The Barren Fig Tree Generation Draws To A Close

in #israel3 years ago


I have written extensively about the fig tree generation over the last year or so, but something has been tugging at the back of my mind about how this generation ties into the Revelation 12 sign and the rapture. I didn't know what it was, but over the last day or so I remembered something that I discovered about Israel's history a few years back when I did a Google search on the date of September 23, 1947, on a hunch that maybe, just maybe, the state of Israel actually came into being a little earlier than May 14, 1948, or at least had its beginning in the United Nations.

I have posted below the Wikipedia articles which explain what happened in the UN on that day, exactly 70 years before the Revelation 12 sign, and 74 years before the proposed rapture date which I have been talking about in my previous post, September 23, 2021.

The key information which I have pasted below is found at that second link about the UN Partition Plan:

"The Jewish Agency expressed support for most of the UNSCOP recommendations, but emphasized the "intense urge" of the overwhelming majority of Jewish displaced persons to proceed to Palestine. The Jewish Agency criticized the proposed boundaries, especially in the Western Galilee and Western Jerusalem (outside of the old city), arguing that these should be included in the Jewish state. However, they agreed to accept the plan if 'it would make possible the immediate re-establishment of the Jewish State with sovereign control of its own immigration.' "

So the formation of this "Ad-Hoc Committee On The Palestinian Question" on September 23, 1947, was the beginning of the actual process to form a Jewish state, a state which was first proposed way back in 1897 at a Zionist congress held in Basel Switzerland.

So what does all this have to do with the Revelation 12 sign of September 23, 2017 and the rapture?

What I am theorizing, is that God gave Israel 70 years from the formation of that committee in 1947, to found their nation, then 70 years later on September 23, 2017, on the completion of their generation, he started to look for fruit on the fig tree. 3 years later, still no fruit. Israel as a nation was still in unbelief regarding the Messiah. Go back to my previous post to watch a video on how the rabbis in Israel, even to this day, are still opposing the Messiah God provided for them 2000 years ago.

So where are we at now? In September 2020, just before the US election, President Trump brokered a deal between Israel and some Arab countries in the Arabian Gulf, called the Abraham Accords, a name that reflects the common ancestry shared by Israelis with the Arabs, which goes back to their forefather Abraham, who was the father of Isaac, but also the father of Ishmael, from whom the Arab nations were descended. This deal turns out to be very financially beneficial both for Israel and the Arab nations, as it allows business to be done in the region, between the extremely wealthy Arab oil states, and the state of Israel, a country which has a lot of technological innovation which Saudi Arabia, among others, can invest in. Saudi Arabia is believed to be the nation that was being hinted at in an article published in the NY Post on September 23, 2020:

What this amounts to, is that in the last year, Israel has been given a financial reprieve, so that Israel, unlike many nations locked down during the pandemic, actually has a viable economy, backed by investments in high tech companies, largely from the money that Saudi Arabia has invested. This is kind of a fulfillment of Luke 13:8, where Jesus speaks about the 4th year during which the fig tree (which represents Israel) will be fertilized in an attempt to allow it to finally bear fruit, but if this last ditch effort fails, the tree will be cut down.

Luke 13:6-9

The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree

6 He also spoke this parable: “A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none.

7 Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?’

8 But he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it.

9 And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.’

My thinking, is that like people all over the world, Israelis have been in lockdown over the last year, and this has given them time to search the internet, to think about who they are, and where they are going, and in many cases, the knowledge of the Messiah has been presented to them, by ministries such as One For Israel, and Messiah Of Israel, both of which are ministries in Israel which are Israelis reaching out to Israelis with the message of their Messiah Yeshua.

I have linked below to YT videos by these 2 Messianic ministries which I am aware of:

And yet, as a whole the nation of Israel has not accepted their Messiah, in spite of the faithful work of local witnesses, and the generous support by the Christian nation of the USA for this Jewish nation, starting with US president Harry Truman who put the weight of America behind the initial attempt to found the state of Israel in 1947, and ending with the Abraham Accord put in place by US president Donald Trump in 2020.

So where are we at now? Could it be that the nation of Israel will be cut off, exactly 70 + 4 years after its foundation on September 23, 1947, and exactly 4 years after the Revelation 12 sign of September 23, 2017? Will this also be the day of the rapture? We can only watch and wait for another 18 days, and see what happens, if anything...