
Prayers for Israel and Jerusalem. I can give you bigger upvotes and support on Blurt. Please have friends join there so I can help in some way… Canada stands with Israel and the Jewish people living everywhere in the World. God is with you always.

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Thank you so much brother!
Appreciate it, I'll be back on blurt soon as...just still too shocked from what's happened here last days 😓
I will send to friends too thanks so much!
Everyone who is sane should be on Israel's side.
Or convert to Islam

The world does not need more Islam….

Yes, but it doesn't make sense.. I'm also learning about Islam, and I have many Muslim friends from all over the world. If we understand Islam as non-Muslims, there are ways to live with Muslims. Everything is written in the Kuran, we must reach a state of eternal hudna. In any case, I feel the peace with Iran is approaching by giant steps, I am already starting to smell the cooking smells of my friends in Tehran who are all waiting for the day we can meet. I am optimistic. At a very young age I realized that the journey is not easy. And we have to be strong, recognize the truth and remain human. The most important thing is to be human

This is very True. I think the Sufi have a very good mystical understanding of the Quran … what is important … and it is always Loving Kindness above anything else. This is the same in the Torah and the teachings of Jesus (Yeshua ha Notzri) .. Buddhism and Hinduism… the mystics understand the Teachings of Universal Love …

I've always liked talking to you about a variety of topics, you have a wide knowledge in many subject.. It may be that you understand the situation better than most Jewish Israelis who know nothing about religious and such things
Thanks for that keep it clear always 🙏

Well … I am actually Roman Catholic interested in all of the World Religions… especially Buddhism and Hinduism that seem to be more peaceful. As a Catholic / Christian I decided it would be best to learn the language and teaching of Jesus the Nazarene (Yeshua ha Notzri) … and understand Hebrew and Aramaic to read the books he read … the Torah and Tanakh …

Sorry to say such things but the time has come. Gaza is the face of Islam, what you see today in Israel you will soon see all over the world if we don't stop it. European countries like France, England, Germany and more are already in a problem that they don't understand
The goal of Islam is for the whole world to be Muslim. And all ways to achieve the goal are allowed
This war is not on the land as they say
Haybar haybar ya yahud was long long ago before the country of Israel

Yes… after 9/11 I took the time to read the Quran … slowly, from cover to cover …. so that I could understand how humans could possibly do such Evil… It is not just Hamas, it is not just ISIS. People who take the instructions of the Quran literally become Monsters. Similarly if people translate and follow instructions of the Old Testament literally… terrible things happen, … many of these ancient stories in the Bible are metaphors, parables, tropes and even have different meanings in Hebrew. The problem is that Religious extremists take the words of these texts literally and become monsters. They perform the most demonic acts ever seen on the earth. They have no respect for any life, especially their own.

Happy New Year from Canada 🇨🇦

Happy new year friend 🌞🥳 love you and thank you always ❤️

Share your random photography on Blurt and bilpcoin where I can give you much bigger upvotes… (Hive Front end with no downvotes )

Short content accepted / preferred

I am buying up the Bilpcoin (BCP) and Blurt on Hive-Engine to give out bigger upvotes

Thank you, I'm in time I give some more heal to myself, here some complicated days as you know.. I give more attention to life and less online on news and platforms. Not by choice is bit hard for me but I'll be back shortly
I'll keep upvote and support you with the little I can here until I'll free again
Bless you brother much love and greetings ❤️

Yes. These are difficult days where you are. I will say prayers for Peace in your Lands. 🇮🇱. May God (Love) be with you always.

Love is god is always with me and with you.
That's why we are brothers and will always be.
Love will win I hope is very soon after these dark should come big light in our hearts (love) ❤️