My Supernatural Experience! My research into UFOs part 2

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago

Hello Steemians, this is my second part of the Supernatural experience writing contest, what was made by @jerrybanfield. And if you missed part 1 then you can find it here.

So in the last part i ended up the last story after the first encounter on new year's eve 2013/2014, and in this post il start with the first week of 2014, after the sighting. And will explain more about what happened after that, and how i started research into those lights. And for the record, or how cliche it could be but everything what i post here is the truth. There is no lie in it, no big talk or no fantasy or what i believe i saw. No il just explain what happened and what i experience ok!


Chapter 5 Paranoia!

In the last part i ended with seeing that object flying pass my window, and the night did not end there. Because the event kept going til 2.30 in the morning, and maybe it when further, i don't know because then i just gave up looking. I when inside, i thought i saw enough, and i had to think about what we just saw that night.

It latterly changed our world in a blink of a eye, because i could not go around it, we saw it to close!! And im glad that my woman stood next to me on the moment that object appeared. That was impossible to explain, she would never believe me. But that did not happened, she saw it to. In fact we stood side by side when that object came by and there for we could not deny that we saw something.

And believe it or believe it not, but that encounter gave us a energy boost of adrenaline, because we saw something what should not exist, or exist only in fairy tales, until we saw it with our own eyes. That was truly a WTF moment. And then i thought i have to forget everything i learned about our history and knowledge of life, because that was real and it looked like magic and it fly right here in above our houses. And at first i was like WOW a UFO, that's great and nice and all stories are true and blablabla, but real soon after that i thought.... Why would a UFO come that close near my home???

And i live in a wall to wall street house, and that object fly directly above my neighbor house, who don't have a attic roof. This means the object was on some point not even 3 meters from our window away, that's how close it was, and we saw it for 15 seconds props. That sighting was a eye opener but it also made me worried, and the changed into paranoia.

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Yes, because i was beyond the point of... is that a UFO or a airplane... no i knew it was a UFO, i saw it to close. I saw surface, the colors and the weird movement in that energy. But the sighting was to short to get a better view of what i was looking at. Just imagine you are standing in a open window, and then out of the blue a ball of light fly come straight towards your window, and is slowing down and just past the window? And that all within 15 second time.

Trust me, on that moment you have no idea were to look, because every detail you see is something weird, what will force you to look longer, that happened to me. I was looking and thought.... what is that and tried to recognize what i see, but i can't, and the longer i kept looking,the weirder the object became, until i saw it very good and then my stomach turned around, like i became sick for a split second. And then my consciousness realize what i just saw, it was a UFO?

Now keep this in mind that i don't drink, i don't use drugs and i don't have any other mental problems, im only describing what i saw, how weird it might seems but it's the true. And that truth made me angry, because i worried about my family. I was not waiting for ET next to my bed, or that they harass my 2 children or my woman. Every thought came in my mind, and there for i searched the skies every night. The whole time i looked outside with the hope i could see something, and every night in the first week of January 2014, i would stay awake. I could not sleep, i thought i don't know what that light was, but it will not surprise me in my sleep, there for i stay awake.

This might look weird, but you did not saw what i saw. And if that light fly that close near your home, then you will be paranoid to. Because that light came not from our reality, you wound see that at the mall or in the club, you wound even see that in the movies. There is no UFO in the movies what looked like that, and the only UFO from the movies, what comes near that is from the movie, Close encounters of the first kind.


But it did not look like this either, because the UFO of Steven Spielberg close encounters, got light sources in different colors, and the real deal have no light different light sources, like the UFO on the picture. The real deal is a solid energy form in different colors and the light come from every direction, not like on this picture.

The funny part is that close encounters is a old movie, and you would have thought that the new technology would create better UFOs in the movies, and that is not the point. The UFOs in the movies are solid objects like our airplanes, with special abilities. But the real deal doesn't look like that at all, because the technology what i saw with my own eyes, looked like magic. This screen shot shows a better view of the variety of colors, what i saw in that object. It's a picture from another object, but it shows the same structure.


This men i had to get some answers, i needed to know if they are friend or foe, if they are real was answered, now it was time to figure out if the situation was dangerous or not. And i did not know with who to talk about this subject, because everyone around me is totally not into UFOs, but what i know was that my women and my children saw them to. That made the UFO story our home secret, we couldn't tell a soul.

And i did not want to tell anyone, im not crazy to talk openly about it. I saw how the masses treat people who come with extraordinary claims, they are ridiculed or attacked. Like here in the Netherlands are people non believers and most of the majority think that UFOs is just nonsense, many just laugh about and my daughter was just 11 back then, and they would attack her and there for i had chosen to keep everything secret, until i figure out more.......

