Jamrul (জামরুল)
Jamrul (জামরুল)
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Jamurul 's logical name : Syzygium samarangense , English name: Champoo (from Thai dialect), wax apple , adore apple ,java apple , regal apple , bellfruit , Jamaican apple , water apple , mountain apple , cloud apple , wax jambu , rose apple , Andbell organic product . It incorporates natural product trees of Syzygium in Myrtaceae family
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There is a light green sweet organic product. Red hued jamrul is likewise accessible. This organic product is called amruja and dhakaaya. It is known as white chamber or hover in a few zones of the nation. For the most part the seeds are from the seed, yet in the event that the beat is cut into the water, the roots develop.
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It is developed in nations like Bangladesh , India , Indonesia , Philippines , Samoa, Sri Lanka , Thailand and so on. Jamrul is developed in tropical regions. .