When I Was A Kid... I was an outlaw! #iwasakid fun challenge • no. 003
I was a wild, untamed, outlaw when I was a kid

I was raised by two hard-working parents and thankfully they were not all work & no play. Needless to say, that made me the way I am today!
When I was a kid, however, I was a handful! Not that I was a 'bad kid' by any means, but I was most certainly a rule-breaker. Mischief was my hobby as a kid (especially 6-7 years old in the photo above) and because of that I was always "WANTED" for something I had done!
Whether it was trying to style my younger brother's hair by holding his head in the toilet and flushing it to get that perfect 'swirled' look or going to the grocery store with Mom, loading my pockets with peanuts from the bulk aisle, then hiding in the bathroom eating them while trying to flush peanuts shells. You know it is bad when you recall a childhood bathroom and immediately several things you had done to get in trouble in there..LOL
The photo is a perfect way to describe nearly my entire childhood. I was always doing things that no one had mentioned not to do (yet). Even from a young age, I was pushing the boundaries at home, at school, and department stores...
My mother would take I and my brother out shopping and we would get her blood boiling! We would hide in the racks of clothes and have everyone looking at my mother as she would try to whisper-scream at us to come out immediately. I don't know if you have heard a mother's whisper-scream voice, but that is an "uh-oh" moment when you're a kid.
We knew we would be in trouble when she found us, so we would drag that out far longer than we should have. We would get 'removed' from the clothing racks that we hid in, by our ears, then escorted to the car. That's where the long-arm-of-the-law would come down! We would get 'sentenced' to punishments (chores) and we would beg for mercy!

But... I was an OUTLAW. Never to be tamed! It did not stop there, but maybe I should stop here...LOL
There are plenty more I could go on about - which could honestly be "all the ways I got into trouble series" and end up an entire book series! I was creative then but did not channel that energy 'wisely' all of the time. One thing I can say if you haven't seen it already is that my 'mini-me' (my son) is following in his father's footsteps...

Want to Enter? It's Simple!
• The post can be a photo from your childhood or something that reminds you of your childhood - music, food, clothing, toys, places, or anything like that! Feel free to get as creative as you like!
• Be sure to use #iwasakid as 1 of your 5 tags in your post - this will help others view your posts related to the challenge!
• Copy & Paste these simple rules so others can easily participate
• Engage & Interact - the challenge is meant to bridge communication gaps and offer topics of discussion - even if you do not wish to make a post yourself, feel free to check out the #iwasakid tag and comment on your favorites. Friends are usually people we can relate to - you might just find a new friend!

Have Fun With This! Also check out the #uglyduckling challenge thanks to @livinguktaiwan
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This is awesome I literally told @josefinemk a week ago about doing something like this! Wicked :)
Right, this contest is super cool! You should join, Dom! :-)
I've been running this all month and we started out with some force, but has since tapered significantly. Haven't had the time to amp it up, but will be doing just that this week. You can see my previous posts about the IWASAKID FEATURE where I curate the posts in the tag and promote the post to get more views/earnings - then once they payout, I send dividend payments to everyone for doing it
Crazy, many must've missed that! Haha, gave out 3 SBD last week and spent about $60USD boosting posts in the tag. More crazy shenanigans to come, believe me! 😆
Jump in! I got your back!
Well better late then never I suppose! I will definitely be jumping in right away! Sounds like you got it figured out and I found one of my new favourite contests to join!
Cant wait!
Here was the feature:
Mobile won't allow me to load that far back to get the original. Will update with that when I can get to my desk.
We have all been a kid and there's so many things that remind us of that. I look forward to seeing at least 12 posts this week so I can continue the feature post! This has introduced me to so many new people and I feel like I know them a little better after reading these #iwasakid posts. It has opened so many connections with others and I hope that the community takes this and runs with it!
It is not "my challenge" it is ours. I offered this to the community to bring people together. We all compartmentalized ourselves so much and it's is nice to just relate to each other on the basic human levels. We were all a kid once. That is something we can all relate to, regardless of belief, culture, geographic location. 😉
I plan on doing one #iwasakid post a week + the feature if we get at least 12 posts to feature.
Couldn’t be agree more I love some good nostalgia to bring us back to when we were younger.
You’ll see me in there soon enough!
Great memories! My cousin had to be on a leash when he went to the store. He was a runner! lol I am very aware of the "stink eye" Mother never had to say a word, there was something in her eyes that put the fear of god into ya. lol
Haha indeed! I know that look well, myself. Very true! And the leash = laughs! That made me laugh so hard because I recalled the one or two instances where I've seen that! Talk about a moment where you have to take a second look to be sure your eyes did not decieve. 😂 We got a runner!
i always thought it looked kinda cruel, but what is worse, tying him up or not catch him before he runs in front of the bus! lol
Leash beats the alternatives in many scenarios! People like my brother and I are likely the reason the leash was invented 😆
Sorry for that to all kids of today
lol If it wasn't you someone else would of stepped to the plate. :) Have a good evening :) I am over and out of here today. It's beer thirty!!
Love it...its funny to look at my children's personalities...the oldest was a good listener and took my stern looks and warnings seriously...his brother was just the opposite...would never and I mean never give in...I remember one time we removed every thing from his bed room that would have kept him amused...tv...games...whatever...only left his bed and dresser drawer...waited days...he wouldn't budge...we realized every child was different...decided to move on...
Funny you mention that @bobreedo.. My brother and I are polar opposites as well. I was one to 'budge' when my 'fun stuff' was at stake, but not my brother. My father would send him to his room and he would sit in there for hours, with nothing. My father would say 'you can come out' and he'd stay in there to prove his point. He did not mind at all. I was the one that went stir crazy after 15 minutes, which felt then to be measured in hours. Indeed, children have very differing personalities and it sure makes it hard to discipline - no one size fits all... I'm learning now with my two little ones who are vastly different as well.
The 'tats and 'stache on that baby are epic, and I like how he rolls! I, too, tortured my mother with the department store clothing racks, but she never bothered with the "whisper" part. That woman has some serious sack to be screaming at full voice in the store!
Even moms know it..Nobody corrects a mother in public...hahaha nobody!
I have seen some full-out butt-whippings in public back in the day and even caught a few myself. Your Mom sounds like the fearless type and I like that! 😂👍