Hodgetts. I’m a freelance writer, eking out a crust writing content for businesses. I’d much prefer to write more articles like this. You can support me to achieve that goal by following me on Twitter, or here on Steemit or alternatively funding my independence by becoming a patron here

I appreciate your support