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RE: Light Magic {-} Cracks in the Walls of the Watchtower {-} Chapter 2 {-} Part 7

Answer- 49?

I'm in a bit of rut with JW right now. I didn't realize they were so strict! So I believe in God from the bible and enjoy learning about bible so I started doing bible studies and go to meeting sometimes. Its difficult for me because I'm also on a compeltly different spiritual path with energy from crystals and things forbidden by them. Well now I'm learning about the zero holidays. Christams, mothers day, No blood transfusions? I'm only alive today to type this because a blood transfusion saved my life. No crosses? I have a cross tattooed on my arm. Disowning as friend if you stop studying? Wtf. No friends outside of JW? Wtf! God is strict but holy hell. I might go back to having a relationship with god on my own. I just wanted to learn about the bible not join a cult.


Your answer to the pop-quiz is correct!

@magicalmoonlight The social, psychological, and economic consequences of becoming a member of Jehovah's Witnesses are severe - even just to associate with the group can wear you down eventually. You will not learn the Bible from them - you will think you are but, instead, you are studying their false doctrines. I am not a christian; I'm not interested in the bible - I don't follow any of the Abrahamic religions, so I do not recommend any particular religion to anyone. Personally, I am a deist. Be careful who you associate with: Somewhere in the New Testament it says: "Bad associations spoil useful habits" or something to that effect.

Thank you for commenting, and I hope you will continue to follow me on this journey of learning about the Watchtower organization. Have you been reading my book from the beginning?

I have read a few of these but not from the beginning. I will be going back over them all though. Everything you say is true, I mean I guess they do have a good chance of making it to this paradise by following their strict rules but...that just isn't for me. Sadly I didn't know all of this before hand. I've invited the one I study with to my daughters birthday, talked about my sister in the military and last Halloween sent pics of my daughter in her costume - she probably thinks I'm a lost cause anyway lol

I believe you have approached your studies with a healthy dose of open-minded skepticism. Jehovah's Witnesses are, for the most part, very kind and well-meaning people. Like attracts like, as they say - and that's probably why you and your study conductor are friends. This person is most likely genuine and goodhearted like you are. Let's imagine you went all the way and got baptized. To remain in good standing, it would mean no more celebrating your daughter's birthdays, or celebrating Christmas, or taking her out on Halloween. You would have to go to several meetings a week where you would be expected to participate actively in the program of indoctrination; and, you would be required to go from door-to-door. You would be expected to raise your daughter by the same principles; eventually, you would be expected to forbid her from going to her friends' birthday parties, or give up associating with children who are not JWs. Similarly, you would be expected to have limited association with family members, especially your sister, and to associate with them with one goal in mind, that is, to convert them. Your family may choose to distance themselves from you. Your "new family", Jehovah's Witnesses, will replace your "old family"; you will call one another brothers and sisters. If you choose not to do any and all of the above after getting baptized, you will be viewed as "weak", you will be shamed; your "brothers and sisters" will slowly begin to frown upon you and distance themselves from you; and you will feel torn. You will be in constant dread of displeasing Jehovah and losing your place in paradise. It will affect all your relationships and consume all your thinking and all your time. If your daughter chooses not to take the same religious path, she may grow up to resent you and your relationship with her will be horrible. Your bible study conductor/friend probably doesn't currently think you are a lost cause, just someone she hopes to convert. I hope you walk away before it becomes too difficult to do so. :-)

I have been studying for decades on my own with better understanding than the shallow teachings that you will find in any study groupe . All the rule that you are told to obey are man made under the disguise of God . Be careful of religions

As soon as someone tell you that something is wrong because god said so . run
How did crystals get here . if you pray to them well that's something different :)

Yes unfortuanly it is mostly man made. I went to a Church of God previously but everyone seemed fake. JW felt really nice until I learned these crazy rules. I'm just going back to doing this on my own, religions are full of what man believes. I do not pray to crystals, lol. I was just stating that I automatically didn't fit in with JW.

LOL . I knew what you meant
I do enjoy the conversation I have with JW . and any other religion doctrine . They dumbed it down so much it lost the truth . and if you bring up the truth in the right way it causes them to rethink .

@wolfhart You and I and @magicalmoonlight are very lucky we weren't born 300 or 400 years ago. The three of us might have been burned at the stake for our views, lol!

They would have hunted me down like a dog . I in this day and age say things that upset the so called holy rollers . and all i do is ask them to explain what they just stated . All they know how to do is receipt a line and can't back it up especially when taken out of content .

Context is a challenge for every brand of religious fundamentalist. I don't have the patience to listen to them anymore, lol!