Japan: An Epitome of Independence

in #japan7 years ago

We all know that Japan is a very beautiful country, from cherry blossoms, to anything kawaii. But what I really like about Japan is the people living there. I haven't travelled there yet, but I would really love to go there and experience interacting with them first hand. People I know who went there always have a good feedback about Japan's culture. I came across this video and I just wanna share it with you all. It made me love Japan more again. It portrays another trait that I want to empower here in my country, the Philippines, to my nieces and nephews.

You see, nowadays, most kids are becoming brats. Maybe it's because of the environment, but also, I think, parents have their own share of the blame. I think, parents should be the one to encourage or enforce their kids to be independent, and/or respectful of other people. I also think that parents really have a great impact on the child's perception of the world and how such child would deal with life.

Here's the video and hope you would love it:

What do you think about this? Leave a comment below! Thanks and have a great day!


It's nice to see kids this independent already at a young age, but I think in our country's case, we should first lower the crime rate and pollution, before we can let out little ones venture into the real world, the world where adults dominate.

Yes, I totally agree sir. What really hurt me the most is that we want to let out the kids on their own, but we don't trust the environment. I really hope the Philippines would be a better country in the future. Thanks for visiting my post sir! :)