Relative potential sources

in #ion7 years ago

How often does one stop picking thru the words of the various media platforms to just wonder at the objective creation that we wake to daily to find ourselves immersed in?

Do you ever step back from all the stories that have been told that try and lay out how the world is and how it works and where its headed to just realize that for all of Mans achievements, all hes done is "re-mould" clay. Man hasn't Created anything new that wasn't produced from something Else already objectively present. All outgrowths of scientific thought are the result of wanting to do certain things and constantly seeking the Means to be able to as the goals of what people tend to Call Science today. This isn't necessarily bad, its only Bad when it becomes about profit and profit margins, because then its about selling it to others at an inflated price, and over time engineering obsolescence becomes a standard method of engineering anything so that the mean time between failures can be made predictable for things that can be repaired at set intervals or outright replaced by those who consume without concern given their "wealth" of currencies.

I stopped looking at the world thru the eyes of mans "civilization" stories, and came to realize that the root of independence is being able to generate your own power. If you have power you can produce your own foods, draw water from the air, and become self sufficient and perhaps in the process start getting paid by the electric utility instead of paying them for consuming their kw/hours.

The reason nobody is allowed to generate their own power without consuming a fuel to do such is because thats the leash that society holds on all people who desire to be part of it, or who were born into it these days given its widespread acceptance as a mode of thought.

Anyways I stepped back and wanted to know the truth. I put aside all the literature and started studying electricity on the bench with John Bedini's little SG energizer back when I was 26ish... it took me 6 months to make it spin... but I made it spin... and its been 15 years since then, having built a variety of systems as claimed by various inventors to be of overunity design. None of them thus far have been the end to that search, but there are still a couple things out there that I don't yet fully understand, one of which is the kapanadze system. (theres also the TPU by Marks but that one also has no coherent information on how to reproduce it for oneself on the workbench.)

So let me share what I did learn... I learned of the aspden effect which is an effect where a perm magnet rotor comes to a stop after having been running at speed just prior and then its started back up, and theres no Inrush current to get it back up to speed as long as that starts back up within about 30 seconds from when it was stopped. This infers that theres an Entrainment thats possible with the aether that the magnetic paddles on the rotor are interacting with and stirring into motion, which then takes time to dissipate back to the backgrounds ambient polarities.

I learned that batteries are made from two positive offset metals which are themselves offset from each other on the triboelectric scale and its that disparity that makes one of these two positive manifestations of matter be less positive than the other. This is how we ended up with Batteries tagged with a positive and negative terminals, when in Truth the real negative pole is the seeming vacuum of space. To verify this truth, you just have to switch one electrode with some other electrode to see how the potential difference adjusts based on the offset from each other on the triboelectric scale.

Since the universe is a positive offset manifestation of matter in concentric spherical shells of temp/pressure resulting in aggregate forms, all things formed are of positive offset to the ultimate negative of space.

What that means is that there is nothing Negative that has form Anywhere in the universe... all Formed things are positive...

If applied to the solar system, the Sun would be the most positive given its magnitude and the planets would be of different less positive polarity which will then have some variance based on each planets volume and density in relation to the total active dynamic balance thats achieved in our solar system.

What this also means is that we've been using batteries Wrongly. We should be using batteries with two of the SAME poles being discharged between so that the discharge from one stack actively charges up the other stack while doing work. This is what is usually claimed to be impossible, but its not.

Here we come to whats been termed the Tesla switch, or what I prefer to call as the Relative potential source.

The idea is simple, take 3 D cell batteries, wire two in series, and put the 3rd ones negative directly connected to the 2 batteries in series, negative pole. Once they're setup like this you'll read a 1.5vdc potential between the series stack positive and the single battery positive... with the single batteries positive becoming the "active negative" for this "context" of configuration.

What this then does is when you Draw a load between the two + terminals, the "negative" which is a lower volt positive terminal Takes on Charge. It Charges up the "parallel stack", while its discharging the Series Stack. (and during that current flow whatever is in series between those poles is able to be driven as the Load. )

This is something Bedini never came right out and noted. But on the bedini SG you can setup the source batteries in a tesla switch / relative potential source configuration so that the parallel stack charges up as it runs, in Addition to the collection output charging up the other batteries on the back end.

This works with Transistors, you just have to get the right potentials wired up properly and you can get an NPN to run between two +'s... I've done it.

I did it first with D cells, tho I used 6, so I could get a 3volt potential difference so I could run a flashlight lamp... I used alkalines and left it over night and the next day found the parallel batteries burst from overcharging. (this is a danger, you don't want to overcharge the parallel stack batteries... so monitor them and flip them to the series stack once they reach their noted charged up voltage.)

I've since moved on to playing with the "relative source potentials" in the kvdc range with the 50kvdc rps setup. Turns out it works fine at kv levels too... I've been using the two negative 40,000vdc terminals which show a rough offset of about 10kvdc between the two as the gap which fires on the RPS....

I'm still working out how to apply the kvdc source charge local to, but not in a way thats able to pass current to, a local sync that then would fill up and discharge over and over due the kvdc charge localized on the capacitor bank, but prevented from directly flowing into it...

Curious stuff anyways. I wonder if anyone else is working down this path...