Chapter 6 The Hunt begins

That started with when i was walking with my dog, it was just getting dark and walked from my home towards the nearby farmland. Yes i live on the edge of a city, near farmland, a small forest and a lake for swimming. And farmland is only 300 meters from my front door. Then on one evening i walked near farmland and then i saw a orange light in a distance, it was directly above a farm field, and very low to te ground, i think maybe 10 meters. I could clearly see the trees in the back, and that's how i saw that it was very low.

Then i grabbed my camera and i tried to film it, but then it turned of the bright orange light and slowly fly away. So the next day i came back with the dog, and with the hope that i would see something again. Then to my surprise i saw it again, in the same area, but this time i started to run towards it, and then again it dimmed the lights and fly away. I thought WTF???

So i got back home and sit down and thought about it, and then i realize that the area might have something. And i need answers, even if i have to go to hell and talk with the devil!! I would do that for my family. Their for i thought, if they are dangerous then let them get me, instead of my family. Then i thought why wait for them, i could might as well face them in that area, because they seem to hang around there.

And i would not stop until i know that they are dangerous or not, and the only thing what kept me going was the anger towards them. The thought that they wanted to touch my family over powered the feeling of fair, and there for i when back to that area alone in the dark, but i felt like Chuck Norris who was ready to face anything out there, i did not care. The only thing in my mind was to protect my family.

Then one one evening i drove towards that area, and then i was on a point to drive pass a small dead end road, what would lead to the right. And i looked into that right, but then to my surprise i saw two lights on both side of that dead end road. It was a dead end road for cars, but not for walkers or bikers. But i saw a green light on the ground on one side of the road, and on the opposite was a orange light, but not on ground level, maybe 2 meters above the ground.

So i turned the car and drive towards those lights, and when i got closer was the green light gone, or turned of or what ever. It was gone, and the orange light was slowly moving to the back. Then i stopped the car on that point where i saw the green light, it was between the bushes, or that's what it looked like. And of course i had to double look and got out of the car. That was really a stupid first class horror movie b mistake, to get out of the car on a position where i just saw a unknown green light. But i thought fuck it, i need to know!! So i got out and looked into the trees and bushes and saw nothing, and then i looked towards the orange light, but it was to far away and it just hang there like a rock in the sky. Trust me, that's really weird to see, it's unnatural and on the same time it really made me curious......


Then i got into my car again, and there was no way i could turn my car on the position i was, i had to drive forward and turn on the end, but on the moment i drive further, when that orange light further to the back. Like it wanted to stay in a distance from me. Then i turned the car and drive back and saw in my car mirror that the orange light also fly back. Then i stopped again on the position were that green light was, and then i got out, point the 5x zoom noob camera towards the orange light, facing the back of my car, but my camera was not good enough to film it properly.

But then out of the blue another object came from my left, and fly towards me with a bright light. It was flying low above farm land and flying towards me, and out of reaction i turned the camera towards it and said.... WTF??????? And then that bright light got dimmed and that object slowly fly up and the other orange light what was behind the car, also dimmed his light and fly up. When they dim the lights, then they fly further with a pulsating light, one is red and other is in different color. But with the naked eye it looks like a airplane, and you need a camera or binoculars to see the difference.

So then i stood there looking at different objects flying above me, one flying in a straight line and others fly slowly towards another direction, and then i realized that these things are not dangerous, i did not know what they are but if they were dangerous then i had been a easy target. They were just the new guys on the block, that's how i saw it. What made me even more curious because now i wanted to know with what im dealing with here. But i can tell you this, if you stand there alone in the dark looking at unknown lights, then all kind of things goes threw your mind. Like abductions or any other weird actions, but the only way to figure out what they are, i to stand ground and to ignore all those thoughts, and that was difficult. Then after this encounter was the anger towards them gone and my focus was now on that area, because it looks like they had some interest in the forest, farmland and real soon i found out also the lake.

Chapter 7 The Lake

It was Saturday evening and me and my woman and two kids were driving back from a family party, but i had the feeling to take a look at the lake near my home. Because it was still early and i thought lets have a look and see what is out there. Then i drove towards the lake and parked the car on the parking spot. Then on that moment i spotted a bright light in front of a small island on that lake, and it was really bright and was for one meter above the surface. It looks like this what you see here on the picture.


