Julie Seams To Be thinking about irony in it's full glory.

in #irony8 years ago

Some days, weeks, years I'm left thinking that I don't think enough. But at the same time realize I think about things all the time, overthink even.
Most Winters I take on a part-time job to supplement my income from the business. Fuel costs and such, plus business gets slower and slower in our economy.
This writing will seem very disjointed till you get to the end of it. Because it is my daily irony. "a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.
In my regular work I cut and sew things everyday. The part-time job I'll be taking on in a few days is in a deli dept. Having actually done similar work about 30 years ago and slicing off the top of my pinky finger. I, one who is never been afraid of working with razor blades to tear down furniture, using any and all powered equipment without protection during upholstery work, and without any real injuries. Was a little nervous about taking on this job where I could cut off a digit again.
Since I will be starting another part-time job, work has started coming in for my business (irony number one), people bringing by and mailing in their fabrics, old slipcovers to duplicate. And last night at 10:15pm, my dog gets sprayed by a skunk(irony number two)! I spent all last night bathing him, washing everything, spraying down everything. Which luckily an old customer mailed a box with her old covers in that included all kinds of thoughtful gifts from her business. Which included all natural cleaning and deodorizing sprays. A big thank you to Deb at Sweet Grass Farms.
Ok, so with just a few hours sleep, I drive my daughter to school and get started on work. And for the first time in 30 years I really cut myself. I mean cut off a nice junk of one of my fingers(irony number three).
The thing here, is with the help of my daughter we bandaged the slice of flesh back on. I was cool with that, she was pretty grossed out, seeing the white cell flesh underneath etc. And I'm thinking I'll let this set, get the bleeding to stop and go purchase some butterfly stitches to continue to hold it together till it heals. But the blood is dripping through the bandages and my daughter is urging me to go to the hospital to have it taken care of. And I had a Der ree ree moment and decided to go to the hospital.
Only to have them glue the piece back on(irony number four). I could have done that myself and not found out that I will not only have another huge bill to pay for having them do it. But that because I don't have insurance, the on staff insurance consultant let me know I'm looking at another $625.00 bill come tax time since I don't have any.
On the bright side, I did get a long overdue tetanus shot. And found out that my blood pressure is through the roof. Which is why I'm sitting here writing. Maybe if I didn't hold all this crap inside, that wouldn't be happening to my body? Or if I didn't smoke and drink? The latter isn't ending soon, it's my survival kit.


great Share ! ... share = lower BP .. Life is a different view when the yrs are added. old soul to Old soul ... Keep on, keeping on ...Life is what we make it, love is what we make it ... Old enough to know the difference ...
/Hugs ... /salute !