in #islam7 years ago

is haram to listen to music. It is also invalid to draw analogy between music and the sounds of birdsongs or sounds of nature.


Many believe that Dawood(Alai hi salaam) used to play flute to seek forgiveness of Allah. It must be noted that this statement has no basis in Islam.

In an authentic hadith, it is mentioned that Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) said to Abu Moosa al-Ash’ari, “You have been given a beautiful voice (mizmaar, lit. flute) like the beautiful voices of the family of Dawood” (narrated by al-Bukhaari (5048) and Muslim (793))

What is meant by these words is that he had a beautiful voice and it was likened to the sound of the flute. Hence what is meant by flute here is not actual flute but the beautiful voice.

The original meaning of the word zamr is singing, and phrase “the family of Dawood” refers to Dawood himself. The phrase “the family of So and so” may apply to the person himself. Dawood (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had a very beautiful voice. End quote.

The mizmaar here means the beautiful voice. The original meaning is the musical instrument that is blown into. Therefore the be