This light did not move or anything, it was their like a rock in the sky. Then we thought it must be from a boot and then realize a boot could not come there, because there is no entrance to that lake from a river. But we had no clue what that light was, we just stood their clueless looking at that light. And the only thing i could think of is making pictures and a short video.

You know we never told our kids fairy tales or lies about magic stories or weird stories about UFOs, and there for are our kids totally not afraid for that. They are like , ahh what ever and move on with playing. But me and my woman stood their watching that light, because we know something weird is going on lately. Suddenly we see lights everywhere??? And with the naked eye that light look like a star, just a bright star in a distance, and that's not weird unless you see it one meter above the surface of a lake, that made it weird. So we had no clue what it could be and UFO was the last thing on our mind, because UFOs are flying right? What would you think if you see a car size light one meter above the lake, hover like a rock? You think it would be a UFO? No i don't think so, and that's what we thought either, we had no clue what it was and their for i filmed it real fast, with 2 different noob cameras, what you can see below here in the video. Only later i would found out what i saw.

Because after this incident i when every night alone driving in that area, just to see if i can see more lights and then i drove further towards farmland, and parked the car in the middle of farmland. And then i saw the same light what i saw on that lake, hanging around between the tree line. It was on a distance, but i could see it clearly. It hangs there for a while and then lights got dimmed. A day later i when back and saw the same light in a distance moving above farmland. So this time i saw it move real slow to the right, then turn and back to the left and then when on and on and on. This was maybe 400 meters away from me, and then i drove into that area and saw nothing, the light was gone. And only then i realized that the light what i saw on the lake, is the same light what i see in the trees and is also the same light what was moving above farmland. It was a car size bright light moving intelligent way.

And i know, i understand that it might be difficult to imagine that. Then you might have a small idea of what i was feeling when i was looking at it. It brought me into a new reality with weird lights in the area. Lol i never thought that i would stand in the night on farmland to search for UFOs, but there i was, sober and sharp as a knife searching for UFOs..

The next surprises

You must understand that in those moments i did not know anything yet, everything was still WoW WTF is that mentality?? And i only knew about the new year's eve sighting, and about the orange lights i saw on farmland and about car size objects what appear above the lake, and in the tree line and moving above farmland. That was the only thing i saw and knew for sure, but i became more aware that i must look beyond my own perception.

Like on one evening when i was at home. Me and my woman were watching a movie, then out of reaction i opened the window and looked outside. I stuck my head out of the window and turned to the right, to look above farmland. Then i saw a star on what looked like on high altitude. It was bright and did not move and was to me just a star, and then i saw nothing else and when back inside. Then 20 minutes later i looked again and saw the same star on the same place, and that was a little weird, because the earth is turning and their for must a star be on a different place. But i thought fuck it and was about to go inside again, and then suddenly i saw that the star was moving. It slowly fly up, and then i realize it was not a star, there was a craft hanging there for minimal 20 minutes and it looked like a star.

Anyone can overlook them, because they look like Venus, but smaller and it did not move. So why i think that the light is a UFO, because that could never be a airplane or helicopter, because it did not move , it was like a rock in the sky, and there for i thought it must be a star, until it moved! Then on some point the object dimmed the bright light and when further with a pulsating light, then when it reached the clouds, i saw another object near it, like it was waiting for it and then both got out of sight. Since that moment i realized that i need to look twice to weird looking stars, because they could be objects, what pretend to be a star. That made me think that the reason people don't see them, is that they are hiding right in front of our eyes, by using the light to pretend to be a star, that alone proved to me to some kind of high intelligence.

Days later i was driving with my woman towards that area, and we had to drive pass the lake first, before we could reach farmland. Then on one point near that lake, i said to my woman, i kinda love this place, because you never know what we will experience here. Here in the Netherlands is the car wheel on the left side, and my woman sit on the passenger seat. And on the moment i said those words to my woman, was i looking into her eyes, and on the last word i turned my head looking forwards again. But then i notice a light on my left right on that moment!!!! Then to my surprise i saw a star very low above the soccer field on my left. It was very low because we could see the trees and the houses behind it. It was very low above the field, then i stopped the car and then the light came in movement, flying towards us.

Then my woman got out of the car to, and then we both stood there watching how that light slowly fly toward our direction. It was one huge bright light, and then 2 other lights on his side appeared. And the lights' formation made some kind of triangle formation, with one huge pulsating red light in the middle. So the more it got closer to us, the more it rises to fly higher up, and then we saw it fly above us, just above the tree line. It was a Boeing size triangle object. The situation looked like this.


