Terror attacks in Europe | MaceesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #isis7 years ago

As the Islamic terrorists have reached Europe with their beliefs we have to understand why these terrorists do what they do. The world famous terrorist group ISIS has listed six reasons why they hate westerners. 

1. We are disbelievers 

ISIS thinks that every man woman or dog who doesn't believe in Allah and are extreme about their beliefs are bad influence for them. For that reason ISIS has committed many hate crimes and terrorist acts. 

2. Because we are liberal

The word liberal means that we basically are free to do whatever we like. ISIS doesn't like that as the Koran has banned many things us westerners do such as drinking. 

3. Because some of us are atheists 

The fact that people don't believe in god doesn't permit any group to do any harm to that person. Unfortunately ISIS sees it in another way. They don't like people who don't live with the same values as they do. 

4. For our crimes against muslims

ISIS states that us westerners have committed crimes against muslim and that is partly true as there has been some innocent being killed on the battlegrounds, but the battle is mainly fought between ISIS and the other countries who are currently against them. 

5. "For invading our lands"

As the ISIS says the west has invaded some of the lands in the mid west but it is strictly because we want to have world peace with no wars going on. But still the west has a lot to learn when it comes to helping other countries fight against serious terrorist groups. 


it is indeed a dangerous group. However, say we invade other countries to have piece is just hypocritical. War with another country is not the solution for peace. Hate and anger doesn't come from nothing (nothing to do you individual atheist, believer or whaterever you are) but from something affecting them. Dude it is not as easy as you think, it is so complex and politicians have alot to do with it and for most earn from it.

I definitely agree with you on that. This subject is really not easy to explain in the easiest form. I appreciate your comment!