Invitation to UNGRIP and return to the land in peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love!
Greetings Steemites!
Whether you know of my work or not, I felt that this post would be a great way to introduce myself, my work and my intent with this blog.
I have been living off the grid with my wife Carey for over ten years. We returned to the land to grow our own food, collect water, treat our waste, live in an earthship, built greenhouses, gardens and do everything we can to be as independent as possible. We love our life, we are happy and work hard at being as peaceful as possible. But our lives were not always that way. We went through a lot of challenges and we met those challenges head on.
In 2009, I was approached by Ben Stewart to have a documentary made about our life, philosophy and experiences. At first I refused, but over time, I came around and agreed to participate in the project. In October 2011, UNGRIP was released on Youtube and it has been seen by millions of people around the world. If you are not familiar with the documentary, then feel free to watch it here or search for UNGRIP on Youtube.
I followed up this work with my own book called 'Graduating Life with Honours - Conscious Self-Governance in God's Kingdom'. The book is an exploration of who we are as I confront our perceptions of the fictional, physical and spiritual realms. I then outline some basic protocols necessary to have healthy relationships with our selves, our own creations and the Creator. I shared my experiences with depression, suicide attempts and all the work that I did to recover and find a way to have healthy relationships so that I could reconcile my relationship with my wife and those that I love. It can be downloaded for free from my website.
In 2015 I was honoured for our work by the Indigenous community when I attended ceremony and was given a white eagle feather and a spirit name 'White Walking Feather'. I am also a 3rd Dan black belt in Tae Kwon Do and use my training every day to ensure I walk in peace, freedom and independence.
With all that said, what is this blog going to cover? Well, the list is long, but over the coming months and years I will do my best to get into the details on how we worked towards independence at all levels. That includes removing ourselves from being feudal serfs to the Crown and how we stand in our own sovereignty, authority and power by setting boundaries and confronting violence and coercion at all levels. Peace is paramount in our work, so it is the foundation of much of the choices we make. There are many out there that will resist this idea and I will outline steps that we took to ensure that our journey is unimpeded by others who claim authority or engage in violence or coercion.
My wife will also share some of her work here as she studied and currently practices homeopathy and other health modalities, harvests wild medicines, home schooled our two sons and helps people as they heal their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
I live my life without debt, credit cards, bank accounts, DL, Birth Certificate or any other government issued ID. In 2016 we had an encounter with the Canadian Military. I confronted the Minister of National Defense and their response rocked my world as it was the first time I wrote to them using my spirit name. They responded back to me using my spirit name, apologized to me three times and established a five nautical mile, 1000 foot no-fly zone around the land that we steward. I will share how I accomplished this with those who are willing to do the work!
I have never been arrested or in jail by walking this path as I believe it must be walked with peace and non-violence. I am going to write on topics that cover our relationship with the state, Mother Earth, each other and our self with peace and non-violence as the main thread throughout all my posts. I will ensure that I also cover some of the pit falls that many have fallen into so that people can explore healthy relationships in a peaceful way!
So sit back, relax and enjoy yourself as we explore relationships with our self, our bodies, spirit, plants, animals, fictional constructs, earthships, greenhouses, gardens, water, sun, wind, earth, waste, other people, Mother Earth and Creator! We will cover it all in the hopes that we can influence others to contemplate making changes in their own lives so that we can all find peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love in our lives.
I love you.
I AM that I AM
My Spirit name is White Walking Feather
My vessel name is rob in the pagé family
I'm overjoyed to see you and Carey's beautiful Spirits (and faces heheee) here on the Steem blockchain!! This is so brilliant and I know you will be able to teach many, learn a lot, and likely have some very great discussions :)
Welcome White Walking Feather!
Thank you Lyndsay. A friend of mine suggested this site almost a year ago, but it was your testimony that convinced me to make the move. So I decided to spend more time here than Facebook. That way I can at least be compensated for all the knowledge and writing I share. Peace to you and I am forever grateful! I love you very much.
I love you very much too my friend, cheers to new beginnings and spreading your truths to a wider audience.
White walking feather sure is a beautifu nmael given by the indegenous people of America ! That sure seems like one nice compliment ! So Welcome to you both, to our Community of Steemit and I look forward to seeing your work and words here in your future posts !!
Being gifted a feather from the indigenous people is like receiving a gift from a very high ranking diplomat. It is an honour to receive the feather and the name. I'll write a post about what my spirit name means, one day.
I look forward to following you and your wife! We started growing our own food about 10 years ago, have not taken the "off grid" plunge but have a sort of "grid lite" situation. Controlling your food supply is the essence of real liberty!
I look forward to sharing our experiences. We have been off grid for just over 10 years, so it sounds like our experiences are similar. I agree with your assessment about food supply. The industrial food system is very toxic and we are never fully aware of what is in the food. So we grow our own and eat wild food too. Lots of food in the bush!
Nice to see you on here Rob. Lyndsay has been talking about you joining Steemit.
Thank you. Glad to be here. I look forward to meeting new people and sharing lots!
You have so much knowledge to share with everyone and I'm sure you'll find a lot of great articles here as well.
Thank you for recognizing what we can contribute to the community. I look forward to sharing, learning, discussing and growing as a result.
Brendon, ahhhh, I just found out how to check out names. Okay! I know you buddy! hahahaha. I look forward to getting to know you more! You have a very powerful and special divine feminine partner there and I applaud you in your efforts to hold the space of the divine masculine within that relationship. Very powerful! I see it and I wanted to acknowledge it with you. We have a lot in common.
I thought maybe you didn't know it was me. I did however fail to mention it as well. We definitely have a lot in common. :)
Nice to meet you, great introduction, wish you the best moments in steemit :)
Thank you David. I look forward to the experience and I'm excited to write more so that we can share and grow! Peace to you.
winter survival in Canadian weather sounds like a great read :)
Great idea. I'll get on writing that one! Thank you!
I am blessed to meet you White Walking Feather - I bow to your thoughtful and worthy lifestyle and know it is going to be an interesting time following your blog here.
I too was honoured with a spirit name back in 1998 by the Cochise who named me High Flying Eagle.
I wish you peace
Pleased to meet you Sally. I love your spirit name and I look forward to interacting with you as well. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.
Welcome to Steemit! Curious to hear about your journey and how you accomplished some of the things you mention (a no fly zone is impressively amazing).
Thank you. I hope the video and book makes an excellent introduction to how we live, but I will write much more and share what I can! Thank you for writing. I look forward to the exchange over the coming days, weeks and months.
Hello there I am really glad that I stumble on your post I will follow you. My dream is to live sustainably in harmony with nature. You are a great inspiration for me.
Hi there Mihail. I am glad you found my post. I hope you enjoy the posts that I share and I look forward to interacting with you along this journey! Peace to you.
Thank you and I appreciate it a lot.
Welcome to Steemet

follow me @lomidze
Hello White Walking Feather, hello Carey,
I am blessed to meet you here on Steemit. I directly fell in love with your thoughts and philosophy of life! Looking forward to read more about your experiences, about Off-Grid Living and to see your both work, because this interests me so much. Welcome you wonderful thoughtful people - Love and Light!
Pleased to meet you @miawallace. I am glad that you resonate with what we are sharing. If you want to read more, you are welcome to my wall and my book, 'Graduating Life with Honours'. I am starting to release it chapter by chapter here (first two chapters already up) or you can download the PDF from my web site. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.