Mississippi Hoodoo - Breaking My Family Curse - SWC

Mississippi Hoodoo - Breaking My Family Curse - SWC
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This story is very personal and is basically what catapulted me into the world of the paranormal.

When I was a kid, my family would ship my sister and I off to Mississippi for one month every summer. As a child this was an amazing time for me, as I found myself surrounded by my uncles, and cousins; people whom I aspired to be like. In particular, I admired my uncles, 3 out of 4 of whom played football in the NFL in the 70's.

The family property was situated on about 3 acres. Towards the front was the driveway, beyond which were two houses. If you were facing the property from the street, to your left my grandmothers house, which we called the “girls house”, was on the left and to the right was a second 3 bedroom house that well called the “boys house”. The houses were named because our family was so big that all the women would sleep in one house and the men in another.

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I will never forget this incident that happened the summer I was 12 years old. If was about 9:30 on a Saturday night and I had had dinner in the girls house. In fact, everyone was in that house hanging out and talking.

After dinner I decided to leave and head back over to the other house so that I could play Nintendo. I figured I would be the first one on the game so when my older cousins came over, I’d at least have some play time before they grabbed me and threw me out of the room.

I remember walking down the wooden steps that led out the side door and into the thick darkness. I had to walk about 35 yards to get to the back door of the boys house. As I walked, I began to get this feeling; you how it feels when you’re driving in the car and you feel like your being watched only to look over and realize the person in the car next to you is watching you? It was that feeling, but much more intense.

Being 12 years old at the time I was afraid, but my reaction was to just walk faster. That’s when I heard someone whisper my name. I paused for a moment and looked towards the back of the property. From the moment I looked out into the darkness I was frozen. Standing there I saw what looked like two red eyes hovering in the air towards the back of the property.

You see we had a basketball goal about 50 yards away from the houses and next to that goal was this light pole. Just beyond that light was complete darkness, but in that darkness were these two fiery red balls of light. I stood there and watched as what I thought were lights moved closer and into the circle of light. It was not until this dark figure, as tall as the rim on the basket ball goal, moved into the light that I realized this was a 10 foot tall shadow with glowing red eyes.

In that moment I thought to myself “turn and run.” But as my brain told my body to move, I was frozen! Again I heard my name being whispered, but not like a man was talking. No , this voice was muffled almost like someone talking with water in thier mouth. Again I told myself to run, tried to lift my legs and move my arms, but nothing worked.

That's when I heard the door to the girls house open, and these heavy footsteps came down those wooden steps. Within seconds I was hit from behind, picked up, carried into the house, and taken into one of the bedrooms. When I looked up it was my older cousin. The look on his face, was one of sheer terror as he said, he " stay here" and ran out of the room. Next, I remembered hearing an explosion of movement and voices, and within minutes the house was full of my uncles and aunties. They told me that my grandmother was outside, and that I should stay in the house.

My cousin who carried me into the house spent that night with me, sleeping in a chair right next to the bed. When I asked him what that was that I had seen, he just started praying.

Later in life I learned that my grandmother was a hoodoo priestess, and not just a person who dabbled in hoodoo. She was the person who you came to when you needed help or wanted something done. Since that incident, there is so much more to what I have learned about my family and our history with hoodoo, but i will leave you with this.

Recently I visited Ms. Sallie Ann Glassman here in New Orleans to talk about my family history and about what I believed to be the cause of some of my most recent personal issues. During that conversation she advised me to elevate my grandmother’s spirit, as she was very powerful and practiced hoodoo for money.

She also advised that my profession of sharing paranormal stories and being compensated as a result left me open to the Karmic repercussions of my grandmother’s activities. "You need to elevate her for protection, “ she said.

Prior to elevating her I would experience paranormal activity about once a week, but since I took Sallie Ann’s advice, I have had no more paranormal experiences. I'm not professing to knowing anything at all about hoodoo, in fact I'm a Southern Baptist Christian, but I do know my family has been touched deeply by the paranormal.