What Jesus had to say about InvestingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #investing8 years ago

Although better known for his carpentry, waterproof sandals, and weather forecasting, Jesus did have a bit to say about investing as well. One of his best-known aphorisms on the subject is recorded in Matthew's gospel:

Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.
Matthew 6:20 (NLT)

As is often the case with Jesus's sayings, this requires some unpacking before the true meaning becomes clear, but I think I've finally figured it out. First of all, the english word "heaven" is not an accurate translation of the original Greek text, which instead used the word οὐρανός, meaning simply sky. Note, dear reader, that "sky" is the place where clouds are, and thus the most accurate translation in contemporary english would be "store up your treasures in the cloud."

Based on this understanding, the meaning of the rest of the passage begins to become clear: the only store of wealth I know of that is truly cloud-based, is immune to moth or rust damage, and is insidiously difficult for thieves to steal, is cryptocurrency, and thus it must be concluded that Jesus was directing his followers to store their wealth in cryptocurrency!

But there's an awful lot of scam coins out there; surely Jesus wouldn't leave his followers such an open-ended dictum without any clear direction on which coin to choose, and indeed he did not.

Some false teachers will surely claim that Jesus intended his followers to store their wealth in Bitcoin, but clearly this is not so:

So the last will be first, and the first will be last.
Matthew 20:16 (NIV)

Bitcoin is the first coin listed on CoinMarketCap, and is, almost without exception, the first one people are introduced to.

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.
Matthew 7:13 (ESV)

Bitcoin is the coin that the most people trust to store their wealth, and it is by far the easiest one to buy with fiat currency. Do not be led astray, beloved readers, this is not the path.

No, to understand which coin Jesus intended his disciples to buy, we need look no further than the original advice: "Store up your treasures in the cloud." Clouds are made of water vapor, and there is only one coin whose name means water vapor, and that is Steem.

Who can argue with such a clear directive? It is irrefutable: Jesus advised his followers to store up their treasures in Steem.

Thanks for reading, folks! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. :)
-- @modprobe

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@modprob really enjoyed this post very interesting way to look at it intresting perspective keep on flying the flag viva la steem

My god, it's been in front of us the whole time! The Orthodox tradition has preserved Jesus' most important teaching on economics.

LOL. Great writeup btw @modprobe , I'm not a student of the scriptures but this is rather entertaining :)

I'm glad to see you again. I've been watching for posts and haven't seen any since you helped me...Thank you so much again!

Thanks! Yeah, I have a terrible time motivating myself to write posts, but I definitely want to do more of it. :)

While you're here... I wanted to mention that it was you that helped me so maybe you could help others. But I didn't want to do it without your permission, in case you didn't want the attention. Maybe you could generate some extra income.

Haha, feel free. I'm glad to help out wherever I can.

Done...I know we're all trying to get rich on here ;) (I'm doing it 14 cents at time)

Great post lol. Can whales pass through needles?

"..and thus it must be concluded that Jesus was directing his followers to store their wealth in cryptocurrency!"

You really had be going there for a second, almost stopped reading 😉 Loved this post!

Wow, I learn something new about the Scriptures every day!

You are obviously a man of many Talents.

Hey @Stan, I just introduced another fellow believer to Steemit the other day and of course I brought him to your blog. He really enjoyed the "Nudists on the Serengeti." These posts that mix humor with the Bible are my absolute favorite! And @modprobe, give us more of these posts please! We need more clean humor to unite and lighten the hearts of the community.

Stan spotted!✋

Great post! I love the pun, water vapor, Steem - Good one.

One other reference. Mathew 12: 15-17 (related to government minted "money" and taxes)

Show me a Roman coin, and I’ll tell you.” When they handed it to him, he asked, “Whose picture and title are stamped on it?”

“Caesar’s,” they replied.

“Well, then,” Jesus said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”

Just saying. In my opinion, we need not "make money" and pay taxes at all. I mean government money. If you don't earn any paper-and- ink dollars, don't use banks, don't pay bills and buy things using u$d, etc., then you need not "give to ceasar" either.

I am all for opting out of the system where they print it, we use it, they break our backs!

Fully agreed! I no longer accept fiat currencies as payment. I won't take caesar's money, and I won't give him any of mine!

Yes. Never grow up into adulthood

You should do one about Jonah being gobbled up by a whale for three days! that could relate to steem it as well. :)

I like the way you think! And, believing as I do that my God, Jesus, has the most highly refined sense of humor among us all, I suspect that He also finds your post amusing. Thanks for bringing an unexpected smile to my face today. 😄😇😄


You're most welcome!

This is great eisegesis, I might have to do a more in depth study.
Thanks for not dragging out the misquote "money is the root of all evil." There's nothing wrong with money, but loving it above all else, that's where you run into trouble.
Perhaps a love of cryptocurrency is different. I'll wait for your next post to see if you find a difference.

Ahh, yes. The love of money as the root of all evil is actually a fascinating topic from a philosophical perspective. I was thinking about writing a post on that a while back, but I never did. Perhaps I should do that next. :)