When i saw that i realized that it was the same object i saw on the evening of new year's eve, when i stood outside waiting for my family, and then i tried to analyze the situation i was in. It all started with seeing orange lights in the sky, then we had a massive encounter on new year's eve, then we saw car size white light objects, then i started to see star looking objects, what appeared to be crafts and then i started to see huge triangle shape crafts.

But i could not believe that nobody knew anything about all this, because they fly in night sky, there must be someone who knew anything or saw them to. That's what i thought at least, and there for i when to seek on the internet for answers. And then i found what i was looking for.... The Belgium UFO waves of the 80s.

In the 80s was a time that a huge wave of triangle shape objects and orange objects could be seen. It made the citizens afraid and everyone could see them. Even the police had chase them and even the air force when public with this story. Here is a short documentary about the Belgium waves.

Then i realized everything that i saw have already going on for years, but i never knew about it until i saw it myself, with my own eyes. And i live not far from the Belgium border in the Netherlands, and everything what they explained from the Belgium waves is what i saw right here in the sky. It was the same phenomena and those waves never stopped.

It's just that the reports never made it to the media, and that could be because of a cover up or people stopped reporting them. But to me this all was still kind of X-files type of shit, i was not ready for all this haha. I was to sober, i was to ....WTF is that mentality.....

Because im a skeptic, that means i refuse to believe this or that and i questioned everything i saw. That means if i see a weird light in the sky, then i would not say that's a airplane, i would rather say... WTF is that and then keep looking. Or i would go into the forest in the middle of the night and then look around, and that was horror in some way, but i did not care about anything.

I knew the Dutch forest don't have wild animals and i honestly thought that, if there was something unknown, then it got to be intelligent, and if it's intelligent then it can communicate. So if my fear is the only one what keep me from going outside into the night, then i was forced to ignore my fears, to search for the lights..... And that's what i did on every evening i could go. And my woman was alright with all this, because she saw them to. She thought, let him search for UFOs, that's even better than going to the bar or with friends!!

The reports

Making a report is one of the thoughts i had in mind, but it was difficult to figure out with who i could talk to. I mean i could not go to the police or to the media, then everyone would know who i am. And here in the Netherlands they can remove your kids very easy, if they the government think the parents are crazy. Talking about UFOs is considered to be crazy, nobody believes in those stories.

I saw many people who came out with a story, get attacked by people on the internet or ridiculed on work. Like a a professor in sky in rocket science Coen vermeeren, who worked on the university of Delft and got fired after he openly came out with the opinion, that UFOs are real and that got him fired.

coen vermeeren.JPG

The reason he came to that opinion, was because of his work he talked with many pilots around the world, and the UFO subject came back every time. Almost every person from the military or pilot he talked to, said something about UFOs, that made he realizes that there really might be something going on.

Their for he stayed open minded about this subject, until he did his own research, what brought him to the conclusion that UFOs are real. He even wrote a book and called that book, UFOs are real.


But he paid a huge price for that, because they ridiculed him and attacked him on different ways. It was like some people in the Netherlands don't even want to talk about the UFO subject. They want to enforce others to believe that everything is nonsense, that everything can be explained, and they work in a organized way.

By having a monopoly position as the only UFO report platform, where viewers or witnesses like me could report to. But those platforms are full with debunkers, who instantly dismiss every sighting or ridicule every person. Those people have a free ride in the Netherlands. What will make sure that witnesses like me don't even want to report, or else we will get ridiculed from day 1.

And there is also another reason why i wanted to stay anonymous. I searched the internet for similar sightings and i saw nobody see them that close as what i saw. The only stories who claimed to see them that close, are stories what come in the movies, like Travis Walton. So i knew it was special that we saw them that close, and there for i took the chance to keep this silent, and saw it as a opportunity to figure out what is going on and who they are, and that became one huge mystery what forced me to start personal research into them.

Because i have the right to understand the truth, like we all do, but the only way to do that is by observing our reality with a clear and open mind. And that was what i did when i s tarted to observe them, it was like observing lions and trying to come closer, to figure out with what im dealing with here. It felt like exploring a complete new world, in our world, and i realized that many people live in a dream world, because they really dont know.

Like you the reader here, if you never seen what i explained here, then you don't know. You will only believe the story or dismiss it out of non believe or you might consider accepting that you don't know. But what ever you decide, it will be your path in life. That means you will do what you think is best and that will lead you to a path in your life. That latterly happened with me in this scenario, i had chosen to figure out with what im dealing with here.

Because i did not know what to think of all those lights suddenly out of no where, i became curious and on the same time i acted in life like nothing had happened, nobody knew what was going on. And we kept it like that until we knew more about the new situation near our home, but not long after that i would learn a lot more. Stay tuned!


