A Muslim British man gives his shoes to a homeless guy without been known!. what's Islamic about this behavior?

in #islam7 years ago (edited)


It's not a new bit of news but I wanted to discuss what is Islamic and what is not about this act.
giving your shoes to a homeless man is great feeling warmhearted behavior that any one could feel the will to do it.
but what is the difference here that distinguishes it as an Islamic behavior?
It is the part that we -Muslims- don't share with the world or other people
which is not love to be known for doing good things.
doing it just for the sake of god.
don't want people to know what good you did or to be thanked over it.

Quran (Surah Al-Insan 8-9)
(And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive, (Saying),"We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks.)
He gave this man the shoes and walked away without been known.
That's the Islamic part of his action that not any body in other religion or an atheist would do.
every body would do good for reason that may be feeling good or compassion but non of them but a Muslim wouldn't like to be known.
I imagine if he was an ordinary man he was to be interviewed in TV programs or some but he preferred to keep his work for Allah and only for Allah so that he is the one who reward him.
May Allah accept his good and forgives his bad and make us a better people.


I feel proud to be a muslim...

nice article

ich habe da eine sehr unbeliebte Meinung!

ich habe deinen Post gelesen und ich finde es sehr Human/Menschlich das ein Muslime seine Schuhe gespendet hat.
Aber was hat das denn mit der Religion zu tun? Ich in meinem Post wollte auf Radikale Prediger hinweisen!!! Radikale Prediger gibt es leider bei den Muslimen, Christen und Buddisten. Das enttäuscht mich!
Und bringt mich zu der MEINUNG das die Menschheit keine Religion braucht. Religionen lenken ihre Schafe in die gewünschte richtung.
Um Menschlichkeit zu beweisen brauche ich keine Religion, das sollte in mir vorherein stecken.

I have a very unpopular opinion!

I have read your post and I find it very human / human that a Muslim has donated his shoes.
But what does that have to do with religion? I in my post wanted to point out radical preachers !!! Radical preachers unfortunately exist among Muslims, Christians and Buddhists. That disappoints me!
And brings me to the belief that humanity needs no religion. Religions steer their sheep in the desired direction.
In order to prove humanity I do not need a religion, that should be in me in advance.

have translated with google translater

google translation
Deshalb habe ich diesen Artikel geschrieben.
Der Unterschied zwischen menschlichem Handeln und islamischem Handeln (das ein menschliches Motiv hat) ist, dass nichts von der Handlung erwartet wird.
nicht Geld nicht Ruhm nicht die Aktion wird auf Facebook geteilt, auch nein danke von der geholfenen
Der Hauptunterschied zwischen islamischem Motiv und menschlichem Motiv ist, dass ich gute Dinge tun kann, um mich selbst besser zu fühlen, oder dass die Menschen, die mich bewundern oder mir danken, mir ein gutes Gefühl geben
Im Islam tun wir Gutes, auch wenn all diese Dinge nicht vorhanden sind.
Wenn es keinen Körper gäbe, um eine Kamera zu fotografieren, würden einige Leute nicht tun, aber ein Muslim würde es tun.
Wenn der Mann, dem ich helfe, nicht glücklich ist, indem er ihm hilft und nicht nur mir nicht dankt, sondern mich schwört, was viele nicht tun würden, außer dass ein Gläubiger im Jenseits und Treffen Allahs tun würde.
menschliches Verhalten, verborgen in menschlichem Verhalten, das nicht immer zu richtigem Handeln führt und manchmal menschliche Begierde über das hinwegbringt, was richtig ist
Ich hoffe, Sie verstehen, warum ich diesen Artikel geschrieben habe
und möge Allah dich und mich auf den rechten Weg führen.

that's why I wrote this article.
the difference between human actions and Islamic action ( which has a human motive) is that there isn't any thing expected back from the action.
not money not fame not the action being shared on Facebook, even no thank you from the helped one
the main difference between Islamic motive and human motive is that I may do good things to feel better about my self, or the people who admire me or thank me make me feel good
in Islam we do good even if all these things were not present.
if there is no body to have a camera shot some-people wouldn't do but a Muslim would.
if the man I'm helping was not happy by helping him and not just don't thank me but swears at me many wouldn't do but a believer in the hereafter and meet of Allah would do.
humanity action concealed with human behavior which not all the time lead to right action and some times human desire get over what it's right
I hope you get the point why I wrote this article
and may Allah lead you and me to the right way.

google translate
und über Radikalismus
Es ist in allen Ideen
Liberale haben dort Radikale
Kommunisten haben dort Radikale
Umweltschützer haben da Radikale
Hättest du keine Ahnung?
Die Ideen sollten nicht von denen, die überzeugt sind, beurteilt werden.

and about radicalism
it's in all ideas
liberals have there radicals
communists have there radicals
environment protectors have there radicals
so wouldn't you have any idea?
the ideas should be judged by it's own not by some of who are convinced by.