7 sectors where you can invest in the future

in #investing7 years ago

How will the future of business investment be? This is the question that many are thinking right now.

Which sectors will be most important in a few years? What will be the investments of the future? Which technological companies can consolidate in the market?

To know this kind of thing you must do a deep analysis or advise you with the experts in the area of finance. If you choose the sector or the company in which you can invest in the future, then you can multiply your investment with astronomical figures.

Over the years many businesses disappear from the market and others appear with interesting and innovative proposals. There are also legendary companies that are always there, they are solid and have a large market. But there are few options that can make you a millionaire after a decade or two.

Let's see an example. In Europe, the industrial sector and consumption are the sectors that have given the most dividends to investors. While the financial sector and insurance companies have had negative balances throughout the region. Even this negative percentage is somewhat higher than 17 percent, followed by the insurance sector, with declines of 15 percent.

This information acquires an extraordinary value for any person or business group that is thinking where to invest a lot of money. These data can provide crucial information for us to make decisions about the economic sectors that will give more opportunities for growth and those that do not provide great benefits to investors. For this reason, it is important to study the market and make an analysis of the turnover of different sectors and business groups; are the two basic principles of economic success.

The world is a very changeable place, and the economy and opportunities are even more changeable. There are businesses that are already in the market, maybe they are too small to attract the attention of investors who can identify the full potential of these small companies, but the key is to identify them in time, plant the seed and let those future investments bear fruit. Do you want to know what some of these investments may be for the next few decades?

To identify a future investment globally, you do not have to sweat supercomputers you just use common sense. The consumer society will continue to be one of the engines of the world economy. Therefore, many analysts have said in many opportunities that the growth of the middle class in the world, will make investing in global tourism or invest in luxury, remain two clear bets.

So, you already decided ?, let us help you a little more. If you think about it, another option for profitable futures investments is any asset or service in which your offer can be reduced while the demand for this article or service is growing in the next few years. If you add that this asset or service is a vital necessity, you will surely agree with me, in which water is going to be one of those investments of the future.

There are elements that are an essential part of human activities every day, even their use will increase exponentially according to the analysts and that make them a clear future investment. These are chips and semiconductors. In fact, in a ranking of the most profitable stocks of the last 20 years drawn up in 2012, Qualcomm, ranked as the fifth most profitable in the recent past. With a profitability of 9.232% in 20 years. Absolute madness.

So you should evaluate the growth of this sector month tars month. we must not lose track of the technological giants who have developed semiconductor technology. Think of the 10 largest manufacturers in the world of semiconductors because they are going to have a lot of work and provide many resources to investors in the coming years with the internet of things.

Some time ago, Mark Zuckerberg, said in an interview that technological advances could change the way we see the world, and the way we interact with it. Therefore, the best technologies to invest in the future would be those like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and even reach immortality thanks to biotechnology, in addition to a world connected by internet in a global way thanks to the Internet of Things.

Fantasy, fiction or future investment. The truth is that if any of these things come true, it will already have made people rich who have bet on it.

Then, we present you a list with the 7 best sectors to invest your money in the future

1 Digital education

The development of new computer technologies has touched the soul of education today. New technologies have allowed education to be digitized. Every day there are many options to study through the Internet. Many companies offer studies, courses, postgraduate courses or specializations through the Internet. Students no longer need to move from their home to expand their knowledge, making it a very attractive business. This trend is also being integrated by language academies, which have had a great success creating courses to teach languages ​​24 hours a day to people who traditionally do not have time to attend classes in a normal classroom.

2 Smart and sustainable housing

The technology is oriented to satisfy the needs of the human beings and many investors have decided to bet strongly for projects focused on the construction of self-sufficient homes. each of these houses has the appropriate technology to use more efficiently natural resources and energy. In addition, the owner or tenant of this type of "green homes" could enjoy savings in water bills and electricity. In this way, many analysts have not hesitated a single moment in recommending investing in the development of this type of technology for the home. It's a wise decision. Housing will become self-sufficient in energy terms. If you are thinking about starting a business, perhaps you could combine the robotics and technology sectors with the housing industry.

3 Nanotechnology

Innovation in this sector has reached levels impossible to imagine 20 years ago. It is the technology that focuses on microscopic materials and the manipulation of molecular structures and their atoms. There are many technological advances that have been possible today thanks to this technology. Technological investment specialists have often explained the enormous potential that nanotechnology will have to invest in the coming decades, and everything points to continuing this path in the future. It has also made great strides in the field of medicine.

4 Telecommunications

Communication is an essential part of human beings. Mobile phones and all the technologies related to them have evolved like never before in history. Phones are an important part of our lives. Even many times we can not leave the house without them. We use it to make calls, send messages, connect to the Internet, listen to music, download applications, etc. Telecommunication companies are always innovating to make their products more attractive to a market that does not stop growing. An investor could invest a lot of money in the telecommunications sector without being afraid because it is a necessary sector and there are also many market niches for this sector. The benefits offered by these companies are very high and sustainable.


Tourism represents a very important sector in the economy of each country. Even in spite of the red numbers that may have generated other sectors of the economy in many parts of the world, it has been shown that the tourism sector has continued to grow by the adoption of government policies to favor investments here, in addition to the large investments that have made many investors and business groups to offer quality products and services. Remember that there is a very important element that has motivated the development of this sector: the growth of the middle class in the world. Despite the economic crisis in Spain, one of the sectors that has remained stable, despite falls, is the tourism sector. There are many places in the world that continue to be people's favorite destinations. For example, Spain remains a very attractive destination for tourists. Therefore, you can invest in this business by creating a new way of tourism.

3D Impressions

Great investment opportunities have opened up in this sector. every day there are more products that are printed with this type of technology: aerospace products, weapons, medical instruments, toys, accessories for industrial machines, automobile parts, etc. the applications of this technology are almost endless. Just five years ago, 3D printers were used by large companies, but, today, they have become a key and original element of many businesses. Each day, technological entrepreneurs develop new business strategies to use this technology and obtain good benefits from this growing market. Here is the future.

7.Electric cars

This sector is progressing more and more. Autonomous cars have even appeared. Electric vehicles are becoming more common every day and represent real innovation by avoiding the use of fossil fuels to generate their energy. the electricity is clean and the technology used to create these vehicles is very safe. people are buying many electric vehicles because they have thought of the benefits to the environment and to their pockets; thanks to these technologies the electric vehicles are as affordable as any other vehicle driven with gasoline. In the future, it is expected to grow this market for cars that will move without driver.

As you can see, the sectors with the greatest future and, therefore, greater profitability for investments are those that are related to the new technologies. Green technologies will be leading the way to produce mountains of money for all those investors who are willing to invest in these emerging technologies. Some of them are still to be exploited, as research and analysis processes involving high amounts of investment are needed.