You Can't Guide Those You Love to the Quran Alone: God Either Guides or He Does Not Guide

in #islam7 years ago

It is tempting to think that you can guide those whom you love. But you can't. At least, not according to the Qur'an.


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Why we should call people to faith

And when a community among them said: Why exhort you a people whom God will destroy or punish with a severe punishment?
They said: As justification before your lord
And that they might be in prudent fear. (7:164)

Some people’s hearts are simply sealed

Does it not guide those who inherit the land after its people that if we willed we would strike them for their transgressions?
And we seal their hearts so they hear not. (7:100)

And we have sown for Hell many among the jinn and mankind.
They have hearts wherewith they understand not
And they have eyes wherewith they see not
And they have ears wherewith they hear not.
These are like the cattle
Nay: they are further astray
These are the heedless. (7:179)

And if you invite them to the guidance they follow you not.
It is the same to you
Whether you call to them or are silent.
Those to whom you call other than God are servants like you.
So call them
And let them respond to you if you be truthful.
Have they legs wherewith they walk?
Or have they hands wherewith they hold?
Or have they eyes wherewith they see?
Or have they ears wherewith they hear?
Say thou: Call your partners
Then scheme against me and grant me no respite.
My ally is God who sent down the law
And he is an ally to the righteous.
And those to whom you call other than him are unable to help you
Nor do they help themselves.
And if you invite them to guidance they hear not.
And thou seest them looking at thee but they see not. (7:193-198)

The prophet could guide no-one

Thou guidest not whom thou lovest
But God guides whom he wills.
And he knows best the rightly guided. (28:56)

This Qur’an narrates to the children of Isrā’īl most of that concerning which they differ
And it is guidance and mercy for the believers.
Thy lord will decide between them in his judgment.
And he is the Mighty, the Knowing.
And place thou thy trust in God.
Thou art upon the clear truth.
Thou canst not make the dead to hear
Nor canst thou make the deaf to hear the call when they turn and go.
And thou canst not guide the blind out of their error.
Thou canst only make hear him who believes in our proofs
And is submitted. (27:76-81)

And if we send a wind and they see it turn yellow
They would continue after that to deny.
And thou canst not make the dead to hear
Nor canst thou make the deaf hear the call
When they turn and go.
And thou canst not guide the blind out of their error.
Thou canst only make hear him who believes in our proofs
And is submitted. (30:51-53)

We are obliged to bear witness

The foolish among men will say: What has turned them from their course which they were on?
Say thou: To God belong the east and the west
He guides whom he wills to a straight path.
And thus we made you an intermediary community:
That you might be witnesses to mankind
And that the messenger might be a witness to you.
And we only made the course which you were on that we might know him who follows the messenger
From him who turns on his heels.
And it is a hard matter save for those whom God guides.
And God would not let your faith be in vain.
God is towards men kind, merciful. (2:142-143)

People do change

And marry not the idolatresses until they believe.
And a believing slave girl is better than an idolatress though she impress you.
And give not in marriage to the idolaters until they believe.
And a believing slave is better than an idolater though he impress you.
These invite to the fire.
And God invites to the garden
And forgiveness by his leave.
And he makes plain his proofs to men
That they might take heed. (2:221)

We do have help

O you who heed warning: be lowly
And submit
And serve your lord
And do good
That you might be successful.
And strive for God with the striving due him
(He chose you and placed not upon you in doctrine any distress:
The creed of your father Ibrāhīm.
He named you those submitted before
And in this.)
That the messenger might be a witness unto you
And that you might be witnesses unto men.
So uphold the duty
And give the purity

And hold fast to God.
He is your benefactor.
Excellent is the Benefactor!
And excellent is the Helper! (22:77-78)

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