Work harder or Invest?? My Life

in #investment7 years ago


Im at a cross road in my life, 20, im faced with a seemingly big decision on what to do from here. I'm fresh out of school with a BSc. in biochemistry, and currently serving in Adamawa state.

I just got to read Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad" yeah I wonder which rock I crawled out from, although I've come across the book many times, I've never been a gropie for reading especially when it's not for grades. I could spend up to 5 months reading a single book, some of which I never finish.


The Struggle

Much like was pointed out in the book, the educational system I passed through was all about grades. Even worse in Nigeria, the system makes it next to impossible to gain working experience any time before you go to the university - I watch movies and I see junior school kids at fast foods or delivery services - and even in the uni, all the pressure to get good grades will force you away from working. at least that was my case

The only work experience I got from the system was my IT training for 3 months. And that was it. However the only thing I gained from the system was that, to make it in life you need to work hard - but is this the best way? - The oh so dreaded 9 to 5 where you always look forward to a pay check and retirement benefits that may not come.

During my few months of service (working as an Agricultural Science teacher for N19800 a month) I have come to realise that, I want more than a paycheck.


What do I want?

I want everything. I want to be able to get anything I would ever want. That is the general idea, most people's fantasies. But it only seems like a fantasy because day after day year after year spent under the system, we are being conditioned to work hard for money.

Get your degrees, get a good paying job and you're good to go. I want more. The way I see it, I get all the degrees I could get, heck even get a PhD, then land a job with awesome pay.

Money, money, money; Im still young, get the car, get the girls, get bored of girls, find a wife, get a wife, have some kids, train them through college and retire yeah? No! This is a nightmare in itself because the more you get paid the more you spend, and the harder you work to keep up. Not even strong enough to enjoy your money when you stop working.

Some people have the idea that they might set up a small business for support, but they never consider how much input a business actually requires in term of money energy and time. They run out of zeal few years down the line broke or worse.

The above pathway occurs because of one generic problem. Like Kiyosaki's book pointed out, Lack of Financial Intelligence.


Financial Freedom

So what should I do? The answer is clear now. After service, my life begins, with my rules. My expenses will go up because I can no longer ask for hand outs, so yes I'm going to get a job.

All the while from now, im going to invest in building my financial IQ, think all the boring accounting stuff, investment tactics, and taxes.
I can see that the higher you go up the employee ladder, the more trapped you become.

I know that in terms of businesses its a go big or go home venture (go big im talking a corporation with a board of directors and suits and stuff). Its why most small businesses eventually goes home

Investment (using money to work for you not you working for money) is something they never taught me as a biochemist, not even by my loving parents because they dont know how.

Investment is the surest ways of gaining financial freedom.

Before you think about climbing up that employee ladder remember that the richest men in the world right now are Entrepreneurs, not employees, and while their colleagues were in college, most of them dropped out to improve on their financial intelligence.

I know that the luxuries of life should be bought with payouts from investments and not pay check from employer.

And before you say investments are too risky gain financial intelligence first. Dont be scared of what you don't know

This is Simple the Entrepreneur.

Thank you for reading. Please share any advice you may have for me.

Love and Live in Happiness

Anticipate Greatness


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