This is the end of this part of the story, and i had made the decision to make a e book about this story, or else in the loop of time i could forget some phases, and i don't want to forget anything. And there for i thought it would be perfect to write the story down here on Steemit and not for the money, but for something else and further in the story i will explain more about why i want to share the story here.

Because i think you all should know what is going on above our homes, yes our homes yes. That's what i found out further on in my story, and i found out real fast that i should forget everything i learned from the movies, that means all those stories like star wars, or star trek or Transformers or independence day or any other crap Hollywood movie about aliens, it's all nonsense compare to the real deal, believe it or believe it not that's up to you.

But if those lights really wanted to take over our planet, then that is like Lions attacks some ants and guess who would be the Ants? This is just to compare their technology, what is way beyond ours. It's on a level what could be compared with magic, and we can't do shit against that, no matter what people said trust me on this. Iv seen actions what should not be possible and is by far impossible with our technology.

We can't go around our laws of physics, we can't vanish, or fly suddenly into high speed or hover in a storm, or appear like a star or planet in the sky and then hang around like it's really a star and then suddenly take off!! Now im not saying that our military can't do much, but what i saw in their actions with my own two eyes.....gave me the feeling that the story around UFOs is completely different from what we all have learned or saw from movies, documentaries and stories. And the reason why i came up with this conclusion, will be explained in the part of this story! I thank you all for reading!

Just for the record, everything in this story is real from my point of view, im telling the truth and nothing but the truth. How weird it might look like, but it's the truth! I do not overreact and im not telling the story different, everything happened for real. The truth is not everything is exposed in our reality and only if we stay open minded, can we find the truth!

Next chapter will go about the military and the police, dreams and more weird encounters!



interesting... I also had a chance to see an UFO in 2005. It was afternoon, I played basket ball with my friends. At a glance I saw a gray oval object in the blue sky. I did not believe it, so I did not move my eyes a second from the flying object. To make sure it is real, I pointed to the sky and shout to all of my friends "UFOOO". Everyone look at the sky but no one can see. I said there.. there... but they cannot see. And I asked my self "am I the only one who can see it?" after around 2 or 3 minutes seeing the flying object. It dissappear between the big clouds. After that I never saw such thing anymore. So, I don't know whether my story is good to write and join the competition :D

I feel you, the problem with this subject is, that seeing a UFO depends on our interpretation. For that reason see can some people a UFO in something and others think its a airplane or dont see it at all. It will stay like that until they see it that clear, that they cant denied the UFO interpretation. This means, you saw the object in the sky, and you focus on it and there for you saw that it fly intelligent. And there for you told the others, but they are not in that phase yet. They need to search for a object first, and they dont see it in that object what you saw, even if you look at the same thing.

Next time when you see something, point out the movements or actions, and then they UFO interpretation will be revealed or not.

And yes why not, this is steemit right? That means write down what ever you know, experience or want to share. Thanks for your comment and goodluck!

I can not answer what you recorded. in our country, such a thing (looks like that) is called a ghost of fire. usually appears above the swamps and lakes or forest areas. I've seen it once when the kids.

some people believe that the creature is a messenger to deliver black magic (if he is seen entering the house) or play around in yard the house.

Maybe you can search with key "hantu api" in internet.

I certained know that it's not that, what i saw looked like a glimp of heaven. It looked like magic, the most beautiful thing i ever saw in my life, many colors in a weird energy and the lights came from every color, it was a solid energy. Looked really scifi shit, just a impossible technology.....

Thanks for comment, its interesting to see that other cultures call it a hantu api, while it might be what i saw. Maybe others never seen it that close, i saw it within 3 meters range!!

Just for the record, everything in this story is real from my point of view, im telling the truth and nothing but the truth. How weird it might look like, but it's the truth! I do not overreact and im not telling the story different, everything happened for real. The truth is not everything is exposed in our reality and only if we stay open minded, can we find the truth!
Next chapter will go about the military and the police, dreams and more weird encounters!

Like seriously??
How i wish i experienced it too. Nice post sir.

Yes seriously, the story is not finished yet, i just got started.

And you can experience something, you just need to look up on the right moments. Clear skies and right after sun set, look for star looking objects. They mostly appear near farmland, forest and lakes.
And tomorrow il post the rest of the story where i met the police, saw the military and about the dreams and other experiences.

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Very nice post..........

Thank you!

Very very informative post. Please make posts like this concised next time. Thanks.

Thank you!