Horyuji in Nara (奈良の法隆寺:世界遺産)
Nara has three Wolrld Heritage sites. One is Nara-Park area,
8 spots already explained in presious posts. Second is Horyuji
in Ikaruga near Asuka village. Third one is Yoshino one of the
best place in Japan to enjoy cherry blossom, which will be the
subject in the following post.
奈良には世界遺産が三か所あります。 既に詳細をご紹介の、市の中心部
Horyuji built in 607 is very much attached to ShotokuTaishi
(Prince Shotoku) and school name of the temple is Shotoku.
As written before, Prince Shotoku is a sort of "Idol" in Japanese
history, especially in relation to Buddhism or Shinto-Buddism
for mental basis of Japanese, and his figure was even employed
as the first design of 10000 yen bill.
After TeibiWar in 587, between Soga and Mononobe clans, he built
Shitennouji in Naniwa, issued Imperial Edict to promote Buddhism,
built IkarugaKyu (origin of Horyuji), made rules of 12 colors of
caps of ranks, Japan's first written code of laws of 17 articles
(Constitution), and so forth for peace of the society assisting
Imperial Suiko. He is said to have commuted from Asuka to Ikaruga
until 605 and moved and set up his office at Horyuji from 607.
He also gave lectures and authored writings relating to Buddism
including SankyoGisyo (Commentary on Sutra of Hokke, Shoman and
Yuima) which is National Treasure, to try to enlighten public at
that time.
創建とされます。 587年丁未の乱(蘇我‐物部氏)で崇仏派が勝利、
政務は飛鳥から毎日通って行っていたと伝えられる。 605年からは
Horyuji is consist of Sai-in(west) including Kin-do and Five-storied
Pagoda both National Treasures and To-in(east) mainly octagon shaped
"Yumedono" . Most of edifices of Horyuji were built in Asuka~Nara
period and oldest wooden construction in the world which are designated
National Treasures. On top of constructions, Horyuji keeps many old
Buddhist images and Buddhism crafts of National Treasures.
As in attached ground map, in addition to Yumedono, east site has
Chuguji ShotokuTaishi built to worship the Bodhi of his mother, while
between east and west site, there is DaiHoZoDen (Treasure Warehouse),
which built in 1941 to exhibit temple's treasures, but the role was
transferred to DaiHoZoIn, including Kudara-Kannnon hall, East treasure
warehouse and West treasure waresouse, when they were completed in
- DaiHoZoDen is used for the annual exhibition in spring and fall
of temple's treasures usally not opened. Three temples, namely Horyuji,
a bit north of Horyuji, Horinji and Hokkiji is called "Ikaruga Three
登録されている。 伽藍以外にも、飛鳥・奈良時代の仏像、仏教工芸品等
多数の文化財を有する。 概略の地図は下記の通りで、東院北側には中宮寺
があり、中間には大宝蔵殿があります。 大宝蔵殿は1941年寺宝公開の為
拝観出来ない宝物の展示を行っています。 中宮寺は聖徳太子の母の菩提を
After ShotokuTaishi had passed away, his son YamaShiroNoOooeNoOu was
forced to kill himself by Soga-Iruka, who built Horinji to worship his
father ShotokuTaishi and also Hokkiji which had been the villa of Shotoku-
Taishi. Hokkiji is the National Treasure and its three storied pagoda
is the oldest one in Japan.
Horyuji keeps many Ntional Treasure rank treasures apart from the
constructions, as KudaraKannonZou used as a japanese stamp, KannonBosatu
Zou in Yumedono which is said to be the life-size of ShotokuTWaishi,
Miniature Shrine of Beetle Design and so forth.
Horyuji groud is wide and 17 National Treasures and 35 Cultural Properties
are spread to large site plus many Buddhism images and crafts requiring
many hours to look around.
特に有名です。 大宝蔵院及びタイミングが合えば、大宝蔵殿での秘宝展
It might be wise to think of the following courses for observation in
a short hours;
Mainly Sai-In (west site), Kindo and Five storied Pagoda are both
National Treasure and oldest wooden buildings in the world. Kindo has
Buddha three images, which is considered to be ShotokuTaishi life size
and other many Buddhust images. Pagoda probably provides feeling of
1300 years of history and at first story, in each east, west, north and
west side, there are separate clay figures of "Yuima-Monju"(east),
"Separation of Buddha's ashes"(west), "Maitreya Land"(south) and "Nirvana"
(north) . There seem to include figures of human bodies with animal heads.
巡るコースです。 金堂には聖徳太子の等身像と言われる、国宝釈迦三尊像
を初め、多数の仏像が安置されています。 五重塔は1300年の歴史の重みを
Sai-In but only DaiHoZoInm treasure warehouses, KudaraKannonDo, ToHoDen
(east treasure earehouse) and SaiHoDen (west treasure warehouse).
Those warehouses display National Treasure of Kannon Bosatsu Statue of
"Kudara Kannon", "Yumetagai Kannon" and "Kyuumen Kannon" and also Jizo-
Bosatsu Statue, which is only the National Treasure of JizoBosatsu Statue.
第二のコースは金堂・五重塔の東側に建つ大宝蔵院です。 百済観音堂、
Unique hexagon Yumedono of To-In (east site) course, which exhibits "Guze
Kannon" which is said to be life-size of Shotokutaishi and the representative
symbol of Horyuji. Yumedono was built at the dwelling site of ShotokuTaishi
and family, as the memorial construction of the Price. Chuguji was built
by ShotokuTaishi at different site, which transferred to present site in
late 16th century when the nunnery became "Monzeki" the head nun is from Royal
family. Chuguji also has National Treasure of Bosatsu Hankazou, which is
the image of sitting Bodhisattava in meditation and which is similar to the
famous one at KoRyuJi in Kyoto said to be granted by ShotokuTaishi.
です。 八角円堂の夢殿には、太子等身とされる救世観音像は法隆寺の
代表・象徴とも言えるかと思います。 時期が合えば、春秋に大宝蔵殿
での公開も見ものです。 時間があれば、東院の北側にある中宮寺にも
される、国宝の木造菩薩半跏像もあります。 また、前述の法起寺の
Finally I would add another group of Horyuji treasures in Tokyo, which were
originally conceded to Emperor at the time of "HaibutuKisyaku" (Anti and aboish
Buddhism movement in Meiji Period) to avoid impair and damage to them. At that
tme Emperor granted money to Horyuji to cover the cost of repairing many buildings
and treasures which helped to enable to keep the present conditions of them.
二王子像や法華義疏を含む320件近い宝物が保存されている。 これらは