Islam's commands of violent hatred are OK. Criticising those calls to violence is "hate speech".

in #islam5 years ago

Tell Mama is an Islamic propaganda outfit funded by the British state. This state-funded outfit is demanding that Amazon apply its supposed anti-violence policy and that Amazon should ban a book by the leader of a legal British political party. I don't know what's in Paul Golding's book, but I'm pretty sure that if he was inciting violence it would have been headline news and Golding would be in prison.

Not only does Amazon sell Mein Kampf, but Amazon also sells the Koran. And what does the Koran say?

So the very people who defend the Koran with its dozens and dozens of commands to kill and slaughter are demanding that Amazon ban books that promote violence (excluding the Koran, obviously).

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Orwell had trouble getting Animal Farm published because there were so many Communists and Communist-sympathisers in the publishing industry. Now the Communists are on the side of the Islamo-Nazis, the global corporations and the deep state.

Islam's commands of violent hatred are OK. Criticising those calls to violence is "hate speech".


I'm beginning to wonder why you're being biased here. The Koran is not the only scripture that commanded killing. We see more of that from the god of Israel(Yahweh) in the Old testament. Which are even more violent than those commands in the Koran.


Posted using Partiko Android

Than you, for speaking up, @abdex9. This is an ugly, hateful (and typically, uninformed post) and it is very revealing that it is has been resteemed by the equally hateful and uninformed, @BrianofLondon. Sickening stuff, really. Off to take a walk and get some clean air after being exposed to this filth...